The 12th House and the Double Inconjunct. Synastry Studies:

The 12th House and the Double Inconjunct. Synastry Studies:

Dawn Bodrogi September 16, 2009

This is the second part of the series Synastry Studies.  Currently, we are focusing on how to define relationship needs in a natal chart prior to synastry analysis.This is the second  of a two part article on the Descendant and it’s double inconjunct to the second and 12th house.  Both houses point 12th house skyto unfulfilled needs that we often seek to fulfill through partnership.  Please read part one,  The Second House and the Double Inconjunct, before reading this.  Again, thanks to Jeffrey Wolf Green for first pointing out the double inconjunct and its relationship to the Descendant.

This is a long post.  Take a break half-way, make a cup of tea.  Take it in small pieces.  The 12th house can be a dense and murky place, and I feel it’s necessary to clarify its motives and methods before relating it to relationships.

Almost everyone is fascinated by the 12th house.  It has a kind of dark glamour attached to it.  Its Piscean, Neptunian connotations, no doubt, and its notorious reputation as ‘the house of self-undoing.’  So many interpretations of the 12th  house so many different and contradictory meanings, as befitting the house of Pisces.  On the one hand, it is attached to fame and glory, and can point to tremendous talents.  The 12th represents ‘the world’ in a larger sense (as opposed to our immediate society, represented by the 10th) and when we have planets in the 12th they often point to special gifts that we must share with the universe; our 12th house planets can make us icons that allow us to embody certain energies for the public at large. On the other, the 12th house contains the quagmire and quicksand that can be the dark side of inheritance and summing up of the past.  The 12th house represents a kind of pearly gate where we are called to task for our lives—(and our past lives, and inherited tendencies).  It reveals our spiritual and psychological debt to our deepest selves.

The 12th is a house that anticipates our rebirth.  If we get stuck in the 12th house quicksand, if the rebirth doesn’t happen, the 12th house can be full of ghosts that haunt, or even torment us, for a lifetime.  If we can’t get our selves together, if we can’t correct our balances and apply ourselves to our own rebirthing, we end up in the dreaded house of ‘self-undoing’ where we just can’t make it.  (Transits through the 12th are difficult because they clearly point out the things we need to do that we find almost impossible to do.) Sometimes we can’t re-forge our flaws.  Sometimes the weight of our past is so heavy that we can’t carry the burden, and never make it across the threshold.  The 12th is where our karma catches up with us, but it also the place where we carry the shadows of others.  Planets in the 12th can be both a blessing and a curse.  They have a heightened awareness to our inner truth. They can lift us to great heights, but they can also pull us down.  A general theme in the 12th house is loss.

The 12th house is opposite the 6th, the Virgo house.  Ideally, the sixth and the 12th houses should operate in tandem. In the sixth house, we should sort ourselves out.  That’s the house where we try to find some balance, go to rehab, get ourselves healthy, apply our skills, sort out the chaff from the grain and get ourselves together so that we can move on to use our energies to serve the greater good.  The 6th is the last of the ‘personal’ houses.  By then, we should be ready to merge with others and ultimately merge with the cosmos (12th).  We learn to serve in the sixth by using our skills (Virgo is the sign of the craftsman); as we apply ourselves, we test ourselves against the outside world (houses 7 through 12).  If we fail to get our act together on a personal level (6th), we fail the greater test of contributing to the whole. (If we miss the boat or screw up anywhere on our relationship journey from the 7th through the 11th, it ends up in the refuse bin of the 12th.)  The 12th house can seem as though it is always asking us for something more, but in fact it is asking us to let go.  In the sixth, we are asked to let go of what isn’t working for us.  In the twelfth, we are asked to sacrifice what is not useful to others.  This involves letting go of our unnecessary ego-oriented attachments.

The idea of sacrifice is misunderstood.  Sacrifice is not about letting go of what is important or needed.  Sacrifice is about letting go of what is unnecessary to our existence and offering it to the gods.  (If we are asked to give up something that is necessary, then that is not a sacrifice, that is a tragedy, with heavy karma ensuing. Look what happened with  Iphegenia.) A stroppy god will sometimes ask for the ultimate sacrifice, but before you know it, another god will step up and make a swap, saving us for better things to come.  Sometimes we have to change gods, which is another message of the 12th.

