Venus/Chiron Synastry Q & A: Loving the Hurt–

Venus/Chiron Synastry Q & A: Loving the Hurt–

Dawn Bodrogi June 20, 2010

I meant to write something a bit more lighthearted today, but I’m finding that the Mars/Vesta conjunction sitting on top of my Sun will not let me stray to the frivolous. Vesta is potent in Virgo; her inclination to turn inwards is enhanced by Virgo’s introspective, discriminating outlook. When Vesta comes through this sign it’s as though the door to the hearth is not only closed, but locked and bolted. Virgo is intact within itself. The symbol of the virgin is strong here–not the chaste virgin of common association, but she of the untouched soul. Purity of intent is Vesta’s goal. The current Vesta/Mars energy is causing all of us all to examine whether our actions are appropriate and purposeful. Are we frittering our time away or are we committed to a course of action? Vesta to Mars is asking us whether or not our actions are in alignment with our innermost being. I’ve noticed that phone calls, emails and poste escargot (otherwise known as snail mail) are down lately. Id like to think that we’re all taking advantage of the downturn and are using the time to just breathe, and re-focus.Venus/ChironSo in the spirit of Mars/Vesta in Virgo, I’m going to clear the decks over the next week and answer any questions that have come my way recently. And if any of you have new questions, please send them. (If I have forgotten to answer any of your questions, please remind me.)

This is for Liz, who wrote in recently saying that she and her boyfriend have a ‘double whammy’ Venus/Chiron hard aspect between their charts:

Judging how Chiron is going to behave in a synastry isn’t easy. We need to go back to the individual charts to see if Chiron is in a particularly sensitive position (tightly aspecting significant inner planets, or conjunct an angle) and then we’d need to assess how each individual interacts with his or her own Chiron. One of the biggest mistakes new astrologers make is in giving equal weight to all planets in the chart. We all make a great fuss, for example, over Pluto transits–but for some of us Pluto is not really highlighted in the natal chart, and the transit will pass with a bit of disruption, but not the deep, internal transformation we were anticipating (though he will always make himself known). The same goes for Chiron–some of us are destined to feel our Chiron deeply, unable to shake the feeling that we are starving children with our noses pressed up against the glass of the bakery window. And some of us can bypass our Chiron, only becoming aware of its presence during the times when it squares, opposes, or conjuncts itself by transit. Some of us find our wisdom through suffering, and some of use use our pain as an excuse for not moving forward. For those of us attuned to Chiron, he causes us to seek ways to transcend our pain. For those of us not attuned to our own long term spiritual healing, the triggering of Chiron’s pain may cause us to seek band-aid solutions to relieve the sting and bury our head in the sand, until the next Chiron episode occurs in our lives.

There are entire books written about Chiron and how it behaves in the chart (the classic text is by Melanie Reinhardt). But not much has been written about Chiron in synastry. One of the reasons is that Chiron doesn’t often manifest in a direct, specific way. When an astrologer sits down to consult an individual or a couple about a relationship, it’s the more obvious things that come to the fore: feeling stifled and oppressed (Saturn), needing freedom (Uranus), equal partnership (Juno), power games (Pluto). The Chiron issues that need to be addressed in relationship often slink over to us in the middle of the night and whisper in our ear, and we’re not sure whether or not we should be disturbed by them. (Is this hurt real, or is this something I’m imagining? Is there something wrong with me, or is it him?)

Yet, Chiron is often a magnet in relationships. Much the way Saturn becomes an ardent lover when he knows he needs something from another person, Chiron becomes passionate when it senses the possibility of healing–either of itself or of another. Part of the reason for relationship itself, and our drives towards one another, both spiritual and sexual, have to do with healing the rifts within us. Being born into this world rips us from the Source, and most of us spend our lives trying to find some way to get back to that initial wholeness. Relationships are an avenue to that wholeness, for some of us the only way, with many of us not even aware that our impulse to relationship has an underlying agenda. We know we feel incomplete in some way, and having someone to love helps us bridge our own soul-gaps. It isn’t so much, “you complete me” as much as it is, “with you around, I find it easier to complete myself.”

But relationships bring out both the best and the worst in us, and this is doubly so when Chiron is dominant. When Chiron shows himself prominently in a synastry, one or both partners will have to face a sense of limitation and even incompetence. When Chiron is prominent between charts, the other person may touch our most deep seated wounds, fears and inadequacies. The cruelty of Chiron is that it exposes the very thing you would like to keep most hidden, even in the throes of intimacy. We feel raw and exposed, and vulnerable to inexpressible hurt. However, depending on the other elements in the synastry, by bringing this pain and limitation to light the relationship can serve to heal the very thing that has been holding us back. The thing that has been keeping us from accessing our higher powers (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) with any kind of efficiency or regularity. When we have gone through a Chiron experience, either by transit or through a relationship, we no longer fear our possibilities or potential. We may still suffer, but we know that we cannot be destroyed. Chiron’s immortality becomes our gift.

Because Chiron is part centaur and tied to our animal nature and our connection with the body, his wounds and his wisdom are often shared through our relationship to our own physicality, as well as our sexuality. People with Moon/Chiron are often natural healers, sometimes without knowing it–however, they must get past their own fears and limitations regarding the body before they can discover this gift within themselves. (Moon/Chiron has a hard time with body image, or simply just being a soul anchored in a body.) Chiron has an affinity for sexual healing. When Chiron is attached to any planet, that planet becomes a vehicle for helping ourselves and/or others towards wholeness, and this can be most evident in our sexual interactions. Dealing with the difficulties of the planet involved can advance our awareness of the way the spiritual and the material interact.

Chiron is the maker of heroes. Heroes must learn their weaknesses and limitations before they master their strength. (Everyone has their own personal version of Kryptonite.) When Chiron touches a planet, we have experiences that cause us to go beyond the limitations of that planet (Chiron can often take us to the edge of our understanding) and challenge us to utilize that planet via the transcendent powers of the outer planets. That planet is not meant to function in an ordinary way. This is particularly true when Chiron touches the lower octave of one of the outer planets–Venus/Neptune, Mercury/Uranus, Mars/Pluto. (Old rulerships count here as well–Chiron/Jupiter will cause us to look to Neptune and Chiron/Saturn to Uranus.) Chiron is where the lower and the higher energies meet, no matter whether or not there are aspects between the higher and lower octaves in the natal chart.

Venus/Chiron is a strange combination. The planet of self-worth and desire, the planet of beauty and balance, the planet of ownership and value, meets the Asteroid King of the Have-nots. Venus/Chiron appreciates the exquisite beauty inherent in human suffering. It is not a love of suffering itself, but of humanity’s ability to transcend it. If we cry when we hear a piece of music, that is Chiron/Venus at work. Many musicians and singers have Venus/Chiron aspects, and their work has a haunting quality. Judy Garland, Bob Dylan, and Leonard Cohen have the square. David Helfgott, the Australian classical pianist who was both crucified by and healed through his music, has a Moon/Venus/Mars conjunction opposite Chiron. Jacques Brel, whose songs were all about the suffering inherent in life, had the conjunction. In Brel’s work, the soul searches for a respite in love, which is ever-elusive. His work celebrates both human bravery and human folly in the face of that endless hunger.

