Chiron/Moon: The Endless Hunger of Part Two, Hunger and ‘Other’.

Chiron/Moon: The Endless Hunger of Part Two, Hunger and ‘Other’.

Dawn Bodrogi January 28, 2013

Chiron/Moon, It is no accident that human beings seek security.  It goes beyond the primal survival needs to something very basic.  The Aries point at the Ascendant represents our entry into time and space—otherwise known as the ‘material world.’  It is representative of ‘the One’, the birth of a unique consciousness from that mass soup of universal mind.  However, ‘the One,’ if it were complete within itself, would not move forward, would not seek out.  It is the separative aspect of the human condition on the material plane that makes us seek out our mirror selves in Libra.  We operate, in our lifetimes, within a duality and with a dualistic mind—there is ‘Self,’ and there is ‘Other.’ chiron/moon There is ‘me in here’ and ‘you out there.’  The seeking of ‘Other’ is in fact the urge towards growth, to unite with what we have (apparently) been split away from via our material birth.  What we are actually seeking is our lost “Self,” our divine ‘Other half,’ the thing that will replace this perpetual ache of feeling trapped alone in this prison of a material universe.  It is, of course, a myth and an illusion that we can be completed by something outside ourselves, because we are divine within ourselves.  (Dorothy has the ability to click her ruby slippers and go ‘home’ all the while.) We forget that, however, once we are born into this dog eat dog world that is our initial perception of everyday reality.

In seeking our lost divinity, and the divinity of the material world itself, it is no surprise that we turn our potential partners into gods.  The search for transcendence and the search for true partnership have only a soupcon of difference between them.  The bursting of the illusions surrounding partnership, or our notions of partnership in this culture at this time, provide the first steps of spiritual seeking for many, the grist for the mill towards an awakened consciousness.  When we find that the partner who promised to be the divine entity, the symbol of wholeness and perfection, the great healer of our psychic wound, turns out to be just an ordinary shlub with feet of clay, we can see for the first time that there is a plan for us beyond fulfilling the desires of the ego.  If we pursue our spiritual path further, we begin to discover that the entire universe may be within us.

The Chiron myth is the story of one who sacrificed his ‘lesser’ life (the mortal existence) for a greater one (his immortality).  However, that version of the story is a bit twisted, because Chiron didn’t actually know that he would become immortal and join his pals on Olympus.  He was half god/half man, but he still didn’t have a clue what would happen.  He simply threw himself into the fray with all good intentions.  Chiron is where we throw ourselves into the fire without ever knowing what will come of it.  This is particularly true of Chiron in relationships, where the discovery of our own immortality is a long and painful process, in spite of our best intent.  This is particularly true of Chiron/Moon, where the sense of belonging and security is fractured and we are eventually forced to vanquish our cherished notion that belonging and intimacy will save us.

When Chiron/Moon is within a chart, the hunger for divinity is strong and there is a longing to make up for the emotional deprivations of early years.  When Chiron touches the Moon the hunger for partnership can be almost physical.  Imagine what happens when Chiron/Moon is between charts, when either party can take the role of divinity and neither party knows what’s coming.  The Moon is always hungry, and Chiron is always primed to provide the lessons the Moon hungers for.

With Moon/Chiron between charts, both people need healing, though both may not be aware of it.  Chiron may be pulled to use its healing powers on the Moon, who may be needy in many ways (whose Moon isn’t wounded in some way?).  Chiron may long to heal the Moon’s hard relationship to an outer planet, or a retrograde Saturn.  Chiron will respond to the Moon’s inner child and sense all that it needs.  This urge to heal ‘other’ is, of course, reflective of Chiron’s need to heal itself and its own longing.  The Moon person may be assuaged at first, and may be thrilled at having its deepest needs met.  Chiron/Moon contacts bring out the “I can’t believe it, I’ve never felt this way before…” element in relationships.  To the Moon person, the Chiron person seems like the Wise One, his Cave the refuge and safety they’ve never had.  Someone finally ‘gets’ them, because Chiron ‘gets’ everything.  However, the first seeds of suspicion are often sown when the Moon person feels as if Chiron is stifling its growth.  Contrary to popular belief, the Moon is not always happy staying in a Cancerian pool of safety.  The initiating, cardinal-mode power of the Moon is towards manifestation; it wants to give birth, wants to reproduce itself and its experiences of life.  It wants to replicate its interior life in the exterior world.  How can it do that if Chiron is taking charge, and handing it everything before the Moon even knows it needs it?

