So here is this charming, dynamic, nurturing, fruitful couple, all set to make something of their lives together, and with enough vital energy and strength (Sun/Saturn/Uranus) to do it. Mars
Aside from the Venus, they have the very charismatic Pluto/Chiron conjunction in the first house. Pluto/Chiron is a strange energy. People who have this aspect can be perceived as healers for the collective. In Leo, there is healing through creative expression and healing through leadership, both of which are very evident when these two come together–this is particularly true for those in the Pluto in Leo generation. In any case, these relationship is perceived as powerful by others–the first house in the composite is the relationship’s workaday face, with the 10th being what we intentionally put out for others to see. This ‘healing’ energy is directly related to the creativity of the fifth house Moon. And here another indication of strife shows itself, depending on what kind of aspects the individual charts have between the Moon and Pluto. If difficult, one or the other partner may project their
emotional upheavals and inner power struggles on to the relationship, and there may be struggles for control within the partnership.
Things are not all they’re cracked up to be with this pleasant, creative, Venusian couple. The Sun’s energy is the basic energetic thrust in the chart, and aspects to the Sun colour that energy heavily. In addition to the maturing force of our Saturn, we have the erratic and unpredictable Uranus (also aspecting the North Node ruler Mercury). These two will have to move forward when they’re together, but it will be a wild and unpredictable ride. Saturn and Uranus can fight it out for supremacy. Uranus can give a touch of genius, and Saturn gives the ability to manifest that genius, but Sun/Uranus is very unstable, on again, off again. Uranus in the 12th, in particular, can operate in a veiled kind of way, with two people not knowing that they are rebelling against the partnership until it’s too late. These people will have to adapt to changes in their partnership and adapt fast, before Saturn has the chance to dig in its heels. Coping with change, here, is part of the maturing process, and unless handled constructively has the ability to cut the relationship asunder. Planets in the 12th can sabotage from within, and must be made conscious and dealt with.
The other potential worm in our apple is the condition of the North Node itself. Here we have another intensification of the North Node process–the South Node ruler, Neptune, is conjunct the North
Node. It means that all the gifts and difficulties of that ninth house South Node in Pisces have to be addressed again–the gifts must be used and the difficulties overcome. This condition of the Nodes is almost like an enforced re-living of the past. The gifts of this South Node are inspiration, vision, self-sacrifice, compassion and the instinctive ability to tap into a broad perspective (9th). It wants to disperse (9th) its gifts and works on a very large scale. The pitfalls are self-delusion, letting circumstances dictate, lacking direction, lacking clear boundaries, and the negative Virgo traits of perfectionism and false expectations. There may be a difficult time separating the ‘dream’ of the ninth house from the everyday reality of the third, and their time together may be spent having to sort out what is real in their relationship and what is based on illusion. They may be so busy working on the larger picture (9th) that they don’t focus enough on what’s really going on between them.
These two are meant to inspire (Neptune conjunct NN) and communicate something together (third house), to craft something (Virgo) of that Piscean vision/energy. They will inspire one another and most will have likely have a great deal to say–some of it provocative (Mercury/Uranus). They may also goad one another (Mars/Mercury NN ruler) into achieving (Mars inconjunct MC).
Unfortunately, I have to say that I have never liked seeing Neptune on the angle of a composite–even if very well aspected in both charts individually and very spiritually or artistically oriented, Neptune on an angle can mean a relationship that dissolves, and the two most difficult angles to have it on are the Ascendant and the IC. Neptune on the IC is very pretty while it lasts, but can leave a relationship to erode, without a leg to stand on. This is doubly activated here with the partnership asteroid, Juno, also conjunct Neptune and the Node and the IC. These two have to deal with illusions about of the equality in their partnership and check that they are actually living it. If they want to stay together, they’ll have to make sure that the relationship is based on a solid emotional truth, and will have to check with one another continually to make sure that one or the other is not disillusioned, or inclined to wander off. (The Moon/Pluto square here may indicate a deep connection, but also a tendency to emotional manipulation.) Otherwise, they may drift off in different directions, never knowing what really happened in the emotional stakes.
Another indication of potential conflict comes from the MC ruler, Mars, inconjunct the MC/IC of the composite. Inconjuncts are ferociously problematic and particularly here, where it aspects zero Aries and Libra, the natural relationship axis. Mars is pretty feisty quincunx the MC–like a racehorse bucking to get out of the gate and use all that Mercury energy. But it also means that Mars is not
integrated into that Libran IC, and these two may not know how to use their combined Martian energy in a Libra fashion, inclining to fights and fallouts (and dealing with the IC/Neptune/Juno illusions). For all their communicative skills, these two probably don’t know how to clear the air between them.
Aside from the problematic IC (which will take a lot of North Node wisdom and a lot of Virgo practical earth to work out), having the
Descendant ruler conjunct Uranus is also problematic. Uranus plays an odd role here. It squares Mercury, the North Node ruler, and trines the North Node, Neptune and Juno; flashes of brilliant insight as to their purpose together are possible, but they will always need to tap into the maturity of Saturn to ground their impulses. They will always need to ask themselves, is this way together the right way for both of us?