Venus/Chiron between charts is also searching for a respite, this time in the other, which may never be found. You may never be my island of consolation, and if I’m to love you, I must accept that. I am hurt by what you value, because I may never measure up. I may never be beautiful to you, or feel beautiful in your presence. We may unintentionally hurt one another all the time, creating experiences that erode self-esteem. I may make you feel that what you value is not worthwhile. This aspect can cause us to act with one another as if we are walking on eggshells, never knowing when something poisonous may crawl out from underneath. When Chiron touches a planet, it is trying to expand the horizons of that planet, to teach it to be the most it can be–so sometimes Chiron does the hurting back. The process is painful (Venus always wants to be adored), but Chiron can open Venus to greater horizons and a greater scope of loving. When Chiron touches Venus, it can take us beyond the ordinary, ego-based realm of Venus to something altogether more exquisite.

In a way, you’re lucky if you have a Venus/Chiron double whammy–both Chirons acting with both Venuses. Although it ups the Chiron factor in this relationship, your difficulties in accepting one another as you are will be mutual. At its best, this relationship will teach you both about compassion and forgiveness. You will learn to accept what the other loves, desires, values. The good elements of Neptune can run high, even if neither of you have Neptune emphasized. You will learn, over time, to be kind to one another, and to avoid hurting one another unless it is absolutely necessary for the survival of the partnership. You will teach one another about the values of partnership. You will learn to appreciate one another in spite of your individual limitations–in fact, you may begin to celebrate the limitations of your partner and love the human flaws. If you’re very lucky, Chiron will teach you both a great deal about love itself, about love as a power, rather than simply an experience or an emotional state. Chiron to Venus may prevent you from ever feeling completely accepted and appreciated, but if you focus on the love you can give, rather than the love you receive, you may be surprised at how quickly those feelings disappear. Chiron is always willing to help us become a channel for greater wisdom.

If either Chiron or Venus is terribly challenged in the individual charts, this road will be more rocky and the path not so clear. In this situation, it’s best to just let small hurts ride and focus on the larger issues between you. Chiron works best when we get our egos out of the way. With Chiron, we need to focus on what we are willing to sacrifice, which may very well be our own petty behaviour. When Chiron is involved with Venus, we may be asked to sacrifice our mundane desires for something more in line with what our soul is whispering to us in the night.

85 thoughts on “Venus/Chiron Synastry Q & A: Loving the Hurt–

  1. As always, Dawn, an interesting piece. Chiron is prominent in my chart as it is sextile a sun/Venus conjunction and quindecile a moon/uranus conjunction. I have always had body image/self esteem issues. and I do have healing abilities that are magnifies when I have a positive and active sexual relationship (or when I am meditating a lot). My love interest has a Venus/Chiron square a Chiron/descendent conjunction. Since our birthdays are only three weeks apart, our chirons are conjunct and so we have those same dynamics in our synastry. He finds me beautiful, alluring, fascinating and dangerous to his spiritual development. I love the way he looks and find him wildly attractive but it is more that the imperfections in his face make him more attractive to me. I am also leery that a closer involvement with him might mean that I will be asked to abandon my spiritual practice and keep mum about my beliefs, and I am not certain that is something that I could do. I know it is nothing that I want to do. He also has both sun square Chiron and Mercury square Chiron and little faith in his intellectual capabilities. I find this perplexing as he has built and maintained a church for 27 years, and is presently teaching himself spanish. He also does a lot of it work to maintain his site and a few more. I wonder, “How can he think he’s not bright?” but then I remember, “Oh, Chiron”. I could ramble on and on, but I won’t. thanks again for this piece.

    1. One of the advantages of having Chiron in the same position (birthdays near one another) is that the partner can give a new perspective on the aspect. You may not be able to completely figure out your own Chiron, but you may be able to help figure out his.

      It’s natural that he finds you dangerous to his spiritual development–that’s the mundane reaction to Chiron at work. You need to help him understand that sexuality is spiritual at core, and perhaps get involved in some low-level Tantric practices that enhance our understanding of sex as a spiritual experience. I recommend the work of Charles and Caroline Muir for beginners. They talk in a no-nonsense, practical manner and their exercises are simple and effective.

  2. Hi Dawn – I loved this post. Your insights help me to better understand the more profound aspects of Chiron’s role in the synastry shared with my husband, which have recently taken an interesting turn. My Aquarius Moon is exactly conjunct my husband’s Chiron/BM Lilith conjunction, with both forming an exact square to our Scorpio conjunctions. And my Chiron is quincunx his Virgo Moon and conjunct his Pallas.

    Although our relationship has not been without its fair share of challenges (understatement), we do seem to have a healing effect on one another, with my effect on him being more physical/spiritual, while his effect on me seems to more psychological/spiritual. He’s the first and only person in my life who really gets me and loves me in spite of my flaws. It’s been very healing.

    I’ve always known my husband and I share a special physical connection, but I’ve recently discovered that by placing my hands just above his body (sometimes on) and allowing myself to be a channel, I’m able to direct healing energy where it’s needed. Even when I’m not directly touching him, he feels the heat and experiences a tingling or rushing sensation. He also says his breathing slows and afterwards his pain is gone and he feels generally more relaxed. He’s a big-time skeptic (doesn’t even believe in astrology), so this has come as quite a shock to us both. So far, I haven’t tested this on anyone else, and after reading your post, I’m wondering if this might not be some unique connection we share, as opposed to some latent ability of mine. I have Chiron/6th opposite Uranus/12th, a loose trine to Venus, and maybe a few parallels as well, including one to my Sun (within about a degree).

    Thanks Dawn.

  3. Chiron/Uranus is an aspect that needs a post of its own. It has to do with our life purpose–what we’re meant to do in this world. However, your Moon/Chiron connections point directly to being able to heal one another physically–sexually or otherwise. A person born with a natal Moon/Chiron contact may be able to tap this energy for everyone, but the unique Moon/Chiron contact between you and your husband points to a specific healing energy between you. I would encourage you to pursue this–it’s a very innocent energy and very direct in it’s healing powers. You benefit as much from doing it has he does from receiving it. If you become more interested in how this can work, I would encourage you to get more involved with the chakra system (check my reading list) and learn how to work your energy that way.