Chiron, on the other hand, may not feel it is worthy of this profound love.  Chiron will give itself completely, without caring for the consequences, because it is after a kind of sacrifice of the lower self, and when Chiron/Moon contacts are profound it will do this via relationship.  It is a bit like Mars/Moon contacts, with the lure being not pure sex, but healing.  All Chiron contacts between charts can lead to otherworldly experiences via sexual contact/desire and it is usually the Chiron person who will have the transcendent experiences due to the profound nature of their love.  The love of other can literally take them out of their bodies to experience this love on other levels and planes of existence.  This can be where the Chiron person goes wrong by declaring the other person an immortal god, not realizing its own immortality.  The intense connection that we feel in Chiron relationships is the connection with the divine via the other, not by the other.

On the other hand, Chiron/Moon between charts can be highly erotic.  Chiron itself is very sexual, but in a tantric way.  It understands that spirit is what makes the motion in the ocean.  Chiron is directly concerned with the distribution of kundalini throughout the body via the chakra system.  Chiron/Moon sex is never casual—even in the briefest encounter, it will affect the body with its transforming and connecting energy.  The lure of a Chiron/Moon contact is in its promise of completion via this energy: it will connect the masculine and feminine halves of the whole.

Chiron, always the outsider, is always looking for a place to belong.  When Chiron meets the Moon, that sense of ‘home’ in ‘other’ can be overwhelming.  The Moon person can be seen as a refuge for all of Chiron’s pain and inadequacy.  The Moon is made to feel secure by Chiron’s wounded state—they may not be consciously aware of it, but the inner script is, “This person is so crippled he/she will never leave me.”  This is often wonderful at first.  And then, depending on the amount of freedom the chart requires, things will change.

This can be quite tragic, because both are clinging for the wrong reasons, and both are preventing the other’s growth.  It can be quite difficult to encourage growth with Chiron/Moon, because the familiarity of the pain is what keeps them together.  Actual healing may not actually be wanted.

The other thing that goes wrong in Chiron/Moon relationships is that the Chiron person often takes the lead and becomes the teacher and leader.   There can be a tremendous amount of co-dependence in a Chiron/Moon relationship, as the Chiron person may always know best, (or seem to) and tries to lead the relationship in a particular way, even without knowing it.  The Moon person begins to resent the ‘teacher/student’ relationship; and the once-revered guru/healer may turn into an oppressor.    Eventually, the Chiron person causes the Moon person to feel unmoored and lose the sense of inner ‘home’ that causes us to feel confident and independent.  At some point the Moon person leaves, or confronts Chiron with its behavior.  The Chiron person may often focus on the relationship as a substitute for facing its own fears and being responsible for its own growth.  It is particularly prone to relationship dramas that get it off the ‘hook’ of self-examination, preferring to get caught in the drama of self-sacrifice and immolation rather than take a cold, concrete look at what is holding it back.  Intimacy can be a hypnotic lure, but is a poor substitute for the courage it takes to turn an immature Chiron into a mature one.  With Chiron/Moon, there is a particular danger that the physical part of the relationship becomes a drug whereby we intoxicate one another without really learning anything.

As happens with all Chiron contacts in synastry, but particularly with Chiron/Moon, there is a tendency for the Chiron person to choose a partner who is not an equal in terms of spiritual evolution and understanding. Chiron does this because he or she is not yet aware of his or her own divine power and spiritual perspective.  Or the spirituality may be considered peripheral, and not central to daily life.  When we choose partners who are not on our spiritual level, we are always unhappy and restless, something is not quite right.  We may begin to feel that our partners are beneath us in some way, or lacking in awareness and/or perception.  Circumstances will intervene where we begin to understand that this partner is not the right partner, that we have moved on in some way and need to find more appropriate partners who will appreciate us for who we are, not who we were, a product of past wounding.  We may choose to sacrifice ourselves for the relationship, but this impulse does not often last. Chiron can waste a lot of time worshipping at the wrong altar, and suffer the heartbreak and delusion of having its eyes opened too late.  That heady feeling of mutual belonging in the beginning can dwindle to ‘what was I thinking?’ very quickly once the observation is made.  The problem with Chiron is that it may stay—Chiron bonds, once created, are notoriously difficult to extricate ourselves from.  Chiron is tempted to squeeze out every last drop of wisdom before the ties are cut.

