Chiron Beyond The Wound The Cave and the Arrow: (Part Two)

Chiron Beyond The Wound The Cave and the Arrow: (Part Two)

Dawn Bodrogi June 17, 2011

We have to talk about Chiron in terms of desire, and Mars, because desire IS the wound. We desire what we feel we will never receive or achieve in Chiron’s house. It hurts because we want it so badly. Whatever it is will validate us, and if we had that thing, we would become whole.

chiron beyond the woundThe pain of this unrequited desire will cause us to retreat into our own particular darkness, so black sometimes that we cannot see our direction, so black that we cannot see our hand in front of our eyes. We know we must turn our backs on the ordinary world in order to focus on what really matters.  The tribe cannot give us our value system, so we must acknowledge our passions (Chiron was, after all, a Centaur) and forge them into something greater. Chiron’s cave is both our darkness and our salvation, and we must willingly enter into it.

This famous cave is not some magical hollow where if we only hide ourselves there for long enough, wisdom is our reward. We don’t retreat into it like a  metaphorical egg, biding our time until we hatch out one day, perfectly and brilliantly. The cave is where we confront our loss and our confusion.  It’s the place we rail against the lack of fairness in the world. This is the place we’re most lost, even though we know where we are, and that’s the hurt of it. To quote Elvis Costello, “This is the place where I made my best mistakes.”*

Often, where Chiron is, we’re doing our best and we don’t even know what’s wrong, why it isn’t working for us.  The ensuing depression has more to do with frustration, anger, and despair at our inability to move forward than it does about not feeling positive about ourselves or the outcome. Anyone who has been through a long and painful Chiron transit will tell you that there is as much suffering in confusion and uncertainty as there is in any kind of loss, grief, or physical pain, and the worst of it is that there is no compassion in this Western world, none at all, for confusion. We are not allowed to be uncertain, unsure, scared of the dark. We are not allowed to hesitate, or tremble at the brink.

And this uncertainly is what happens in an exaggerated fashion when Chiron touches Mars, the symbol of virility on all levels:  physical, psychological, spiritual.  Mars, by definition, is our desire and the action we take to obtain it.  Chiron/Mars, in the beginning at least, is about our sad, fumbling attempts to make the desire manifest.

There is much to be learned from the fact that Chiron, essentially, is wounded by his own hand. He concocted the very poison that he cannot undo.  Where Chiron is concerned, and especially when Chiron is tied to Mars, our wisdom can hurt, because we are constantly at war with our limitations.  There is a haunting with Chiron, an often unacknowledged pulling at the heart that says, “I did this to myself.” The more we understand of what we desire, and the closer we get to it, the more limited we feel. That war with our desires leaves us exhausted, and empty, purposeless.  And if Mars needs anything with Chiron, it needs a purpose.

Chiron/Mars can be devastating in sexual terms.  Often, we feel as if we are not accepted as sexual beings, or that there is something wrong with our sexual expression.  We may not respond sexually as the others in the tribe seem to, and what we desire may seem very different.  Chiron/Mars is prone to sexual rejection, and it may take itself out of the mating game for long periods of time.  Often, there is an early, cruel rejection that leaves deep scars that only time and distance can soften.  Sometimes the animal nature of Chiron can take over with Chiron/Mars, and Chiron can move forward in a ‘damn the torpedoes’ kind of way.  What usually happens is that Mars ends up not only unsatisfied by the pursuit, but torn further.  The wound isn’t made better, but worse for the aggression.

And yet, Chiron/Mars has a sexual magnetism that is unmistakable—to those who are evolved enough to respond to its relentless intimacy and its healing vibe. Mars/Chiron can be fiercely sexual—whether or not it expresses its desires, the urge to sexual union and sexual healing through that union will be primal. Like Moon/Chiron, which needs to learn that its body is a vehicle for divine energy, Mars/Chiron will instinctively hunger for spiritual fulfillment through sexual contact, whether it knows it or not. This can lead Mars/Chiron to go down a lot of blind alleyways searching for redemption through sexuality. Eventually, through repetitive painful sexual experiences, Mars/Chiron will understand that the energy it embodies needs to be shared consciously, and with acceptance. If Mars is very repressed, there can be difficulties about expressing sexual desires, with Mars consciously or subconsciously blaming itself for its needs and hungers. When Mars/Chiron works well, there is a raw openness combined with awareness, and a lack of fear of losing oneself through other.