But how to we sort out what is necessary from what is not necessary?  What may seem necessary to us from an ego point of view may look ridiculous to the gods, who have other plans for us.  The more we cling to our ego-centered plans, the more they torment us.  Twelfth house gods can be relentless. Often we hold on too tightly to what in our deepest selves we know we must toss overboard. This includes false (ego-centered) wishes, hopes and promises that are no longer serving us.  In the 12th, we are often asked to sacrifice our old dreams and replace them with new ones.

If I make a list of the traditional things associated with the 12th house, we may get a better sense of how it works.  Hospitals, prisons, monasteries. Vocation.  Karma.  What do these things involve?  These are all places/areas where we give up our ego to the call of something greater than ourselves.  Ultimately, we are being asked to realign ourselves with divine intention, with the ultimate wholeness of the cosmos.  The word religion literally means, “to re-tie”. Wherever we give ourselves over to a higher power, the 12th house is involved.

There is a sense of other-worldly power in the 12th house. In the 12th, we can feel the juggernaut of the universe pulling us forward, at times overwhelming us.  In the 12th, we sense what is god-like and numinous, so far above our ordinary lives that the idea of embodying any of that energy is unthinkable. It is in the 12th house that we find what we worship. The 12th house is where our gods reside.

We often feel cut off in the twelfth house, particularly those of us with planets there.  The isolation of the 12th house can be intense.  The 12th house describes where I feel abandoned by the universe itself, torn from any connection that makes life tolerable (what is torn away can be described by the sign on the 12th cusp).  In the 12th, I make my sacrifices. Planets in the 12th often don’t work for us the way they do for others.  Something of that planet is taken away from us, and will only return when experiences allow us to see a greater picture. When we are torn from our gods, we are prevented from seeing our own possibilities.  And so we turn to ‘other’ for fulfillment.  (Ah, finally the synastry, I hear you sigh…)

As explained in the previous synastry post on the 2nd house, the 12th house forms a natural inconjunct from the Descendant.   In the second house, we define our experience of the world.  In the seventh, we meet up with that which we cannot be or have, the other, the desired one. In the 12th, we go beyond ordinary partnership.  This is the house where we look to partnership to be a conduit for the numinous.  This is the house where we seek to find the lost and abandoned part of ourselves through ‘other.’

The sextile between the second and twelfth houses is interesting.  Whereas the 2nd and seventh houses are both Venus houses, the 12th house is Neptune’s realm.  Neptune is the higher octave of Venus.  (Sextiles offer opportunities:  what I ‘have’ in the 2nd house I offer in the 12th).  Neptune attracts in a Venusian sense, but it attracts via a finer vibration. Unlike Venus, Neptune has no ‘come hither’ look.  It’s motives are not that clear and obvious, and its method is mysterious.  It has less to do with material reality (2nd) and basic fulfillment of emptiness (7th)  than it has with vibration.  It brings together that which  is vibrating at the same frequency.  The 12th house attracts through resonance. It will draw what the soul requires.

When we do not see our ultimate connection to the divine, we may search for divinity in partnership. When this happens, we project our god within, our most numinous selves, on to ‘other.’  The sign on the 12th house, and planets there, can indicate what (and who) we worship. If we can’t comprehend our own 12th house alignment with the cosmos, we will project that divinity on to others.   Much of the fame-worship in our culture is, and always has been, connected to our inability to recognize the god in ourselves.  Glamour of all kinds is associated with Neptune and the 12th.

Inconjuncts in general are notoriously difficult to resolve. The inconjunct to the seventh illustrates the difficulty achieving divinity through other.  The 12th house provides a clue to what we need to incorporate into the psyche in order to claim our own 12th house gifts.  In doing so, we heal ourselves.

People who make 12th house contacts with us can seem to have godlike powers.  Often they embody the very thing that we need to find to heal ourselves, that thing that we just can’t grasp. If the relationship does develop, the experience can feel other-worldly, fated, destined.  We are drawn to it, and it to us, by often mysterious and indirect means (Neptune).  This person seems to clarify some previously unknown and unclear part of our psyches.  They can seem crucial to our psychological survival.  They may make us feel complete (for a time).