The odd thing about Chiron contacts in synastry, and especially Chiron/Moon, is that the trines and sextiles are often no better than the squares and oppositions, except for the fact that the two people move into the relationship faster and are quicker to learn the lessons involved, thereby releasing themselves more easily.  When Chiron is in hard aspect, there seems to be more compulsion involved, more tension, and a more extreme relationship experience.  Healing is available in all aspects, but with the hard aspects there is a higher price to pay.

The best part about Chiron/Moon is the ability to heal even the deepest psychological, sexual and sometimes physical, wounds.  The Moon person may instinctively know how to help Chiron understand its talents and bring them out into the world.  Chiron needs, above all, to understand that it is a vessel through which divinity pours, and the Moon instinctively has the trust that allows this to happen.  Chiron stops sacrificing itself, and begins to use its talents in new ways.  The Moon is enlightened by the relationship, reminded that divinity resides in the smallest crumb of life.  Both can be rescued from the compulsive drive to ‘other’ and be made to understand, through observation, mutual respect, that we are within ourselves complete.  At best, Chiron/Moon feeds the god within.

61 thoughts on “Chiron/Moon: The Endless Hunger of Part Two, Hunger and ‘Other’.

  1. This may be my favorite one yet. I could read your writing about Chiron all night long and well into a week from Thursday.The combination of practical insight and emotional resonance is wild. An Allemande on the 6th-12th polarity. “The Chiron person may often focus on the relationship as a substitute for facing its own fears and being responsible for its own growth. …The physical part of the relationship becomes a drug whereby we intoxicate one another without really learning anything.” This would have been tremendously valuable insight for me in a couple of recent Chiron/moon scenarios 🙂

  2. It seems like there is a resolution to much of the pain and suffering in relationships thru an inner reworking of the vertical angles – the MC/IC axis ……

  3. This is amazing insight. I have observed a relationship go through this over and over. The one partner after rejecting and breaking the others heart, decided he was tired of doing that to her. He took her back. And now they seem to be on an even keel…but who knows for how long. They are stuck in the magnetic sexual scenario you describe above. I think he will break her heart again. It’s just a matter of time. Sad indeed.

  4. Thank you for such a brilliant article! Like all the rest posts from this site, it is a pleasure to read and so profound knowledge.

    I was thinking about the relationship in synastry of Chiron/Moon; would it work in the same way as Pluto conjunct someone’s inner planet regarding the healing and the attraction involved? Which is more karmic?

    Keep feeding us 🙂

    1. When we talk about Pluto and Chiron/Moon, we are talking about different kinds of hunger. Pluto hunger is the hunger of the soul to be genuine and true to itself; it will pull even dangerous and dark experiences to itself in order to learn the truth of itself. Chiron/Moon is about separation from the divine and a longing for divine experience. I would say that the energy is closer to Neptune than Pluto, but more grounded and specific. Actually, in Chiron, we get a tinge of all the outer planets–the wisdom of Uranus, the redemptive power of Neptune and the transcendent power of Pluto.

  5. I have this with my daughter actually. The conjunction. My Chiron, her moon. I like it. Given my role as a mama I think it works alright. Chiron is the most aspected thing in my chart, so I am used to working it carefully. Our Saturns are conjunct as well, and Venus too. And we have a Sun /Jupiter conjunction to balance it out, and share a Sun/Rising.

    Interesting article. I think most of the people I have dated have had there Chiron so close to where mine is nataly that it hasn’t been a major player. There have been a few exceptions, however. 😉

  6. Interestingly enough I just looked up my fathers chart and his Chiron was on my Moon. How like life.
    Thanks for the article. Food for thought.

  7. I have never had a Chiron Moon relationship with anyone.
    Though I can relate to the ‘perpetual hunger’ thing(Chiron quincunx moon) I think the urge to find a partner is very great when they are in aspect?