    1. Thanks so much, Dawn. I’m very interested and will definitely check out your reading recommendations; I’m thinking “Kundalini and the Chakras” from your reading list. BTW, my husband’s Uranus is exactly opposite my Moon (within 4 minutes), so this fits in perfectly with what you’re saying. Unfortunately, he doesn’t seem able to heal me in the same way. But you’re right, when I work on him, it does seem to loosen up pent up energy within me, and as a result I feel physically better too. Especially in my arms/shoulders, the physical location of my Chirotic wound.

      Although I have heard of natal Chiron/Uranus connections to healing, up until this post, I’d never read about Moon/Uranus oppositions and the ability to heal. My natal opposition is pretty loose (9 degrees) so I’m not even sure if it would count, but in any case, food for thought. I also just realized this morning the significance of my natal Uranus/Chiron/Moon rulers (Sun and Uranus) forming a quintile with one another. Off topic I know, but your mention of rulerships sparked my awareness. I always learn something new from you and appreciate your thoughtful responses. Now I’m off to look for a book.

      1. The healing ability isn’t coming from the Uranus contact, it’s coming from the Moon/Chiron conjunction between you. But the Uranian energy does factor in–Uranus rules the nervous system, including the parasympathetic nervous system which controls involuntary processes, such as heart rate. Uranus is tied to the flow of energy through the chakra system, and Moon/Uranus is particularly receptive to this.

  4. I couldn’t understand everything because of my English, but I will read the article again later. My Chiron is in conjuction with Venus and Mars and in opposition to Uranus, so I have a deep interest to this topic. (Btw, I’m a certified classical homeopath and Bach therapeutist as well – maybe the reason is this stressed Chiron – but I’m not practicing right now because of law of health in Bulgaria).

    Thank you for this interesting post 🙂

  5. hello, im new to both chiron and synastry.

    i have chiron and mercury i. gemini in the third, but not conjunct. when looking at our synastry charts, my partners chiron (8th) ia conjunct my mercury. so does that mean my words wound him? or heal? or both?

    1. Hi Anna,

      I’m going to be addressing Chiron in connection with all the planets in synastry, eventually. Chiron/Mercury deserves its own post, as it’s involved so strongly with how we communicate with one another and now we do or do not connect with one another in a natural way. Chiron to the inner planets will be first. Stay tuned.

  6. Great post. I’m so glad I found your site. I haven’t looked at Chiron in 30 years of study. Your insights are really helping me understand this beautiful centaur.

  7. Hi Dawn:
    Thank you for this article. I am a leo 8-16-57, and I had an intense 17 year relationship with an Aquastell Aquarian 1-26-62. My Chiron is in Aquarius. The relationship was always turbulent, with him being crazily cold, rebelious and everything you can imagine. The more I loved him and tried to morph into what I thought that I should be and act like, the crueler he was to me. One day he went to pay the rent, went back to cut the grass, came home with my job of over 10 years and eventually just left, to be with my former boss and who I thought was my close friend. I have struggled for nearly 2 years to understand what happened. I think the Chiron opposite my sun and the frustrating aspects to venus and mars done us in. We have a 14 year old son whom he abandoned as well. I truly loved him but I’m not sure it was mutual. I feel the more understanding I can have the acceptance I need will come and I can move on. Interestingly, the times that he wants to spend with our son, our son a scorpio-11-13-95 treats him like he has treated us. I will stay tuned and book mark this page, I believe I was lead here. Peace and Blessings. Pearl

    1. Hi Pearl,

      Sorry to hear about your experience. Chiron to Sun is particularly hard, because the basic validity of our existence is challenged. It can feel as if our very life force is being taken away.

      One of the things that can happen with Chiron/Venus (and sometimes with the other relationship planets) is that we fall in love with people who, spiritually, are not up to our level, and are incapable of loving us properly. The reason this happens is to teach us more about who we are, and what we are capable of. It’s painful, but the next time around you will be more likely to look for your own good qualities in the other person, and choose someone who is your equal.

      1. Thank you Dawn. Wow, an immediate response! You put into words exactly what has been trapped inside for a very long time, much love given, and so much pain and rejection returned. I receive the message, Man it hurts, but the reality allows me to truly let go of the “why’s and what the h—?’s. I’m so grateful for the understanding and I am accept my lessons.

  8. Trying to ‘heal’ someone can be a trap that allows us to experience our own ability to heal ourselves. Good luck.

  9. wow what an interesting article! 🙂 and it is so hard to find some info about Chiron..anyway, I was wondering what it could possibly mean when my Chiron is natally trine my Saturn /exaxt 120 deg./ and is in my 8th house – therefore my Saturn in my 12th – ouch.. 🙁 and my Chiron is conjunct my partner´s descendant. I cant seem to find any info about Chiron conjunct des. in synatry, so I would really appreciate if you could help my with this one 🙂 + I need to say that my Chiron is square his Venus…I was told that it means I get a lot of pain through this relationship.
    thank you in advance, kat

  10. Hi, Kat–

    Saturn in the 12th is a complicated position, and I wouldn’t be able to make a judgment about your Chiron unless I knew more. But normally trines allow two planets to flow together easily. I would think that the issues surrounding an eighth house Chiron, which include feeling unable to connect to others or give of yourself on a deep level, out of insecurity and lack of self-acceptance, are helping your Saturn issues of learning to be responsible for yourself, both spiritually and otherwise. Eventually, rather than feeling isolated and abandoned, through deep encounters with others you will tap into some spiritual truths that will aid you in finding your authentic self. Having Chiron conjunct your husband’s descendant shows that he is part of your learning process, whatever it might be. Both of you will be touched by the Chiron energy, for better or/and worse.

    Everyone has been so curious about Chiron that I will be posting more articles, particularly regarding Chiron in synastry. So stay tuned.

  11. oh thank you, you are so kind ! 🙂 it really helps to hear something possitive at saturn is not aspected by anything apart from my chiron. it is on its own in my 12th house and the saturn return has been quite difficult.. but thats another topic :)..anyway thank you for a quick reply,

  12. Hi Dawn:

    In your response to Kat you said that Saturn in the 12th is complicated. I have Saturn in Sagiturius in the 12th and I am trying to find info but I’m not finding clear cut plain english information. Would you elaborate a little more? Thanks. I hope your neice is recovering nicely.

    Peace and Blessings


  13. Hi Pearl,

    Saturn in and of itself is more complicated than it’s given credit for. Like anything in the 12th, it can go to extremes, and a person with Saturn in the 12th can become a pillar of the community in one chart and a drug addict in another. Saturn doesn’t lend itself easily to cookbook descriptions, which is why you’re finding it so hard to get good information on it. I couldn’t possibly comment without taking the whole chart into consideration. You have to look at the house Saturn rules, aspects to Saturn, and the ruler on the cusp of the 12th to get some idea of how he will behave there and what he is asking of you. In general, Saturn in the 12th can feel insecure and unworthy, and can be guilt-ridden for crimes it doesn’t remember committing. It can feel insecure about material reality and cut off from the Source. Sometimes there is a feeling of not being able to build anything solid from life, due to lack of real connections with others. At its best, a 12th house Saturn will take it’s security from spirit, and have a sense of responsibility for others. They have a gift for uniting the spiritual and the material, and innately understand that the two can’t be separated. Saturn in Sag can feel limited and confined by the environment, until it learns that it carries the universe within it.