Depending on the connection, 12th house contacts can also bring forth ‘others’ who arise from the darker parts of our psychological depths.  The relationship may expose weaknesses that we never knew we had, or make very, very clear what we need to do to ‘fix’ ourselves in this area.  We are often so clueless about the 12th that we are surprised by the issues that arise there.  Our self-undoing is not so much about the hand of fate as it is about our habitual selective blindness.  Relationships that touch our 12th house will often cause the scales to fall from our eyes.

Mysterious, strange, unlikely, other-worldly, ‘that couldn’t happen in a million years’ type relationships are also found with heavy 12th house contacts.  Some 12th house relationships would take three Shakespeares a year and a half to come up with a plot dense enough to match the way these two unlikely people are brought together, with all the missed connections and strange synchronicities and bizarre coincidences along the way. It seems as though only a higher power could have arranged the coming together.  This is the thrust towards wholeness of the 12th, the compelling impulse of resonance, of Venus/Neptune’s power of completion.  I never cease to be amazed that the lengths the universe goes to teach us our lessons.  Alas, heavy 12th house contacts are not often lasting ones, unless there is other glue in the chart to hold it together.  Remember, it’s the house of sacrifice.  Once we have learned our lessons, we are meant to let go.

I’ve always been uneasy with the simple explanation that all folks whose planets fall in our 12th house have karmic ties with us.  I’ve seen greater evidence with contacts to the Moon, the Moon’s Nodes, the Vertex, Pluto, and the MC/IC.  But people who have planets who fall in our 12th house almost always have a great deal to teach us about how we can be our greater selves, rather than our lesser.  They may define our path towards our own wholeness.  They may even show us the way towards our own immortality.

Ultimately, the 12th house is about finding and living what our soul requires of us.  This is easier for some than for others.  Projections are notoriously hard to withdraw, and take a great deal of self-awareness and hard work.  The lessons from 12th house relationships can bring us further along on our path to recognizing our own divinity, but they cannot take us there.  When we claim our 12th house gods for ourselves, we may, finally, find heaven on earth.

See The Inner Script, which continues the discussion of finding relationship signatures in and between natal charts.

39 thoughts on “The 12th House and the Double Inconjunct. Synastry Studies:

  1. Hello,Dawn
    I found your post extremely enlightening, since a relationship I had kept me wondering about 12th/2nd inconjuncts to 7th and never found it as clear as here.
    I have a natal sextile between neptune scorpio in my 12th and venus cap in my 2nd. To make things nicer, mercury 16º sag stands at the midpoint. (My 12th house sun is at 5 sag and my asc at 9 sag)
    Along comes this guy with his 20ºgemini moon (afflicted by Tsquare with saturn and pluto/ura), making a Yod to my nep / venus (double inconjunct). aside from that, there´s also a sun/moon aqua conj, a venus mars square , among other niceties. The composite shows nep scor rising, the davison a 8th house sun conj jupiter but square saturn in fourth (we´ve both previously commited)
    We´ve taken different roads, but I can´t forget.

  2. Yes, I didn’t have space to discuss what happens when yods are formed between charts in synastry, which can happen with any sextile but is, as you say, most potent relationship-wise when the angle is involved. (Yours is even more intense with Neptune and Venus as the planets involved, with natural ties to the seventh, second and twelfth houses.) We’ll get into this more when I do my series on individual aspects and how they work in synastry.

    Actually, it’s interesting to watch what happens when anything forms a yod to a tight sextile, particularly a transiting or progressed planet. It brings out the most in the sextile, which becomes a whirlwind of energy and activity, with tensions involving the inconjunct planet/house.

  3. Thank you for directing me to this article, it is the most informative article on the 12th house I have read, not to mention beautifully put together and poetic. I believe I understand this connection better now (in terms of synastry and when the other person has major planets in my 12th house).