    Dear Dawn..what would you suggest to all those who have natal moon-chiron? How does one assauge these feelings if one has Chiron Moon within the natal..?

    Thank you for the article 🙂

    1. Hi Loki. When Chiron is connected with the Moon in the natal, the most important thing to learn is that the sacred world is not a separate thing from the material world. Our lives are sacred, the material world is sacred, our bodies are especially sacred, as conduits of the divine energy. The hunger of Chiron/Moon comes from feeling physically separate from divinity. White Tantric practices are one of the practical ways to experience these sacred elements in life. (With white Tantra, you don’t need a partner, just the discipline and fearlessness to meditate deeply.) Transits and progressions to the Chiron/Moon aspect usually bring physical experiences which transcend ordinary life (out of body experience, telepathy, remote viewing, etc.).

  8. I had once a very special connection with someone who had a moon-saturn conjuction which aspected by conjuction my natal Chiron.. after everything was over, I felt as if my world ended ( something not too common for me to experience in addition to nature of the relationship) the person’s saturn also aspected my chiron so there was a very ruthless and sad element as to the way things ended. However the connection I felt was very intense back in those days.

  9. Interesting! I have Moon (conjunct Ascendant) directly opposite Chiron. Relationships were very difficult for me for much of my life, basically until my Chiron Return. Since then I’ve been in a relationship with someone whose Chiron sextiles mine (and trines my Moon). Very different relationship than I would have entered into when I was younger, but the strongest one I’ve ever had, and has been very healing.

    Well, my progressed Lunar Return is coming up this summer (already hitting my Uranus, which precedes my Moon by 4 degrees) so we’ll see what comes up!

  10. Hi Dawn,

    Awesome post and every word of it true. Chiron’s pain on meeting someone else’s Moon is a truly bittersweet experience – more bitter than sweet mostly.

    How can one handle such a synastry?


    1. In this synastry contact, true wisdom can come through when the Chiron person transcends his or her own perceived limitations, and the Moon person shifts from being the one who is hungry to becoming the one who can feed.

  11. I have the inconj. natally and in synastry the trine, my Moon to their Chiron (which is also squaring my jupiter/chiron).

    On the surface, it doesn’t seem as if Chiron perceives themselves to have limitations, but with time, I have learned to see hints of them. Yet, I must be careful to not mistake them for my projections.

    The question is, how can I feed, when all I have are my hunches and dreams to go by? It’s not been easy to get to this place and there are still days when it’s bad and I just want to “quit that bitch”. Is there a way of telling from a chart what kind of things the Chiron person would need?

  12. Thank you Dawn. I am noticing the intensity of Chiron aspects in synastry. A significant other’s moon is conjunct my Chiron, six degrees preceding it. His Chiron is directly in opposition to my Pluto, at the exact degree. I have been reading about Moon/ Pluto aspects, and it seems there is a similar resonance in these relationships, i.e. attachment, almost addictive in nature. Chiron/ Pluto then seems almost like a balance of the two..

    What do you think?

    1. Yes, they are alike in intensity. But there is a difference in the quality. Pluto wants to rip and burn. Chiron is looking for healing and redemption. Pluto only cares about the truth of the soul. Chiron wants to elevate it.

  13. “Not from Chiron alone, I’m afraid.”

    Yes, I didn’t think it would be possible to see this just from the Chiron placement by sign and house, but taking in the aspects and then the whole chart (because well, if Chiron is opposing the Sun, it would also be worthwile to note what other aspects the Sun makes especially if one of them is the dipositor of Chiron). Would it be possible to get a rough idea on what would feed and nurture the person?

  14. I have enjoyed all these well written insightful articles on Chiron to the relationship planets. I have Chiron in relatively tight aspect to the Moon, Venus, Mars, and Saturn and relationship has been difficult and rewarding. I can’t wait to see what you reveal in regards to the Chiron/Saturn energy.

  15. hi dawn- ive been reading all ur chiron articles for sometime and they’ve given me so much insights. i need it. i have chiron in 1st house taurus squaring moon in 11th aquarius. my life, i describe is a curse to me… i always feel not comfortable with anything except when im doing yoga which i think is all about cleansing for me. its the only time i feel i cud release all my pain. u mentioned about the body being the spiritual vessel, is it possible to transform the body through the mind?

    you mentioned about chiron having a gift. im curious, what is the gift of chiron?