  14. Dawn:
    Within one week you have unlocked so many keys for me. The sense of confinment, insecurity and unworthiness has plagued me for years. The fear of not being able to take care of myself when all along I have always been taken care of by God and universe. Many years ago when I first was introduced to metaphysics, I was told “when the student is ready, the teacher appears”. And I remember last week before I found your site it was my intention to get my healing. I’m so grateful. You are a gift.

    I receive the message….I’m not plagued and cursed. I don’t have to feel guilty and condemned. I don’t have to suffer. I’m not cut off from my source. My 12th house Saturn is a gift for uniting the spirituaI and the material, the two can’t be separated and I carry the universe within me. I feel free, open and healing more and more moment by moment. Understanding is a beautiful thing. I know that you are blessed because you are a blessing and a true teacher. Thank you Dawn.

  15. Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m glad I provided the key to unlock your understanding. Good luck on the next part of your journey.

  16. to Pearl:
    hi Pearl, I was just wondering – have you had your Saturn return yet? How did you find it, did your feelings of insecurity which you mentioned, intensify?and did that return “solve” anything within you?
    thanks, kat

  17. Hi Kat: I had my Saturn return and didn’t realize what it was. I wasn’t even familiar with the term then. At the time I was 29 turning 30, I thought I was over the hill, washed up….done! Ironically, that is when the feelings of insecurity and fear really started. I am a leo with a sag rising so adventure is my middle name! But that is around the time that I started to second guess myself, take what I thought was the easy path etc. And things started to happen beyond my control. It didn’t solve anything for me right away. In fact it made me grasp desperately for security and as a result I made wrong choices out of fear. But what I have since realized is that if I had just stood still and not responded in fear and desperation, realizing that what and who must leave my life will go when it is time to go, and if I let go peacefully and without struggle my life becomes easier. And when I got that lesson things started to fall in divine order. And when I accept my lessons, I have understanding & peace, and problems solve themselves. And the more lessons that solve themselves, the more understanding and peace I have and it makes room in my spirit to face new lessons that are brought to light to solve. It is a continual evolving experience for me.

  18. Pearl, thank you for sharing your experience.. My experience with Saturn return was very painful.Everything collapsed – first of all my health / I started having health problems which I had never had before, in fact I had hardly ever been ill, almost never/ my relationship with my parents became very cold, it seemed to me that everything which was supposed to be stable and giving me a feeling of security turned against me. I felt “betrayed” and “abandoned” by my family, because they couldn’t/and didn’t know how to support me during this difficult time. I “blamed” them for almost everything.
    Anyway I ended up on the sleeping pills and antidepressant drugs as I couldn’t function in my everyday life at all. I couldn’t sleep or eat. I was extremely thin, people thought I was anorexic. I felt as if I was locked up in a cage I couldn’t escape from. That was probably the most frustrating feeling I had ever experienced. I so wanted to escape from that frustration that I could even understand why people took their own lives. I never, thank God, did that. Basically the Saturn return opened up my old wounds. I felt very old and ugly and I had no self-esteem at all.
    Im also a Leo /8-20-1979/, Virgo Saturn in the 12th house and 4,40 Libra ascendant. Now the Saturn is conjunct my Asc., and I’m waiting to see how I’ll feel, once it leaves and moves on further into my 1st house. I know there are other planets which influence us, like the transiting Neptune opposing my Sun and etc. at the moment, but Saturn has been the most significant for me so far. All I want and wish for is to learn from this period of my life. I need to get my body shape back, I still need to put some weight on but I’m trying to be positive and most off all – patient. That´s probably the worst part 🙂

  19. Hi Kat:
    I’m so sorry to hear about what you’ve been going thru.
    I looked at your chart on an ephemeris and to see where your moon is at. It is at the end of Cancer/the beginning of Leo, so I can tell that you are kind and sensitive and sunny all at the same time. I can understand from my own experiences when things change, and above all else for someone you love (and we do love hard and deep) to treat you coldly, abandon and betray you. That really hurts and it is like putting our fire out. The good thing is that you have recognized your Saturn return. As you know awareness is half of the battle. Obviously like me you were lead here to the Inner Wheel for healing.
    This is one of the biggest blessing in my entire life. Dawn is a true teacher. She has helped me hyper heal. (Isn’t that dramatic sounding – So Leonine!) Because you are a Leo like me, we are kindred spirits. I can feel your pain. I think that you are right by looking into your chart for healing. 2 songs to check out online that have helped me on my journey: If you like Reggae: “Living for The Sunshine” – Third World and “Strength, Courage and Wisdom” – India Aire. And I have 2 books I think will benefit you as they have helped me tremendously. Let’s Get Well – Adelle Davis, which is excellent for nutrition and mega vitamin therapy. It is said and I promise you it is true; nourish the body and it will heal itself. The second book is – Healing with Astrology by Marcia Starck. It is a good information to counter balance influences from transits. One of the many things that it does say about Pisces/Neptune in the 6th is the use of Kava Kava. A Polynesian herb used for insomnia and nervousness. I’m only an armchair astrologer, but you have Neptune in your 6th house and the 6th house rules health. And with Neptune currently in Aquarius opposite Leo, that is automtic difficulty. You can read from my past post that Aquarius can be brutal and traumatic to Leo. What I finally figured out was to study in-depth the power of Aquarius which is the power of Uranus and use it to my benefit. Uranus moves and changes direction quickly. So I evoke the energy of Uranus and mentally and spiritually I rise above any and all energy that comes against me. I use the power of detachment from Aquarius and let go. If nervousness comes, I stop, take charge and rise above. I have a little thing I do so I don’t get upset and I want to stay positive, I look at the sky and I look at the grass and I say “the sky is blue and the grass is green”. I have even said that to people who try to engage me in drama! They don’t know what to say. It works every time.

    I hope this helps , I will keep you in my prayers. I know you will be fine. Thanks for sharing. It’s always nice make friends of like minds. Love, Peace and Light to you…


  20. hi Pearl, maybe we could exchange some more emails, please feel free to email me to: 🙂
    I dont find quarians that brutal maybe because I have sun, venus, jupiter /mercury/ in the 11th house and I have always been attracted to the aquarian men, even my current boyfriend is an aquarian, so in a way I can relate to him because the things that some men drive crazy about me /like being detached or too independent/ are the same things he does and I dont really find it that irritating or disturbing. we are still opposing sings but it is not that bad in my case, I think..
    I will check out those books and songs on the internet, thank you 🙂 love kat

  21. Thanks for such an insightful post. I’ve been pondering Chiron in synastry, as my Son and I have experienced the most difficult relationship ever. While we have intense synastry all around the charts, Chiron has always stood out to me…feels key. There just seems to be a very deep, psychic tension, yet strongly empathic connection aside from sharing the same PIsces Sun & Mercury (my daughter also has Pisces Sun conjunct).