Chiron’s impulse to heal is very strong when Chiron touches Mars.  Something needs to be healed in the house Chiron occupies, and with Chiron/Mars there can be a real determination to achieve a resolution to the difficulties there, in spite of the stumbling.  Chiron/Mars will be determined to master something, especially in either, or both, houses the aspect falls in.  There is a drive towards achievement that will run quietly and deeply as a theme throughout the life, and will continue long after others have done their own half-hearted work and gone home.  Chiron/Mars may be just getting started when others are thinking about their retirement accounts.

The key to getting beyond the wound with any Chiron aspect, but particularly Chiron/Mars, lies in learning to divorce the desires of the ego from the desires of the soul.  This is a tall order, but necessary if we want to use Chiron in any kind of constructive fashion.  He’s a bit Plutonian in that way, but a kinder, gentler, more patient Pluto, without the killer instinct or the schadenfreude.  Chiron’s focus is the wisdom to be gathered and dispersed, not the journey (to death and back) itself.  What Chiron asks us to do is to take a step outward, outside of the perspective of the ego, and see what it is the soul is asking of us.  Over time, Chiron learns to stop asking questions of the ego and begins to ask them of the Watcher within us, the observer, the One Who Knows.  When Chiron begins to deal directly with the Watcher within, it can often be astonishing how things fall into place for us.  That is, if we can get out of our own way.

Where Chiron resides, we have a service to perform for the benefit of others.  Often, it is just to the right or left of those initial, ego-centric desires, but we couldn’t see the path because the ego was blocking our view.  We’re meant to use our skills and fulfill our desires in a way that is just off-center of our original impulse.  When we understand this, we will also understand that we have not lived our lives in vain pursuit, but that the wisdom of the soul guided us in the right direction in spite of ourselves.  Chiron is symbolic of the shamanic journey, of the travelling to other worlds and other planes of existence in order to bring back knowledge in its right place and time.  Note I say ‘right place and time’ because sometimes we are not ready for certain kinds of knowledge, and Chiron knows that, too.  With wisdom comes good judgment.

Ironically, it is often the battery that we get from the outer planets that initiates Chiron’s deliverance, and especially where Mars is concerned.  On the one hand, Chiron gets beaten up by the outer planets because he isn’t ready (i.e. hasn’t shed enough ego in order to be of use to the transpersonals).  On the other hand, he gets beaten up by Saturn, who clings to his  earthly defenses and won’t let Chiron in.  But a funny thing happens in the middle of Chiron getting his block knocked off.  He learns to speak both the language of the transpersonals and the very different language of Saturn, and he begins to translate.  And they find that, though they want very different things, they will need, in fact, to work together.

Saturn cannot achieve the inner authority it craves without allowing a chink in the armour so that the wisdom of the outer planets (via Chiron) can seep in and inform his day to day operations.  The outer planets, eventually, realize that there is no point to transformation unless there is a concrete result, which is the one thing Saturn is very good at.  There is something poetic in that it’s the limitations of Saturn that cause Chiron’s initial wounding, but it is in getting beyond these very limitations that allow Chiron to inherit his legacy of immortality.

The skill and the mastery associated with Chiron is very much a product of this interaction between the outer planets and Saturn.  Again, Chiron is a part of the process, not an end in itself.  The ‘death’ associated with Chiron is the death of the ego, and the promised eternity comes via his surrender to something greater.  Chiron’s motivation in his sacrifice was to end Prometheus’ suffering, not his own.  It’s important to remember what was Prometheus’ initial crime.  He brought fire–light and warmth–to mankind.  I’m sure that Chiron found in Prometheus a kindred spirit. The houses of both Chiron and Saturn, and aspects to Chiron and Saturn, will tell you a lot about the Chironic knowledge gained and how it should be used.