    1. I’m sorry you’re having such a difficult time with Chiron, but Chiron alone can’t be responsible for a life. There must be other factors in the chart that you are wrestling with. Everyone talks a good game about transforming the body through the mind, but in truth it’s just not that easy. We are spiritual beings but we are intrinsically connected to a material shell, and even though body and spirit are one, the body is anchored to matter and matter has its own inertia to contend with, the weight of habit and genetic patterning and all the rest. It can get out of balance very easily and then have a hard time getting back into balance again. I’ve found that yoga and meditation are the best vehicles to transform the physical, so keep at it.

      Chiron is far more than his wound. Chiron is the maker of heroes. Whatever and wherever Chiron touches, we receive great wisdom which we must pass on to others in order to empower both them and ourselves. Once we tap into Chiron’s power, we have the kind of power that no one can take away from us. We become connected to everything.

  16. Dawn. I love all your articles on Chiron. You grasp something with them that is very unique.

    This article reminded me of the synastry of the young couple playing in Twilight. Kirsten Stewart has her Chiron on Pattison’s moon. And reading this article sort of describes their relationship, also as it is seen in the movie. He has said that she helped him move out of his shyness and poor sense of self.



  17. I have a relationship with chiron emphasis. My Chiron conjunct his Moon and his Chiron conjunct my Ascendant, opposite my Pluto. His Moon and Chiron are the apex of two yods in his chart. My ascendant and Chiron are parts of two kites in my chart. I thought this lesson is much more difficult to learn due to the planetery patterns. I realized I have in myself all the love and healing that I need and after reading your series about Chiron several times for a while now, I know I’m on the right path. Right now I just step back from the relationship and let the universe guides me.
    Thank you for this concrete series, I know I’d recognize your article anywhere due to the thought-provoking, healing quality and the beauty of the words.

  18. What an amazingly insightful article!

    As it happens, I have moon-Chiron trine double whammy with someone; so this article was very enlightening, to say the least. Does that add anything to the interpretation? I hope it means we’re more equal, seeing as we’re both the moon and Chiron. And to make matters, I guess, worse; we have a moon/venus conjunction in Pisces, me being the moon. As if we didn’t want to save and smother each other already!

    I can safely say I’ve never felt this way before. Thing is though I don’t necessarily mean that like I believe he’s the love of my life – I’ve just never felt this overwhelming need to nurture, love and protect someone, ever. It would have made more sense had we been family but since we’re man/woman and not related in any way, it almost automatically translates to feelings of wanting to heal each other through sex/love. It kind of freaks me out a bit, honestly, because even if this definitely is love, it seems much much less… free. Speaking as someone with a stellium of inner planets in the 11th house, though.

    Basically, this mutual moon-Chiron trine, for us, means that we look at each other and feel like “you’re so wounded and weird and you’re the only one who has ever really understood me”. It’s beautiful and special, but very heavy. It feels kind of destined; l don’t really think I have much choice, anyway. The pull is too strong.

    Obviously, you’ve given me much to think about. Thank you so much for writing this!

  19. have lived this aspect… an exact trine (0 deg) of my chiron with my former colleague’s moon, where he mentored me professionally and i subtly mentored him emotionally… it was a deep, complicated and soulful partnership that i could never put into words or acknowledge to him or anyone, and i was absolutely devastated when we parted ways. it took me ages to work up the courage to offer some kind of non-work related friendship – i put myself out there, but the offer was rejected. unintentional wounding, i’m sure, but the hunger does seem to linger.

  20. sorry, other way around. His chiron trine my moon (4 degrees); my chiron trine his sun (0 degrees). It must have been a pretty intense flow on both sides, it seems, although possibly a stronger effect on my emotions and on his personality.

  21. Hey. I commented on the last page about chiron/moon and again id like to saythat i have nn/moon/chiron conjunction no more than an orb apart total. Saturn retro is opposite by 3 degrees. Id love to see an opinion on this. Its in 7th house. 10 degrees libra while chiron is 9-57

  22. My man has Moon trine Chiron natally. My Moon-Neptune conjunction grand trines them. In fire signs.
    What are the added dimensions when Neptune influences a ‘his Moon- his Chiron- her Moon/her Neptune’ grand trine in synastry?