    I have Venus Rx conjunct Aries Chiron on my IC, and my Son has Chiron Rx opposite my Chiron/Venus. I was pregnant with my Son when I found out his Father was physically abusing our 6 month old baby girl—I was traumatized and devastated that my child’s father and love of my life had harmed our young child, and I became very angry towards him. He ended up going to prison before I had our Son, yet all this happened during my pregnancy with our Son.

    I moved on and have been raising my kids alone since. I actually have a career as a trauma ICU Nurse…more Chiron it seems. There is just no escaping the pains of humanity, as I have been drawn to it from the start. While I have not seen much about Chiron in synastry, and nothing as far as Chiron in regards to parent-child relationships, though, it seems to be the most tightest and active synastry between my Son and I. I actually discovered Astrology just by seeking and seeking answers in life…to our deep painful struggles. Though, it seems we are both experiencing deep healing through the traumas and coming closer to working with Chiron…deep understanding. I just wanted to share that as it seems related to Chiron synastry.

    Also, I’m so glad to have learned about Jacques Brel…I had never really heard of him before. After reading what you wrote about him and relating it to his Venus/Chiron conjunction I had to hear his music and read about his life…there was such a resonance. I just saw an old live video of him singing “Ne Me Quitte Pas” and haven’t stopped crying since. Again, thanks for the great post!

  22. The empathetic element of Chiron isn’t talked about much, but it is a key to the pain of Chiron and a key to healing it. Through our trials, our love becomes less personal and more universal. We crack our own limitations and are made to reach out. Chiron on the IC is particularly tough, because the devastation goes to the very root of who we are. As with any Chiron connection, using the wisdom we earn becomes important–taking our trauma and becoming responsible for ourselves and others via Saturn. It sounds as though you’re well along the way.

    I’m overjoyed to have another Brel admirer. His life and his work have affected me deeply, and I don’t think I would have been the person I am without him. Unfortunately, his work hasn’t been very well translated into English. But the pain and passion in his work goes beyond words.

    1. In addition to having Chiron conjunct my IC and Venus, it is also conjunct my south node. I agree about the empathetic element of Chiron, as I have not read or found much material on that element. I bascially concluded it from own personal experience, deep reflection, and through studying Chiron in the charts of my loved ones. Most of my loved ones have a very prominent and angular Chirons.

      After decades of depression, chronic back pain, and alcohol addiciton, my Aunt found deep healing through reconnecting with nature and spirit . She now does energy work with animals, and created her own unique practice. I love what she says on her site relative to her services and mission “Sharing the passionate adventure that connects us all…honoring the spirit of all animals”
      She was disturbed from all the suffering and pain she perceived in the world, yet began reconnecting all the perceived shattered pieces of the ALL within creation finally coming to accept what is, understanding she can’t change what is, only accept it with understanding and love it unconditionally 🙂

  23. Hi Dawn – Thank you for your post, I’m glad I found your deep research on Chiron/Venus! I have a very afflicted Chiron: it is conjunct Eris, and squares my Sun/Moon opposition. I carry my own wounds from childhood and also indirectly the wounds that my parents have deep inside, the wounds that have been hidden. So attracting a strong Chironic theme in a relationship wasn’t a surprise. I just didn’t mesure how transforming that experience would be for me. This person has Chiron on top of my Moon, and opposing my Sun, I have Chiron on top of his Venus. I believe he appeared in my life to re-activate those terrible wounds that I’ve been carrying with me for so long but tried to deny it: self-esteem issues, areas where feelings of protection and nurturing have been lacking, a sense of unfathomable loss. I felt as if my nurturing Moon was being crushed and rejected no matter how much I tried to reach out. Himself had a family history filled with violence: a very violent father and a mother who didn’t care much about him, growing up in poverty in the South where segregation still existed and where there wasn’t much place for “Venus” ( His Sun and Moon in Aqua are opposite his Pluto). His Venus was so aloof and wild, he didn’t and couldn’t accept my Chiron who was craving to share so much. And so I was pushed to defeat, regardless of my efforts, I had to accept that there was nothing I could do. What I have learned: the beauty of forgiveness, and I wish him well and wish he opens his heart one day. One of my favourite songs from Jacques Brel, “The Quest”:

    To dream the impossible dream
    To carry the sorrow of the departures
    To defy an impossible fever
    To go where nobody goes
    To love till you are torn
    To love, even too much, even badly
    To try, without strength and without armour
    To reach the inaccessible star
    Such is my quest
    Follow the star…

    1. When Chiron touches the Sun or Moon, the potential for healing is at its deepest. I’m sure you will continue to draw wisdom from this Chiron experience as the years go by. Chiron wisdom seems to ‘ripen’ the longer we live with it.

      I also love Brel’s version of “The Quest” (La Quete) otherwise known as “The Impossible Dream” in English, from the musical “Man of La Mancha.” Brel wrote a French translation of this musical version of Don Quixote, which is, in my opinion, far superior to the original. Brel also starred in it, in Paris–if you’re a fan of Brel, the cast recording is worth seeking out. His version of “Dulcinea” is unsurpassed.

  24. Hi and thanks for your article. So, in synastry, can you tell me that it is going to be difficult if the aspects are opposition or square? Does it feel easier healing if it is trine or conj?

  25. The rules of astrology always apply. Hard aspects are more difficult than soft aspects. The conjunction, by the way, is a hard aspect, very extreme and erratic. Not the easy functioning everyone assumes it to be.

  26. My Aries Chiron conjuncts tightly someone´sAries Venus and loosely his A Sun/P Moon/A Mercury and his Chiron trines my Venus (he has a loose Pisces Chiron-Moon conjunction btw and I think he is a healer w/o knowing it). We have the same double whammy Venus-Neptune. To be able to (seldom) interact w him is a blessing, but at the same time I dont know if I can ever be with him because he is in a challenging marriage and stays married, mainly for his children. I can understand that coz I have children too. We share a very special spiritual and magnetic platonic connection. Dont know where it takes me, but one year has passed and the connection is as intense as before. Even more…

  27. thank you for this blog. A blessing. Right now I am going through the painful end of my short marriage. I have a venus square chiron natally and I just found out with my stbx. It all makes sense now. I hope and pray I don’t go through this again. My chiron in 6th house and his in the 12th house. And speaking of which, I didn’t know how sensitive I was to “environments” until I l moved from being near water to being inland and dry. Adding that element to the stress wreaking havoc on my health, it’s been a very painful two years.