You’ll find that a mysterious, almost alchemical thing happens when we begin to tap into our pure Chiron energy and work with it in real terms.  All of the lower octave planets become elevated and begin to resonate with the higher, much the way a tuning fork will ring all the same tones on a piano, no matter high or low.  Mercury will become more Uranian, Venus will attune with Neptune, and Mars will find some of the pure, soul-driven focus of Pluto.  Far from being blocked by Saturn, we move beyond him to effectively become transpersonal beings, guided by the soul’s dictates, and nothing else.

Chiron/Mars may be one of the most painful combination of Chiron and a planet, but it is also, I believe, the most rewarding.  Think of all the initiating energy of Mars, backed with wisdom, compassion and experience, devoted to the elevation of not only our own awareness, but the awareness of all who come into contact with us.  Now that’s what I call mastery.

There will be further discussion of Chiron Beyond the Wound in the newsletter, The Widening Gyre.

Our Little Angel” copyright c Declan McManus (Elvis Costello) 1986.


36 thoughts on “Chiron Beyond The Wound The Cave and the Arrow: (Part Two)

  1. Well this is stunning, absolutely stunning. For the last few years I have been going through exactly what you describe – trying and trying and nothing works, railing at the universe about the unfairness and injustice of it all, feeling totally alone, depressed and despairing. It was really like being in a dark cave, cut off from the world. And I couldn’t find anything astrologically which seemed to explain it.

    So I read this and checked the ephemeris. I’ve had Chiron transiting my Mars for 2 years, and before that Saturn for a year, finally passing this time last year which was when I started to sense a chink of light at the end of the tunnel. My energy has slowly, slowly been returning.

    I’m so relieved, thank you! And honestly, given what I experienced, let no one say any more that Chiron is not as important as a planet. I can certainly attest to its power now.

  2. Wow…this speaks volumes to me (and maybe even about me). The suffering in confusion and the lack of compassion for uncertainty in the Western world – I know all about how that works, unfortunately. And everything about the ego blocking Chiron – just amazing. This seems to be the major path I will follow – Chiron is in my first house, opposition Mars, acting as the apex of a yod which, amazingly, includes Saturn.

    Thank you for this.

  3. Encouraging words, thanks! I have Sun-Saturn-Chiron-Mars (& a couple asteroids) stellium in my 6th house Pisces opposed Uranus/Pluto conjunct in Virgo. This life has been blessedly fucked up. There is no longer “i-me-mine” to cling to at all!

    1. Leslie, congratulate yourself for surviving these aspects–this was a tough configuration, and a lot of people didn’t make it through. The only way to cope is to turn away from ego and turn towards the power of the soul, and service. The whole life is arranged towards finding this indestructible core.

  4. Invaluable… bring a strong sense of how important Chiron is to resolving the especially contemporary and oft encountered difficulty of relating to and understanding ‘soul’ on a personal level….brings a sense of visceral wonder to an often painful process, as experienced in the ‘material’ world.

    Many thanks Dawn for your provocative and inspiring insights, beautifully expressed

  5. Hi Dawn,
    Fascinating insights. I have chiron conjunct moon (saturn 8 degrees away) in the 7th/pisces natally (opposing uranus/pluto). Currently my progressed chart has a Chiron/Sun/Saturn exact stellium conjuncting my natal moon/Chiron in the 7th.

    All I can say is that in relationships I seem to do nothing but process old wounds and sometimes just wonder if somehow I’m not made for a romantic partnership, which makes me sad, even though I am very independent. In my early years, I had several successful committed relationships, but it’s been soooo long since… Right now, I’ve attracted a very intense and uncertain relationship that has triggered so many of my childhood wounds – it’s allowing me to really go deep and look into old beliefs and let them go, but it’s intense, and doesn’t look like the relationship will proceed to commitment (again).
    I just try to learn as much as I can and be compassionate with myself and the other person.

    Am I on the right track in your opinion, working with the energies this way? Any good things about this transit?? 🙂

    Thanks so much, your writing is amazing and so full of wisdom.