  4. Incredibly enough, there I am stuck with the yod again. This time is also somoeone with a gemini moon (opposed my sun, cj my nnode), again, but the yod is formed this time by his jupiter and my good old natal sextile between neptune scorpio in my 12th and venus cap in my 2nd. It sure makes me restless. i wonder whow come this keeps happening.It´s the sextile like a bait that attracts them?

  5. It can seem like bait, because sextiles are all about giving us opportunities. When things keep happening in patterns, it’s because we’re unconscious of an underlying energy. Without your natal, it’s hard to tell what this might be. With a 12th house Neptune in Scorpio, it’s possible that you’re unconscious of your desires and motivations, particularly in sexual relationships. Your Venus is there to help put your values in motion. As always with inconjuncts, the opposition point is the key. His Jupiter is trying to teach you something about your own Sag Ascendant, and you have to reconcile both Neptune and Venus values into your basic identity. Venus/Neptune in sextile here is about finding ways to give of yourself, and let go.

  6. Thanks again, Dawn
    Both guys were from the 1st decan of aquarius, so there we have a sun/merc moon conjunction in aqua ( I automatically click with these people) plus venus moon ,the latter.Both have gemini moons and venus aqua….
    Both have a “gap” without planets around sag.
    If jupiter is teaching me something about my sag,sun asc, could may be something about my artistic capabilities, jupiter …it´s a beautiful story about how we met in flickr and found out after almost 2 years of mutual comments that we knew each other from our teenage years…and of course my production has boosted and improved(he´s in a foreign country – jupiter), but I want to be very careful: the synastry has the best and the worst (his mars sq my sun, his sat sq my merc, my sat sq his moon…we´re born within 3 months of each other, so these are also natal)

  7. You are dead on, about the 12th house overlay.. I have this connection with some one.. Its very deep… I have had to deal with feelings I never knew existed.. Very intense.. Very confusing..

    His Sun,Merc, Mars in my 12th
    My Sun,Moon,Mercury and mars in his 12th…

    We do have a lot of coincidences.. I cant even put into words the impact of this person to me…

  8. Thanks for the article. I have someones sun and pluto in my 12th house and feel that what you´ve written is true. I´m just wondering what you have to say about how the planet persoon (in particular sun and pluto) is affected by this overlay. Is the planet person equally affected?

    1. Usually, the planet person feels that they own some sort of key that unlocks the mystery of the house person. They are drawn to the mystery, at least in the beginning, and are keen to figure it out. The 12th house lures us in. But once there, the waters may be too dark and deep, and they may turn away from the pull.

  9. You wrote, “Mysterious, strange, unlikely, other-worldly, ‘that couldn’t happen in a million years’ type relationships are also found with heavy 12th house contacts. Some 12th house relationships would take three Shakespeares a year and a half to come up with a plot dense enough to match the way these two unlikely people are brought together, with all the missed connections and strange synchronicities and bizarre coincidences along the way.”

    Going back to the synastry with my guardian I mentioned before: her Venus is exactly conjunct my 12H Moon. Her Sun and Mercury fall in my 12H as well. Her Neptune conjuncts my chart ruler, Venus. Our relationship is definitely fated, but it probably lasted due to our Saturns opposing each other on my MC/IC.

    What’s interesting about our 12H Moon/Venus synastry is her Venus is in the same degree and sign as my biological mother. She has a similar effect on my Moon my mom would’ve had, so its no wonder I responded to her as if she was. My mom’s Sun also conjuncts my Moon/Asc and guardian’s Venus.

    Looking at the full synastry between my guardian and mom, its a shame they didn’t get to know each other (she died when I was a baby.) Unfortunately, I don’t have TOB for either of them but I bet there was some 12H overlap. My parents moved to the same street as her when my mom was 6 mo. pregnant. My guardian says she’d see her walking the dog but doesn’t recall ever speaking to her. But she says she liked her clothes – their Venus/Venus-Sun… all while I was in utero (fall in my 12H.) 😉

    This is off topic from the 12H but I thought it was cool and has to do w/ fate: guardian’s Pluto (9 Leo) squares mom’s Sun/Venus (6/9 Taur), so there could’ve been a “fated” power struggle b/w them. Guardian’s Pluto also conjuncts my 4H Jupiter (9 Leo), so I would’ve expanded this aspect. They may have fought over issues concerning my 4H. On another fateful note, mom’s Mars conjuncts her n. node.