    Last’s years venus square chiron in July was the straw that broke the camels back. He inadvertedly ripped open a very deep wound that caught me completely off guard. A couple of months prior, someone else did the same thing, and ironically he and I shared a venus sextile chiron AND chiron square saturn (me, but also w/both men, chiron opposing uranus, which I have natally, and with. I’ve been a bit of a recluse for a few months because the emotional rollercoaster of intensely painful emotions were taking a toll on me healthwise. It was truly painful. This has never happened to me before. I am blessed and coping for the most part.

    Thanks for letting me share. I wanted to get my thoughts out before processing the wonderful info provided on the blog. Thank you. It’s all making sense to me now.

    1. Thank you. I’m glad to have provided some understanding. The good news about Chiron is that we can become very wise through him–like the good teacher he is, he allows us to squeeze every bit of meaning out of an experience. Later on, you will realize that you’ve been given a gift.

      1. Thank you so much Dawn. I am looking forward to seeing the lessons, valuable, behind these experiences. :-). Sometime down the line, I will schedule a reading with you. Thank you again for both the deeply informative article and response.

  28. I am currently going through a Chiron opposition Venus Transit that will be over march of next year. I hav no clue what this means but i just got married last year. My Venus is in Virgo in the 8th house and my Chiron is in Aries in the 3rd house…what will this transit mean for me?

    1. Hi Sabrina. Often, a Venus/Chiron opposition by transit is a real test of our feelings of self-worth. For a time, like the folks who have the natal aspect, we doubt that we have the talents or abilities we would like to have. We don’t feel very attractive, and that’s often the least of it. When Chiron opposes Venus, we’re never sure we’re ever going to surmount our limitations. By testing us in this way, Chiron is making sure that our values our places and that we value the right things in others, and in ourselves. Sometimes, Chiron brings us painful ‘wake up calls’ surrounding any planet he touches–you may have thought you were getting along fine with your Venus, until Chiron comes along and tells you that you can do better. Often, with Venus, this comes through our closest relationships. Partners may tell us we haven’t been giving enough, or we may feel that some recognition is due to us. How this manifests depends on what is affecting the two bodies at the time. I couldn’t give a comment on the houses involved without taking the whole chart into consideration.

  29. Very good blog! Do you have any suggestions for aspiring writers? I’m hoping to start my own website soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you suggest starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many choices out there that I’m completely overwhelmed .. Any tips? Kudos!

    1. If you’re new to blogging, I recommend WordPress. They have a lot of attractive themes and they make life easy for you.

  30. Hi Dawn,
    I was just reading over this because I have Venus opposite Chiron natally and have been thinking about it quite a bit the last weeks. I noticed next year my SR Venus will be conjunct my natal Venus by 2 degrees but exactly opposite my natal Chiron. I’m getting over a relationship where my Venus was exactly quincunx my partner’s Chiron so it just seems likely that I’ll still be dealing with the affects of that next year. Would your comments on Venus/Chiron transit in opposition be applicable here? I’m thinking whatever my SR Venus goes through (aptly in the SR 12th) will be informed by it’s opposition to my natal Chiron?

  31. Also if you wouldn’t mind and get a chance, can you talk a little about role playing in Venus/Chiron synastry? Is it Chiron that feels hurt by what Venus values? I’m guessing with something like the quincunx it’s kind of a no win situation?

  32. If he has his Aries Chiron @18.54 in 1st house opposing her Libra Venus @19.35 in her 1st house
    She has her Aries Chiron @24.14 in 7th house opposing his Libra Moon @21.48 in his 7th house
    Which is going to be the domaniant healer vs. wounded person here, or would they be equal?
    Also his 1st house Chiron @ 18.54 conjuncts her 7th house Aries Jupiter @15.2, Aries Vertex @ 21.23…opposes her 1st house Libra Pluto @ 11.26
    In 7th house her Aries Chiron @ 24.14 opposes his Libra Uranus @19.42 and sextile his 3rd house Gemini Saturn @ 20.2 i think maybe to wide of orb?
    He started out this relationship with lies, was married and saying divorced. Finally it all came out due to her continuing to get to the bottom of the things that didnt add up. She wouldnt continue allowing him to lie, and this hurt him because it all being brought out caused him to lose daily contact with his son as he and his wife are now divorcing. Which he wanted but never had the guts to follow through with, now its happening. He was very angry at her at first, and was further hurtful to her, after months of no contact he came back apologizing and trying to make this right…we both realize we are catalyst to healing each other but hes hurt me and continue to have things out of the blue that were unknowns that get me angry all over again. he continues to be patient but how much is too much….i feel like both want to end the pain and be there for each other emotionally, no more throwing stones, but with Chiron will it ever end?

    1. I’m sorry about your situation, Gabby, but it’s obvious that there is more than Chiron going on here. For one, Chiron doesn’t have to do with deceiving some one, which obviously comes from another part of the chart. I’m afraid you would need a more complete synastry to understand all of the dynamics going on between you. Where Chiron is concerned there is generally a mutual hurt, but one person is usually wiser and therefore suffers the brunt of the attachment, even though they know better. Chiron relationships take a good amount of soul-searching, and often we don’t like the answers we find.

  33. We both had extreme childhoods and the reason we grew attached to one another was due to our understanding and sympathy for our pasts and the pain we carry and the isolation. We have so much that aspects, nearly our whole charts…can’t decide if its good or bad? Its all still so fresh, but its very hard trying to forgive when the whole story slowly unravels in front of you, and you feel like you get sucker punched just for being kind and trying to be there for another person. We definitely have a very interesting synasty going…for whatever its worth, so many asteriods conjunct, opposing ascendants gives the entire chart an interesting perspective! libra and aries are everywhere, lol!

  34. I enjoyed this article on Chiron a lot. In my recent looks at astrology, Chiron in specific, using Melanie’s work and others, I definitely know Chiron is the timekeeper of my chart. My entire life I can tie events (39 years worth) to its moves. (Born with it on the Ascendant by .2 degrees in Aries.) It is opposite Uranus (so wounds in relationships, forming them) and it manifested in a love interest about a decade ago, as a trust bond (both our suns trine chiron, her saturn conjunct 5 degrees my chiron) went absolutely nuclear. Her Chiron completed the leg of my T-square involving Pluto, Venus, Moon and Jupiter. So bad synastry. Mine in particular.

    Ive moved on from that – but I still am no closer to the healing relationship all the gurus speak of. I don’t think Im a bad egg – just no momentum ever forms. I stub my toe before I can even really relax into the ‘norm’ of what I read enough about is suppose to happen. Anyways, the article may not have cleared that up, but it gave me some food to munch on. Thanks.