    1. Hi, Mary. It sounds as if you’re working with the Chiron energy as best as you can. It’s true that people with Chiron in relationship areas go long times without partnership. But one of the issues can be that the Chiron person attracts others, and is attracted to others, who are not their spiritual equals. The pain of these relationships is Chiron teaching the person about his or her self, about the wisdom and the powers that we need to learn to use. The Chiron person tends to fall hard for the potential in others, rather than the reality of the person who has the potential. In essence, it becomes a relationship whose primary function is teaching, rather than the romantic relationship we crave. Of course, this will fall apart as the non-Chiron person begins to resent the Chiron person. One of the positive things you can do is actively search for someone who is on your wavelength spiritually. Then it’s possible that all the 7th house energy can be used in its proper way. Moon/Chiron needs to learn to accept that it has extraordinary energy running through its body, and needs to know that it may be revealing more than it realizes to intimate others. If you work with chi or the chakra system, or do yoga or work on conscious out of body experiences, you may be surprised at how things can change.

  6. Thanks so much for your reply, Dawn, this helps a lot. Yes, yoga is a big part of my life and spiritually I am on the same wavelength with this person, so progress has been made – even if it doesn’t work out. The concept of healing is attracting me a lot these days, professionally and personally, so I’m sure that is another gift of this transit.

    Thank you, I appreciate the encouragement and insight.

  7. so Dawn it’s interesting that you talk about the lack of spiritual equal others. I have via Solar return May 2011 juno sitting on my natal chiron in Virgo. Juno equal others. One of my long term girl friends has at 72 found a Leo guy to co invest time with and is now rejecting me on the basis I’m not her material equal. She does astrology and belongs to White Eagle religious belief system so she’s not unawares as a cancer and sure fits into this July 1 2011 eclipse as well as a saturn/moon conj. in my return as well. How can I look at this Return event in a positive way? Would appreciate your imput.

    1. The good thing about any Solar Return is that it’s just a snapshot of the potential for the upcoming year. Saturn/Moon conjunctions often have to do with dependency issues. Perhaps learning how to take a step back and be more objective and discriminating (Virgo) about partnerships is the key now. But it’s hard to say without seeing the charts.

    2. Sorry to take so long to get back to you, your comment fell through the cracks. Finding others who are equals is a complicated topic. What it comes down to is mutual respect and a shared value system. It also comes down to walking your talk. If Juno and Chiron were conjunct in your Solar return chart, it means that finding this kind of equality may be a painful process this year, with losses and long term issues of inadequacy coming to the surface. It’s best to face these issues head on and try to learn from the situation.

  8. Just happened to read this now (read the first part few months ago) and your articles are very interesting.
    I’m very new to this so pardon my question but I was wondering if the Mars/Chiron combination reffered here would be more of a conjunction/square aspect? Like, would a sextile be felt this way too?

    1. The difficult thing about Chiron is that, even in trines and sextiles, it is not a happy influence. Much like Saturn, it indicates that there is work to be done (in this case, inner work). There will be much questioning about why the relationship isn’t moving forward the way it should. Within a chart, we need to examine what is holding us back from fulfillment. Between two charts, it will force the two people to examine why their actions are not fulfilling, and why the relationship is not as vital as it should be. One person’s actions might hurt the other, even in a sextile or trine. Trines and sextiles allow flow between two planets, so there may be a lot of unconscious wounding going on which will not be resolved. It may be easier than the square or opposition, but only because the real issues are being swept beneath the carpet.

  9. Thanks for the fast reply!
    In my post it’s about a natal aspect (moreover conjunct Jupiter..) in the 10th house. The repressed Mars speaks to me too since it’s in the 12th house (it has trines/sextiles tho.)
    I didn’t know this could apply to relationships as well..
    a double aspect of Sun trine Chiron between two charts, wouldn’t they make the wound more “conscious” as to say?
    esp. with the other personal planets to one’s. Or like you said the “real issues” would still be swept under…

    1. Trines don’t make for awareness. Squares do. Squares and hard aspects bring things to light, they bring the tools and allow the work to be done. The Sun also brings light, in this case to Chiron, but the motivation to do something about the awareness would have to come from other aspects in the chart. Trines in and of themselves don’t have enough motivation, unless other things plug in. Both charts would have to be examined in more detail to see how these trines would play out.

  10. “The Sun also brings light, in this case to Chiron, but the motivation to do something about the awareness would have to come from other aspects in the chart”
    Like Saturn conjunct Chiron?
    funny I read somewhere else too that Saturn in this case won’t let Chiron in..
    but it seems they’re complementary in a way.. both get something from the other it seems..