  10. hi 🙂
    Thank you for this text.
    I’m wondering if you have any tips on how to handle arguments and conflict with a natal retro Mars in the 12th house.
    I’m asking, because I have such… in Gemini, which is my Ascendant as well.
    I absolutely hate the negative feelings that arise in me in conflict, that’s why I hate conflict itself.
    Sometimes, though, it’s necessary to deal with it.
    I’m torn between my innate spirituality (A retro Jupiter in Leo) and the inability to assert my negative feelings appropriately.
    Somehow I can’t seem to comprehend how does asserting the negative feelings contribute to being spiritual? That’s why I repress my negative feelings and tend not to accept them.
    I an angry at them arising in me, and then I feel guilty, because I see myself as a spiritual person, yet here they come.


    I’ll appreciate your reply.

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Radina. Your question takes us to a place where we have to define spirituality for ourselves. I can’t define it for you, you have to find your own rules to live by. But I can tell you a few astrological things that may put your issues into perspective. First of all, any planet that finds itself in the 12th house has to devote its energies to the higher powers in some way. This means fulfilling its highest purpose for you. But it doesn’t mean turning away from the basic qualities of that planet. And yes, with Mars in the 12th, we have to learn to acknowledge our anger, our rage, our frustration. They shouldn’t be repressed, but deliberately worked with. They should be given a voice. Then you need to channel that voice into something positive, creative and useful.

      Perhaps more importantly, we need to get rid of the notion of spirituality that does not include human flaws. Being a spiritual person does not mean being a saint, and certainly does not mean sacrificing your basic human instinct. Perfection does not exist in reality, and divinity itself is not perfect–if it were, there would be no need for evolution. This sacrifice for perfection is one of the great flaws of the Piscean age. (Ever notice how mutable signs readily give things up? They throw up their hands and walk away, when the real spiritual task is learning that there are things worth fighting for.) Tantric Buddhists call it ‘Spiritual Materialism.’ Accept your anger, channel it into another direction, and accomplish something positive with it. The guilt may come from being shamed for ‘bad behaviour’ (i.e. being angry) in your early conditioning. Find the source of it and let it go.

  11. Thank you, Dawn!
    Your reply definitely clears the issue a bit.
    I realized that when I embrace those negative sides of my emotions, they usually transform on their own and no deliberate thought is needed.
    It’s just that I’m usually very self-conscious and I have some doubts whether that’s good or only the Ego, because I really want to be recognized and appreciated for the talents I have, or the slight air of mysticism in me. At the same time, I consciously try to be aware of those tendencies and not be a person who revolves around her Ego overly so.
    Sorry for the mixed expression, English is not maternal to me.

  12. Hi I have a question the guy I like his jupiter sun mer and juno fall in my twelfth our aspects arent as bad a few squares and oppositions(not sure about juno aspects) so my question is even if the aspects are good just because his planets are in my twelfth they are not to be not lasting i mean does the aspects have any effect of the just the fact that the planets are in the twelfth defines it all

    1. Yes, the aspects do matter. When the 12th house is emphasized there is that sense of knowing and belonging, but it usually turns out that you have something to be worked on together. Aspects will help. But what matters more is the spiritual integrity and maturity of his own chart.

  13. OMG, this love of mine…I am moon in cancer in his 12 house, and he is moon in capricorn in my 3 house. This gives us such strange connection— I think I can sense his feeling, his thoughts, his desires when we are toghether or apart…and he sense me. Both Aries, touching each another MC/IC, ASC/DSC spots, and much, much more…

  14. I have someone’s Venus, Mars and Moon in my 12th, Sun and Mercury in my 11th and Pluto and Uranus in my 1st… And yes, that person is the purest and simplest divine energy made human to me. 15 years have passed and the love I feel remains intact. After the first year of carring a “clandestine” relationship things got complicated for that person… My presence was causing a lot of trouble, so I just let it go… Now we meet, sometimes, though not often. When I talk to my friends I refer to that person as Heavenbrand.