    1. Firstly, you can’t really make a grand trine between charts. I mean you can, technically, but it doesn’t work the way it does within a chart. The one planet in one’s chart that trines the other two will be the focal point. It depends on which planets are making which aspects. Ultimately, Chiron/Neptune strives to embody an ideal. With Moon/Neptune, we often fall for illusion or potential and pass reality by. Chiron then feels guilty that it doesn’t come up to scratch. There can be a lot of illusion and misdirection in this relationship, with no one seeing it for what it is. Trines are not always a blessing. They increase flow, and in this case can increase the flow of unreality and disappointment.

  23. Thanks Dawn,
    Yes i agree with your point about the ‘common planet’ taking the focus.
    But what i did not mention is that the above grand trine is a part of a synastric KITE headed by a conjunction of His Uranus/Her Mars/Her pluto. So i think energy of this triangle gets diverted there for the most part.

    1. Ashley, I assure you that every word of this came entirely from my own head. Furthermore, I have never read any of Ram Dass’s work, much as I am ashamed to admit it, so it can’t be copy by association, either. I would never quote from someone else’s work without giving them credit for it, nor paraphrase an idea.

  24. Wow, this was very helpful, however depressing. I was originally looking at my own Moon Trine Chiron Rx. Then I took a look at my synastry chart and I have my Chiron Rx Trine his Moon and his Chiron Rx Trine my Sun as well as a plethora of other aspects to both our Chirons Rx! Yikes!! I resonate very deeply with much of what was said but am very curious about how my Sun comes into play. We are close to the same spiritual level; we have both brought new revelations to the relationship. We both have felt this to be a Karmic relationship so perhaps this is the energy (among others) that is holding us together.

    1. The trine is a very different aspect from the square. Trines allow the flow of energy. When you have trines, there is an exchange of energy between bodies, so that Chiron trine Sun will be able to tap into the considerable divine light emanating from the Sun. A great deal of healing is available. Chiron trine Moon can be very inclusive, and this is most likely where the feeling of karma/been there before is coming from. The retrogradation means that Chiron’s energy is going inwards in order to rectify and heal.

  25. Very profound articles, thank you so much. What if there is DOUBLE Chiron opposition Moon? I have this synastry with someone: my Saturn conjunct his Moon, opposition my Chiron conjunct his Saturn. His Chiron is also opposition my Moon. We have MANY Chiron trines and sextiles as well. The connection feels profound but we need to see how things play out. Saturn is also transiting over the Moon/Saturn conjunction, thus activating the whole thing in a BIG way!! I don’t think we can escape…We are both on a spiritual path and quite aware people, but it’s definitely already been a challenge confronting the constant arising of deep patterns that grip me for seemingly no reason, because of our benign interactions. However, we are both dedicated to our own healing and it feels rather impossible to avoid the connection, no matter how much fear and insecurity it’s bringing up. Am I trying to make lemonade out of lemons with these aspects?

    1. It sounds to me as if you are doing the right thing. Chiron gives us opportunities to heal, when the Moon is involved, it will unearth deep seated patterns. If you can stick with it, you will most likely find it very rewarding. Chiron is the key to opening our awareness, of taking us out of ourselves so that we can make a greater contribution. Saturn allows us to ground our experience and translate it into ‘real life.’ Good luck. Stay strong.

    1. Retrograde Chiron means that the wound is deeply internalized and the healing process will also be. The polarity of Chiron by sign and house is important to its healing.

  26. A man I met years ago and fell in love with, has moon conjunct saturn (in capricorn) opposite chiron (in cancer). I have mars conjunct chiron (in cancer) opposite his moon. He is 5 months older than me so we pretty much have chirons conjunct. We have venuses opposite (his in cap and mine in cancer) and our most important aspect which keeps us connected I believe is his sun in (sagittarius) in exact square with my moon in pisces.

    We also have ascendants conjunct (both conjunct our jupiters) and we pretty much view the world in the same way. Both spiritual people too.