  11. hi dawn,
    thank you very much for this beautifully and thoughtfully written article. I have chiron square mars in my natal chart and also chiron opposition saturn. what i’ve just read – particularly the letting go of the ego-centric desires and patient healing – has greatly oriented me because for a long time i have been experiencing pain, fustration and sorrow regarding my academic life, my past relationhips…
    I have a question that is slightly off the subject though…do you think that a conjunction between chiron and part of fortune (in my natal chart) somehow intensifies the need to approach chironic issues?

    1. Hi Jane–The part of fortune is an interesting point. It has to do with real things in our lives, our actual life experience. Things are facilitated where the part of fortune is (which is natural, considering it’s a combination of Sun/Moon and Ascendant). If Chiron is square Mars and opposite Saturn, you need to come to terms with the masculine element in life, both the driving force and power of desire (the good side) and the cutting ruthlessness and cold determination (the not-so-good side). The part of fortune will help bring these experiences to you so that you can learn from them, and learn to embrace your masculine side. Taking on the maturn Chiron role, that of the teacher and healer, will help.

  12. Another good article. This time, I should be even more real than ever….it’s a good time for truth.

    As of August 5th, I’ll be a movie title: the 40 year old virgin. It’s a wound that never heals. At 16, my dad went to prison for 9 years (molestation) and I, all ready untrusting of his life since 10 – after parent’s brutal divorce – just took it all one step further, learning how not to relate to women well ever. A few times I would start a relationship, but if it got too intimate, it went south quickly. 3 times I rejected sex before 26. I fell into alcoholic ways, and still maintained a job and a fascade of being a whole man. But alas, it never worked. At 28, I fell for a slightly older woman, who was helpful for a time – mentor more than any potential lover – but I mistook that, and lo, I damaged it when I protested a greater love than what was ever possible. For my efforts: a stalking charge which were trumped up, but I did violate an order via email, as I resumed alcohol after 18 months dry as a coping mechanism. And lost my freedom for a spell.

    As a result, the last decade I have not dated anyone. (Usually too poor anyways.) My immediate family – mom and her sis – were all I had in my life. Mom, loving and sacrificing. Aunt, a total basket case and hated me since at least 10 – father projected onto me. Feelings became mutual over time towards aunt. Mom died of cancer and dementia last June as I cared for her in her final months alone.

    Since then, I re-enrolled at a Big 10 University last spring, and hope for better. I met a young woman in the last two months, who by our charts would be a match, I think – her Venus and moon conjunct Mars, her sun, mercury on my vertex in Libra, her mars conjunct my uranus, and my chiron is a wide trine to my mars. her chiron is in a wide conjunct my sun and mercury….

    Leo for my mars, sun, mercury and her chiron. That said, she’s dating a meatball at work. So my summer job just did not work for me at all…too much tension. We’d have good convos alone, but in a group, she never engages me – and I feel so tense, I try to avoid her often as I can, even though I don’t want to…And I am 19 years older than her! And the rest of the kids are to be blunt: annoying! (I took the job because it required little more than me walking to it…)

    But really, I suspect she’s “in love” with the meatball – muscles and all. And I can’t blame her…I know it shouldn’t hurt – but – it does because I feel I would give my soul to be her BF and actually do right by her. Such drivel is unbecoming any real man – though the measure should be what we will sacrifice for our loves, not what we can say we are willing to do – but I’m just getting too old.

    I lost 15 lbs this summer, work out daily, and actually don’t look half bad some days. But stressors (GMAT business exam in August) and 40 are eating me alive.

    So, Chiron is my cross to bear. Born with it on right on my ascendant and named a “healer” by my dear old dad, five years before the wounded healer was discovered….That’s my story of pain, and lack of fulfillment. IS 50 a possibility before I engage a woman again, if ever????