The Descendant is a complicated point in the composite chart. It can represent ‘other people’ who come to the relationship, but it can also show the shadow side of the relationship, the things that undermine us. It also can show us how a couple interacts with others not in the relationship. Saturn/Uranus can mean others have a real potential to break up this partnership. It can also mean that the natural rebellious tendency that works so well for the North Node can be the very thing that undermines the partnership. The energy is very erratic, sometimes solid, sometimes flying off. The deep bond of this Venus and Moon being challenged by the erratic and challenging Mars/Uranus combination. It’s possible, with the square from Mars and the North Node ruler squaring the Uranus/Saturn conjunction, (and adding Neptune to the IC) that these two will not stay together forever, in spite of their feelings for one another.
The other thing that makes me suspicious of long-term durability is the number of inconjuncts here. Inconjuncts, both the quincunx and the semi-sextile, mean that planetary energy is not properly integrated. If there is a Saturn/Neptune quincunx, say, Saturn knows it needs Neptune and Neptune knows it needs Saturn, but neither has a clue how to make the first move. Inconjuncts are particularly problematic when a planet is inconjunct (both quincunx and semi-sextile) both ends of an angle or axis. This planet needs to be worked into this angle, (the quincunx end is usually more straightforward than the semi-sextile end); but often finds it impossible. Yet inconjuncts pull us into situations where we have to deal with the unresolvable conflicts. This causes a lot of strife when both ends of an axis are stirred up and frustrated. Here we have Mars inconjunct the MC/IC (the end it rules (MC) will be easier for it to access, to the detriment of the IC), which we’ve mentioned. These two may have difficulty processing their anger, particularly with the Venusian ‘happy face’ on the Ascendant. We also have the Sun inconjunct the Nodes, Chiron inconjunct the Asc/Desc and Uranus inconjunct the Vertex/anti-Vertex. The difficulty here, just in terms of tensions, is immense, yet inherent in the energy when these two are together.
Eventually, they may find it easier to be apart.
In spite of this, look at the number of aspects to the Vertex. When they met, it must have felt like fate.
Who is this famous couple?
John Lennon and Paul McCartney

Please read part one of this piece here.
What I find interesting about this composite is 2nd ruler Sun in full dignity. What did they do together? Make money out of fame..
That Saturn Square to me would seem like an intolerable sort of relation. But they were obviously not a married couple. So that relationship would have been I imagine more of a father-Sun sort to me.
Lennon being the father, since he’s the one with the Jupiter Saturn conjunction rising natally. McCartney was the fun kid, with his Sun Jup conjunction, but he is also Neptune rising. He was the unreliable, impressionable one.
I don’t really know, I guess it would be good to get some biographical details on it to confirm. Also maybe the synastry.
There are reams and reams of material about what this relationship was like–a great deal of it in their own words. Lennon, of course, was much more straightforward and articulate about it, and even compared them to a couple who loved one another but couldn’t get along. In the beginning, they inspired one another, and it was always very competitive. But eventually, the Saturn/Uranus conjunction squaring did do them in–they felt repressed around one another, and stopped working together. Even in the beginning, they wrote a lot separately, and then brought it to the table. There was a lot of love there, always. They said they felt closer than family (Venus Cancer rising).
If you look at the natals, you’ll see that McCartney was not as much fun and impressionable as he made out–very ambitious (Neptune rising are often a lot less nice than they seem). And Lennon was a lot more emotional than he showed.
I should have put the birth data up for anyone who is interested:
John Lennon, October 9th, 1940, Liverpool, England, 6:30 pm
Paul McCartney, June 18th, 1942, Liverpool, England, 2 pm
you should do more of these. i enjoyed this very much. thanks for that.
Hi Dawn,
Your analysis is fascinating. I noticed that my saturn and venus conjuncts the ascendant composite while making contacts to sun, moon and venus.
In contrast, his saturn and Jupiter in libra (9 degrees) falls into the IC of the composite where there is pluto and the NN. But there are no significant contacts to his Saturn from any of the planets except venus in aries (at 25 degrees).
His Asc also contains his Saturn and Jupiter while his descendant contains his moon. So his Asc/desc angle is conjunct the IC/MC of the composite with his moon conjunct venus composite. His NN is loosely conjunct saturn in the composite. Neptune in the 6th house trine pluto and venus but square moon.
Does that mean he is less committed to the relationship than I am because there are no significant saturn contacts to planets?
No, there are other techniques we use to discover who may be the more committed partner in a relationship. And no, I won’t tell you what they are. It’s not a technique that I teach everyone, due to the possibility of not handling it responsibly.
Both Juno and the vertex in the composite are in his 4th house conjunct his IC.
I’m not sure I understand what you meant by “not handling it responsibly” and I dont want to assume :o)