    This is by far the most meaningful and the deepest relationship I have had. I rejected his marriage proposal a few years ago because I was too young and childish back then and refused to settle down and grow.

    He has been going under pretty harsh spiritual transformations for the past year and him and I are on the same level now.

    Transiting Saturn is currently squaring our composite sun and we are both thinking about settling down once again.

    What worries me about the future of this relationship, is my mars/chiron, (which by the way has always been tempting me to act like heroes in relationships, saving people who may not even need being saved from whatever I suppose it is) opposing his moon. I am afraid I may open up old wounds for him by my actions and the way I like to express myself sexually, and that he may end up getting hurt and leave. But then again his saturn is also opposing my mars and I am always worrying whether my sexual expressions is offensive to him.

    What would your advice be for me dear Dawn?

    1. I think you have a good handle on what the problems might be. That gives you the ability to change your own behavior, if necessary, or at least discuss the issues that arise. Astrology is there to facilitate growth and change, not to make excuses for us. Take the high road if you decide to enter this relationship again. You’re older and smarter now.

  27. Great article!
    Chiron opposing Chiron – does it work in a similar way? Or even stronger than Moon-Chiron?

    1. Chiron opposite Chiron is not like Moon/Chiron at all. Growth occurs in opposite houses under oposing circumstances. The other’s Chiron may take you away from your own issues and encourage you to concentrate on theirs. You may take turns being the wounder or the healer. There will be a lot of unintentional stepping on one another’s toes. You will, however, eventually encourage one another toward growth, no matter how difficult it may be to face your own issues.

  28. Hi Dawn- read both parts to this, such a good read. Curious if all this manifests similarly in a composite with a tight moon/Chiron conjunction?

  29. p.s. Have also read that Chiron/personal planet conjunctions in composites indicate an “unhealable wound” inherently in the relationship- curious about your thoughts on that as well?

  30. What about Chiron conj. the ascendant in a composite? Could we say that the physicality (or the very existence) of the (romantic) relationship can be both painful and healing? Could the issues/limitations of a big age difference be a possible manifestation of this aspect?

  31. It WAS a powerful comprehensive sharing.
    Today Dec. 12/17 there is a chiron aspect. ouch
    Certainly fits past and more near present.
    Mine is in virgo conj.lilith 4th I think. Maybe fifth as they, my lovers have to get to work! scowl.
    Would that be the disapproval of the working class?
    esp. the generation before 1944. ?

  32. Hi. I have chiron conjunct moon in my natal in pisces. And I have a question. I like a man. I made our composite and discovered this. Chiron is conjunct moon. And they are opposite sun, mercury, venus, mars, Uranus and juno. What can I do. ☺have you ever seen this?

  33. My Moon is exactly conjunct my 12 year old son’s Chiron. (His chiron is conjunct his Venus & Mercury). While I know he was my little love teacher, there is this other side that I feel like you touch on. His needs of me. He has this desire to touch my skin as if I’m a healing God for him. He says he wishes he could become my shirt so he could always be on my skin. I avoid home a lot because of his psychic intensity and its pull on me. There are other pretty potent synastry contacts as well, our Saturns are on each other’s Marses and our Suns are opposing each other. It’s quite a crazy experience having such an intense soul connection with your kids.

  34. this is me.
    from everything i read about it until now, the most heartpoking thing is the idea that i will feel like this all my life, and that it doesn’t go away.
    it might be the new moon/total eclipse, but i am so tearing up about it.

  35. Chiron on my South node here. I have met so many contacts to my chiron, more recently where their planets are on my north node so they make an opposition to my chiron/SN. This is so helpful for me to read. ‘They will never leave me because they are so crippled’ something like this is what I’ve felt from people (and ive literally FELT crippled too) during my whole life. Then just recently realizing that there was nothing wrong with me at all. I try to consciously realize and implement the qualities I see in the other person now, especially when there are things on my North Node. I ask myself, does this person bring me closer to, or further away from God. Even if initially they didn’t, i can find ways to find God through them and then I no longer look small in the relationship. Then I no longer self sabotage. I find that usually the same way i ‘felt crippled’ with people before has just been a reflection of them and what they need to heal. I try and let them heal on their own now.

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