  15. Almost fotgot…

    Our Neptunes have lots of tense aspects, so nothing is like it seems…

    And to add limitation, renounce and self-sacrifice Heavenbrand’s Saturn and Chiron are in my houses 5th and 7th. The cherry on the icecream 😉

    Luckily my Jupiter is in my 12th house in exact conjunct with Heavenbrand’s Venus ^_^

  16. Couldn’t be a better living example of everything you so brilliantly wrote. His saturn and north node on my empty 12th house and my saturn on his 12th. Our first encounter feels it could only be arranged by gods… as “with all the missed connections and strange synchronicities and bizarre coincidences along the way” that follow up and are keeping us apart, right after the most intense connection i’ve ever experience with a human being, apparently so different from me. Don’t know… we both got “soul scared”? Can’t seem to forget this or move on. Is saturn here biding or keeping apart? On the other hand the encounter happened exactly when transiting saturn conjuncted my north node directly opposing my venus. Could this be past (karmic) or future oriented? The only thing i can tell is that being with him felt like until then i wasn’t alive, or was being asked to savor another life.

    1. Sometimes our first response to growth is to run away, especially where the North Node is concerned. On the other hand, sometimes our instincts are good ones. You must follow your own truth.

  17. Forgot that maybe worths mention that his venus conjuncts my jupiter and also makes a (earth) grand trine with my moon and asc. Mars square each other.

  18. I have just met someone and looked at our composite chart together and we have Venus in the 12th house and Venus trine neptune, venus opposition Pluto, and venus conjunct ascendant, and venus in aquarius, aquarius ascendant,
    as well as the sun in the 12th house. North node in the first house. Will this romance last? there is an immediate attraction.

    1. There is no way of telling whether a relationship will last. I’ve seen people with wonderful composites break up right away, and people with very difficult ones stick it out over decades. It’s up to you.

  19. Hi,

    I’ve noticed that when my planets are in someone’s 12th house that their “unconscious” will talk to me. They often forget or do not remember what they say to me. Is this a common thing? I feel like when it happens it is completely sincere or true, but it’s unnerving, like I have to wait for their “conscious” to catch up with them.

  20. Hi,
    I would have to agree with the above. I recently reconnected (quite serendipitously) with a male friend of one my best friends whose Venus and Mars are both in my in 12th. (His North Node is also conjunct my ASC, South Node on my Vertex, my Eros & Moon conj his Psyche, other warm Moon/Venus, Venus/Mars and Jupiter connections & some Uranian ones for kapow!), Moons in each other’s 4th, composite Moon conjunct Neptune in 4th. Out of circumstance the 3rd & 4th time we met, we had already been at each other’s hometown’s/childhood homes – met family. It is a very empathic connection – he knows what I’m thinking before I even say it which is eerie. He definitely feels my anxieties or certain wishes and there is this sweet empathy. He is so kind but loves to tease me. It’s too easy! We travel back and forth to the same places, and were even considering moving to the same town several 100 miles away! As an astrologer, I see the potential & go crazy but…who knows what he feels? He does keep steadily making himself available but is cautious (Cap Moon) and it is killing this impulsive girl. It is so hard to figure out what is going on!

    Anyway, when I talk to him, it’s like I go completely into a trance state, unnerving for probably both of us since we only just met. He seems so familiar I have to catch myself. I want to say – “I don’t usually dump my brain on just anyone!!” He is like truth serum and he will end up repeating things back to me which I do not remember at all. A lot of what he says to me seems so subtle I do not “catch” or “hear” until later. Ooof.

    When I first met him 5 years ago. We sparked but I was indecisive and then went our own ways. But all this time he has been subtly in the background (living and working in my hometown – where I am slowly relocating back to – which is not where we met BTW!) But I apparently did his chart. He remembered everything and told me. I remembered NOTHING and (I have near photographic memory for charts.) Bizarre. Sometimes I can’t remember exactly what he looks like – and he looks a bit different every time I see him. And I adore him but I feel so out of control around him – kind of humorous, actually. Good thing he is such a good guy. :))
    I find that most of my significant relationships do have some 12th house overlay. My Vertex and cusp of 7th house are 26 & 29 Pisces. Maybe that is why? Or just because my chart gets along very well with Virgo planets – where there is the least amount of clashing overall? Who knows?