    1. Thank you for being so honest. Your story is a very good example of the way Chiron works in the chart. However, I suspect that Chiron is only part of the story, and at least some of the answers would lie in an analysis of the entire chart. It seems clear, just from your short description, that you are not choosing partners who are your equals, which is a real problem with Chiron in relationships. Chiron is trying to make you aware of your own level of soul awareness, and to respect it, so that others can respect it also. Intimacy is a complex issue. We cannot be intimate unless we feel safe; sometimes we choose unavailable partners because we are afraid of opening up (on a real level, not on a fantasy level); often we find it easier to give than receive. The years between age 36, the third Jupiter return, and 48, the fourth Jupiter return, are full of crises that give us the opportunity to mature. Those years separate the men from the boys and the women from the girls–we are not the same at the end of them. You should take full advantage of this time to learn what is preventing you from taking your place at the table of life–if you are having a problem with finding a partner who can be an equal to you (and not put on a pedestal) tackle it with the good grace and humour you seem to possess. You are not alone in your circumstances, I’m sure there are many more out there who are empathizing with you.

  13. Thanks Dawn. A good present is to hear some reassuring words that I know takes time to write.

    My goal is to find an equal – to take part in, not “be” my life. I do sorta know my problems…just often the baggage is tough to get around. Who, in their right minds, would want to date my resume? Yet, I am more than those events. But it will take time…time to work on myself at my half-Uranus return. I think I can be anything…and have had a taste of what I can really accomplish, once. Thanks and i’ll pay heed to your advice on equals.

  14. Dear Dawn

    I just want to say I learn as much from your comment sections as from the actual post itself in almost ALL your articles. I read your comment sections voraciously 😛

    And you write and respond so impersonally, I notice it everywhere ( no sign of exhaustion, personal reactions etc.), it really is an art to be learnt from you (Sigh..I wish I knew the sign and aspects of your Mercury -_- why do astrologers hide their charts?)

    Sorry if this was out of place and foot in the mouth type.

    1. Hi Nobody. I’m glad you enjoy the comments. I try to tackle everything with even-tempered good nature, but you will see that I don’t always succeed. I can be snarky, and I can be rather ruthless, verbally and intellectually. I blame the third house Saturn/Vesta connection. I try to keep in mind, always, that I’m here to teach, and my message is not going to get across if I use my words as weapons and not tools.

      I don’t know if astrologers hide their charts. Some have them posted up for all to see. I’m not suppressing my chart to hide the astrology. I know a number of people in the tech world and they tell me that you should never post personal details on the Internet, including your birth date, for reasons of privacy. That’s why you don’t see my chart up here.

      But I do have a very strong Mercury. I’m a Virgo with Virgo rising. Mercury is the chart ruler, the South Node ruler, the dispositor of a Sun/Jupiter conjunction in the 12th, and rules two angles. It’s in Libra in the first house. I think that explains a lot, especially when you tie it into the third house action. And the fact that it sextiles my Moon/Uranus conjunction in the 11th. As Hamlet said, “Words, words, words…”

  15. Oh Dear God

    How often I keep coming back to this article so that what I have absorbed doesn’t slip away..
    Ego can take over so subtly sometimes. It isn’t human’s mistake anyway. The Sun’s gravity is enormous in our solar system. Our psyche only reflects that.

    I read a beautiful line once ” Pride rears it’s head in the most unsuspecting of circumstances. Some are proud because they are proud, some are proud because they aren’t.”
    True in the case of Chiron contacting personal planets I suppose.

    So what is the healthiest way to deal with ego? It surely isn’t non-existent even among the best of us?

    1. I take a very practical view on the ego. We need our egos. We need them like we need our cars–we have to get around in the world somehow. A healthy ego is a productive, positive, constructive thing. We do work we are passionate about. Our inner self is reflected in the outer life when all is in balance. It’s when the ego goes out of whack that we get into trouble.

      The Buddhists use the example of the ocean and the wave. We must be both, and be aware of being both–the ocean must express itself in the wave as it comes to shore, but the wave must remember that it is merely an expression of a greater source. The wave is merely the illusion of separation from the Source. Some of us are great, powerful waves and some of us are warm, gentle ones, but we are all expressions of a greater power. When we are truly connected to our spiritual selves and our egos are intact, we become the ultimate expression of that power. Chiron, ultimately, gives itself up to that greater power–it chooses the greater over the lesser. The ego, ultimately, is transformed by Chiron’s sacrifice and becomes a vehicle for the greater good.