    1. Hi Jason–Thank you for your comments. Chiron on the Ascendant is particularly difficult to deal with, as you said, because it colours the entire life. Life is filtered through Chiron’s lens, and dealing with the pain and limitation of life is the norm. The Uranus opposition to that Chiron is especially difficult, because so much is about letting go. Take comfort from the fact that, as wisdom gathers, your ability to sustain a relationship will also strengthen. Also, those of us born with Chiron/Uranus oppositions often know we have a purpose in life, but don’t find it until our later years. Perhaps once you figure that out, relationships will become easier. If you figure out how Chiron fits with the rest of your relationship planets (Venus/Mars/Moon/Saturn) you may have a better idea of where you need to go in learning how to relate. With Uranus on the Descendant, there is a disconnect–finding out when and why that happened may help you.

  35. I was wondering about my 7th house Chiron Aries@24, opposed my Venus Libra@19…My Ascendant is Libra@7 and Pluto Libra@11
    I do have an Aries Jupiter@15 and Gemini Mars@29
    I seem to have a need to be hurt in relationships for them to hold my interest…i don’t open up and become vulnerable to many people, but the ones i do always are not being real about things and i end up hurting! I would really love to find a way to focus this relationship pain, is it possible to be in a relationship with someone and we together are helping others with pain, so id still have the intensity of the pain but using it to build up instead of tear me down?

    1. Hi Ember–If there is a real need to hurt, and to learn through hurt, in relationships, it touches on more than Venus/Chiron. Issues regarding vulnerability and intimacy often have to do with Pluto, Scorpio and the fixed houses in general. I would have to look at the whole chart to give you a fair analysis.

  36. Hi Dawn,

    What does it mean if someone’s Chiron trines my North Node? My Chiron also forms a grand trine with his Sun and his Neptune. Thanks!

    1. Hi Unity. I’m afraid, honestly, that trines from Chiron don’t usually make much of an impact, unless Chiron is prominent in the natal. There is the posibility of healing and overcoming long-standing affliction whenever Chiron is touched; the node person will find inspiration from that and grow because of it. But the trine is not as potent as a hard aspect, and may go completely unremarked in the relationship.

    1. Ember, there will be more on the practical uses of Chiron soon, especially regarding the Chiron/Uranus opposition which occurred frequently in the last part of the last century.

  37. Just started dating a handsome guy whose chiron is conjunct my venus, cant wait to see how that goes.My chiron also trines his moon.

  38. A. Rose: Yep, I think I have been bitten by the conjunct situation. A young lady with their natal Chiron conjunct my Progressed Venus. It may not apply that way, but I’d like to think it does…;) Best on yours!

  39. Hi, Dawn, I’m glad that I found your website and saw this post. I am puzzled by chiron in synastry. My venus is tightly conjunct with the chrion of a friend, (also 3 orbs from my sun/moon midpoint.) and my affection for him is without doubt very strong. As the venus, I am longing for his love and care, but it just seems that he treats me no more than an ordinary friend, which kills me. His mars is exactly opposite his chrion and conjunct Uranus and Neptune. I’d very appreciated if you can shed some light on this. thanks

    1. Hi Shelbe. I would need to see the charts in order to see what the real issues are, but on the whole if he has his Mars opposite Chiron and conjunct Uranus and Neptune, he is very vague and on again, off again when it comes to relationships. Chiron/Mars might also steer away from initiating anything serious. You believe that you will be healed by this relationship but on the whole the Venus/Mars energy is twisted by its relationship to Chiron and the outer planets.

  40. Loved the article. Yes his Chiron conj. my Venus (opposition my Ne, trine my Mo) opened me like never or first time to unconditional love. I was melting all my Ve-Sa blockages. As for him I was kind of teacher and guru and he said that I knew him like nobody. We felt Immediately karmic connection as we never been apart. His Moon is conj. my Chiron/Jupiter trine my Neptun opposition my Pluto/Moon. Unfortunately we’ve been together very short time , he wasn’t ready to open up (Ju conj. Sa?)

  41. hi dawn, thanks for a great post!!
    i wonder: i have chiron conjunct ascendant natal and just met with someone who has his venus and chiron conjunct my ascendant chiron. to top that – his pluto is opposite all that.
    its very intense and scary. what would you advice?…
    it feels all so very meant-to-be but i am scared to get hurt.
    is healing possible in this situation?
    thank you…

    1. Pluto falling on your DESC is what you’re afraid of–it can seem dark and very taboo. What you’re really afraid of is yourself. The Chiron part of you is longing for healing, and Venus/Chiron may provide that. Chiron will help you work through your fears and jump in. Whatever you survive will make you stronger and wiser.

  42. Great Post!

    I just met someone and we have the mutual Venus square chiron aspects. I was amazed that you had written so much about this exact aspect that I have encountered.

    He has a stellium in sag… mercury, saturn, sun, uranus, conjunct within a few degees in his 2nd house, all opposing chiron in gemini in the 8th house. This stellium is conjunct my moon and trine to my own Chiron. And then his Chiron squares my venus. my chiron in Aries squares his venus in capricorn exactly.

    Should I run for the hills now?

    If this is often a painful learning experience, might I do better to avoid this person that most likely is unable to give me what I really need?

    His stellium in sag is all in my 12th house. So curious what he might help my unconscious reveal. Also, a little scared.

    Also his 1st house mars and Pluto, conjunct my sun in scorpio.

    We also have north and south node conjunctions with venus(SN) and the moon(NN)

    After reading your post regarding the chiron square, I am very hesitant to get involved with him any deeper. I think you might have saved me a lot of heartache. Thank you.

    Now let’s see if I can choose consciously to not always follow my unconscious desires. Keeping myself available to meet someone who can meet me in a more equanimous zone.

    Has anyone had that experience of seeing a persons chart and wanting to purse a relationship based on what you are seeing on paper without having met them yet?

    It’s kin to wanting to play with fire knowing I will get burned.

    Cheers, to the dance.

  43. hi Dawn! first of all, thank you for this post:) i’m curious about that a friend of mine has chiron on 1st degree of Taurus and i have my venus on 29th degree of Aries. Are these planets in conjunction? if so, what can the effects of being in different signs be?

    1. Yes, absolutely, these planets are conjunct. Conjunctions are impulsive and often irrational, and when the planets are out of sign, there is less of an ability to get them to work together. Venus/Chiron needs to come to appreciate one another; out of sign, this is more difficult. The Taurus person most likely will have the rougher time of it: one degree of any sign doesn’t know how to ‘do’ the sign yet, whereas the 29th degree of any sign is fairly accomplished in its expression, in spite of any other aspects. Nevertheless, signs next to one another often have little understanding of one another, which is what makes out of sign conjunctions so volatile and even, on occasion, damaging.

  44. Hi Dawn,

    Just wondering if you can comment on a mutual aspect between both partners chirons and moons and venus.

    So sextile between both partners venus and chiron and chiron moon conjunction and chiron moon trine.