  21. Wise and beautifully written. Loved this about the Twelfth House and sacrifice:

    “In the twelfth, we are asked to sacrifice what is not useful to others. This involves letting go of our unnecessary ego-oriented attachments.

    The idea of sacrifice is misunderstood. Sacrifice is not about letting go of what is important or needed. Sacrifice is about letting go of what is unnecessary to our existence and offering it to the gods. (If we are asked to give up something that is necessary, then that is not a sacrifice, that is a tragedy, with heavy karma ensuing.”

    Agree; and its interesting to note that the word sacrifice comes from the Latin word “sacer,” which means to make sacred, to make holy.

  22. Dear Dawn,

    What sort of contacts do you look for in first meeting charts and in comparing them to natal/prog?

    I met someone during this July Cancer new moon (We both have Cancer/Capricorn prominent) and I was curious about what way it might turn. He is not the sort of person to jump but it seems to be growing steadily though.

  23. Good tardes.En the synastry with someone I like have, the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Neptune in my house 12.Mi fall sun, Mercury, Mars and Pluto fall into eight casa.Se feels intense, confusing as the misterioso.Como I see these houses would act in our relationship? .Thanks.

  24. What does it mean when you have 3 personal planets in the 12th house? I have Moon and Venus in Aries, 12th house, and Mercury in Pisces, 12th house. Though I study and research all the time, I still have so much trouble comprehending what these placements actually mean to me and my life, which I’m guessing is a 12th house blind spot. What do you think?


    I have a 6 planet stellium in the 12th house. If u click on this link it will show u my chart. There is also an interpretation as well. I want to know your imput on my 12th house stellium as well as what it means to have my Ascendant and all of my cusps at the very important ZERO degrees of all Solstices and Equinoxes. I dont know how to get these answers and im hoping someone can tell me more in depth as i feel it could dramatically change either my life or my outlook… thank you kindly in advance, Natalia

    1. Sorry, Natalia. It’s impossible to comment on a stellium without analyzing it’s role in the entire chart. With zero degrees emphasized it can mean that you are a bit naive in your approach to matters. You may be very enthusiastic, but lack method or direction. All this, of course, depends on the rest of the chart.

  26. This was very helpful….OMGoodness! I project this person to be god-like as his mars in my Cancer 12th house trine his pluto in my Libra 4th, conjuncting and activating my natal uranus. His business strength and power inspires me one minute, makes me unafraid to go after and create my own business opportunities, but the next minute I’m back to “worshipping” him and forgetting my own. He fills in the emotional gap where my father failed in business–and this disappointed me as a child because I looked to my father to give me the courage to have my own business as an adult. I was looking forward to working in his business and sometimes I find myself slipping and trying to help this guy with his business instead of tending to my own. Additional aspects, natal sun in AQ 8th house (business/father) conjuncts his moon. I have had an incident where I was “blocked” by him and had to “let go” and move into another direction in my business which opened other doors for expansion. I see the lesson in the experience–it was not until I returned my attention to my own Source Self that I was able to recall my divinity. I just realized this a few hours ago before I found your post. Thank you so much for this powerful article! You confirmed what I intuited was the lesson.

  27. Years behind on my comment but found this post when I was much in need.
    My scorpio + 8th house stellium convinced me that I was a fish when it came down to water energies.
    Oh, I was so wrong. Not so long ago, I got to experience 12th house attack on my sun, mercury, venus and uranus. Fell in love first time in my 30’s and felt completely defeated, my reality became surreal and distorted. Nothing and everything made sense. I usually have decent intuition but I was confused. Stuck in the limbo. Different version of me was coming out and I had no idea who she was. Relationship itself was intense, secretive, emotional and trippy without any substance. It demolished my saturnian libra in the 8th house, which was probably the goal. I believe in the magic ‘to let go’ but it’s not easy, even knowing it’s for the best.
    Thank you for this precious information, post 12th house synastry prisoners are very appreciative.

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