  16. Hi,

    I’ve just commented on the other article on chiron-moon. Now this article is even better. The same couple also have a chiron-mars OPPOSITION double whammy. His chiron to her mars opposition is exact. Her mars is also exactly conjunct her Pluto giving more fire… His mars-her chiron opposition however is a wider orb of 9 degrees.

    Please note that the couple has his sun conjunct her moon. Both of which are trining other’s chiron in synastry.
    Her moon and her chiron are in her 8th and 12th houses respectively. While his sun and his chiron are in his 2nd and 6th houses respectively. (mirrored)

    How will chiron work for this pair?

    1. Hello Marion. I make a point of not isolating aspects when doing synastry interpretations. The interpretation depends on the state of Chiron in each natal chart first, and only then in synastry. It’s impossible to interpret any aspect, let alone Chiron, without the context of the rest of the chart.

      However, I will say that I don’t put a lot of emphasis on trines. They run nicely in the background of charts, but they are not usually effective. Hard aspects are more easily felt and made conscious–if they’re very strong, it’s like trying to walk with a stone in your shoe all the time, you’re not going to be comfortable until you sort it out. With these two, the double Chiron/Mars will dominate, possibly softened by the trine aspects, but not when the opposition is activated by a progression or transits.

  17. Hi Dawn.

    I’ve chiron in Gemini (the end of 8th house) conjunct my moon in gemini (9th Placidus/ 8th house equal) 2 degrees apart. My partner’s chiron is exactly conjunct my moon. His moon is 11 degrees from mine in gemini.I would like to know if it makes a difference that I have a conjunction natally (chiron as a generational aspect)? I suppose that I am more used to it? What are your experiences?His moon is 11 degrees from mine. My moon is heavily afflicted. We are together for many years, but I am still trying to solve past family issues in our relationship. Not sure if it would work differently with somebody else, I suppose that not.I would love to have a family,I am very sad about myself. Is there anybody who has successfully overcome similar moon Chiron positions natal/synastry?I know these are just separate aspects,but still would love to know.Thanks

    Best K.

    1. The part of fortune is not always about ‘good’ fortune. Fortuna is created from different calculations of the Sun, Moon and Asc. Put those all together and you have the present (Asc) meeting the past (moon) and the future (Sun in alignment with Moon). It’s a point of fate or destiny, yet rather neutral. Things come easily with Fortuna. When it squares Chiron, it means that you will have deep learning experiences tied to your Part of Fortune–some of them painful.

  18. My Chiron conjunct Mars (in Aries) opposition Uranus lover is the most brilliant, clear, dedicated activist I have ever seen. It’s anti nuclear activism for the most part. It’s what I fell for but his 360 days a year work schedule came as a shock. I didn’t realise that happened but it’s definitely aligned with purpose! Anyway I get to see him live streamed from the UNFCCC every now and then these days. He also has the early loss of intimate love story in there. He’s like the archetypal story you described here.

    Our story seems pretty doomed despite the subtext of the very infrequent messages ‘In a few years when I can’t do this anymore I want to be with you’ but I am wondering about the rebalancing of the lover and the warrior in the 8th house Mars here? All the mars is gone to warriorship of the most noble sort.

    The progression is interesting. The early loss of love had the sun opposition moon aspecting Chiron Uranus (a trine and sextile) and now it is progressed full moon again with sun moon making a double inconjunct to the uranus chiron which is on the Asc Desc axis.

    In the synastry my Chiron which squares my moon makes a perfectly exact conjunction to his Mars

    I think I rectified the chart since Pluto was conjunct progressed ascendant for the early loss of love, which put Uranus there now. That puts Mars in his eighth house.

    I’m interested to know what you make of it?

  19. I have Chiron in the 6th house Aries, exactly conjunct the Part of Fortune! Any idea what this means? Could the fortune manifest later in life..

    My job and health have been a balancing act, that’s for sure :/

  20. Wow….100% on point. I have Chiron conj. Mars, Sun, and Mercury almost all exact. 10th House, Taurus, where my MC also resides. Inconjunct to Saturn. So incredibly painful, it’s debilitating and paralyzing to a degree where I just want to kill myself every other day. Trying my hardest to “find my career path” but falling always short and going down the wrong alleyways. Completely lost. With it being inconj. to Saturn definitely is even worse as Saturn’s otherwise grounding influence is inaccessible.

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