    However Saturn in Libra conjunct jupiter in one partner squares the venus+mercury+saturn stellium in cancer as well as the moon in capricorn in the other partner. I’ve heard that Saturn squares do not bode well for longevity.

    If this relationship wont last, I’d rather not get in to it in the first place. I just have very strong emotional reactions. Self preservation tells me to stay clear of it (not necessarily because I feel there is the potential for abuse but because I feel like no matter how much i get, its wont be enough). So Chiron.


    1. Molly, the truth of synastry is that biwheel analysis is only a small part of a much larger picture. In fact, I spend very little time on biwheel analysis in my Advanced Synastry course. Much depends on the natal chart (capacity for relationship and intimacy) and current progressions, including the progressed composite chart. No one aspect, or planet, can ruin a relationship. Everything depends on whether or not people have the maturity and spiritual awareness to learn from the challenges presented to them. Saturn and Chiron both can act as the longevity factor in a relationship, no matter the number of difficult aspects they make.

      If you are wondering whether or not to get involved, you will need a full synastry analysis to help you make a decision. And even so, there are no solid answers.

  45. p.s. addendum – his chiron is trine my mars (virgo) and moon (capr.) & conjunct my ascendant in taurus

    my chiron in aries is conjunct his moon in the 7th house while opposing his saturn+jupiter and ascendant in libra. He has no planets in cancer or capricorn. His Sun & venus in aquarius and North node in Leo.

  46. Does the sun and moon have “higher octaves”? If not, how can they best be expressed in relation to Chiron.

    Thanks and blessings.

    1. The Sun and the Moon don’t have higher octaves. They are already the highest and purest expression of themselves. Both are lights, not planets. The Moon is the reflected light of the Sun.

  47. Hi Dawn!

    Could you help me with some insight about love in relation with a grand square like this:

    -Chiron-Moon in the 10th in Cancer (7º-13º)
    (Moon forms a grand trine with Sun-Pluto in the 2nd in Scorpio (7º-12º) and North Node in the 6th in Pisces (12º))
    -Venus in the 1st in Libra (0.30º)
    -Mars in the 7th in Pisces (29º)
    -Uranus-Saturn (28º) in Sag-Neptune (7º) in Cap in the 4th

    I understand bits of the parts but still not the whole and since they’re all tied with Chiron, I I would really really appreciate anything that you could say about it.

    1. This is a list of aspects and I don’t respond to lists of aspects. It needs to be taken into consideration with the chart as a whole. Chiron/Moon feels itself to be vulnerable, an outsider, unworthy of anything. Chiron/Moon in the 10th needs to learn that it’s Chiron emphasis is special and makes it special, gifted. It needs to bring those gifts out there for all to see. Tension may come through relationships, feeling like an outsider in relationships. Once that is resolved, Moon/Chiron may feel it understands itself better and is ready to display its unique qualities.

  48. I’m so grateful for this article, and this forum. I have a crush on a friend from work. His Venus is directly on top of my Chiron — each at 1* Aries. So the Venus/Chiron energy between us is strong! I feel like being around him is very healing for me (I’m the Chiron person); all kinds of stuff has been coming up for me, since hanging out with him a few times/- stuff about my own “inadequacies”, my own shortcomings,… Because, he is quite a bit younger than I am. I’m 47 (female) and he’s 28. So I don’t know if it would be prudent to get involved with him romantically ((so far it’s just friends))… Because surely he will want / need to break up with me, to find a woman who’s closer to his age?

    What do you think, you who are knowledgeable about Chiron-Venus aspects? Thanks!

  49. For Tina.
    I had younger lovers, don’t worry – as Dawn said, depends of many other aspects too.

    About Venus conjunct Chiron: I also meet someone at my job – I am Venus, he Chiron – we know since 5 months, things go slow, but in last time I have the feeling he sometimes wants to meet at least for short time (as if stealing a kind of energy from me) … I feel a bit strange ….if you want, we can share more about a similar situation only me as Venus – you as Chiron.
    I am very keen to find more about Venus/Chiron conjunct from others experiences – I think I experince this one for the first time (His Chiron is my Venus part of a Grant Trine I have , sh trine my Mars and my Pluto too) ……….Glad to hear new stories.

  50. Helo, I have this aspect with my boyfriend. If there are other good aspects and also several strong Pluto aspects, I think the venus-chiron can bring some “emotional healing” for us together. I guess this aspect is not always result a separation if the persons are enough conscious. Am I right?

  51. Greetings
    Sooo I’ve been in a new relationship for almost 2 months now which I think may offer a lot of healing, love and prosperity together….I definitely need to heal because 10 months ago I got out of a 6 yr long abusive relationship with someone that I don’t even know their birth time. He put me through a lot of trauma and pain though.

    I wanted to heal by myself and not jump into a new relationship too fast even though I’ve had 8 months alone to do some of my own personal healing. The new guy and I both want to take things slow but we can both feel something deep for each other. We have a pretty nice chart thAt seems to have friction in reasonable places but all that can wait because today I’m focusing on our chiron aspects.

    Now for starters, he has a 7th house cancer chiron that falls in my 6th house and I have a 6th house leo chiron that falls in his 7th house. His chiron trines my moon, pluto and MC, squares my mars and opposes my Uranus, neptune and TN.

    My chiron trines his venus, bQ ( whatever that is) his mars, and squares his mercury and MC.

    Can anyone offer some insight because some of these aspects seem heaven sent but the other half seems like a pain in the neck….for instance my chiron square his mercury. We already have his mercury square my venus and ascendant. Is reconstructing the way he communicates gonna be a thing with our relationship? He is a wonderful speaker when it comes to his professional life but back at home in front of our friends sometimes he can be childish and offensive. A couple nights ago he said something about our sexual life and it was positive but too exposing and revealing for me. I got so upset but stepped outside for a while for some air. He came out we talked he sincerely apologized and admitted it was immature without me having to tell him that… I see as long as we’re thoughtful and mature maybe, healing his communication skills may be a theme in this thing we have for eachother. Or does it seem with so many squares to mercury that it will be an ongoing issue harder to overcome and do we have good chiron placements?

    Sorry to ramble on, just searching for some answers

  52. Hello Dawn! Thanks for this wonderful insight. I would really appreciate if you help me a little more with this aspect. I’m involved with a man since the last 6 months (on and off). He confuses me with his hot and cold attitude and it really hurts me. I’ve tried to walk away but I can’t. There’s something that pulls me like magnet to him. It feels like he had all these walls around him and I can’t break through. I am someone who would never give the time of day to anyone who is emotionally unavailable and here I am, unable to walk away (so very unlike me)..Is this how the Venus Chiron is?
    His Venus trine my Chiron, his Chiron trine my Moon, his Mars conjunct my Pluto, his Pluto sextile my Mars and his Pluto sextile my Venus

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