One of the questions that has already come up a number of times in the Soul Points class I’m teaching is, “Both the Vertex and the Nodes are sensitive relationship points that often feel destined, what’s the difference?”
It’s assumed that contacts to both the Nodes (particularly the South Node) and the Vertex feel like ‘fate’ is playing a hand. It’s assumed that both the Nodes and the Vertex axis give us those ‘aha’ moments, those rare, often once-in-a-lifetime meetings that stir us with feelings of forever (at first). They cause us to believe that the ‘one and only’ really exists–it must, because we’ve never felt this way before. We’re swept away, we’re dizzy with destiny, we feel as though the universe has a plan for us and that this rarefied, just-met being is along for the ride. God has fashioned someone just for us, to fit perfectly into our lives, to fill our unique need.
There is no question that contacts to either end of the Nodal axis or the Vertex axis are powerful. (So are squares.) But Vertex connections and Nodal connections via synastry play out very differently in the scheme of our developing consciousness.The difference begins with the definition of the points themselves.
As you’ll remember from the articles on the Nodes, they are defined by the place where the orbit of the Moon crosses the path of the Sun from the point of view of the Earth. The Vertex, on the other hand, is defined by the place where the path of the Sun, called the ecliptic, crosses the Prime Verticle, –okay, too complicated. Let’s just say that the Prime Vertical cuts the ball of the Earth into right angles. It gives you the absolute East and West points from the perspective of the highest point in the sky, the Zenith (absolute North), and the absolute bottom of the space/chart, the Nadir. (This measurement is different from the Midheaven or MC, which is derived from the place where the Sun is at the Noon point, and which is the measurement by which we calculate our usual Ascendant/Descendant axis. More of that later.)
Now, think about that for a minute. The Vertex axis is the place where the Sun’s path crosses an absolute measurement derived from the position of the Earth. It’s all about the creative force and impetus (the Sun) meeting our absolute reference point. (Um, for those of you who may be sleeping, the astrological chart is a picture of the sky from the point of view of the Earth, which we call Geocentric. For a chart with the Sun at the center and which places a position for the Earth, you have to draw up a heliocentric chart.)
The Vertex, in essence, represents the place where our life force meets the cross of matter as represented by the Earth. It takes no prisoners. Anyone who has worked with the Vertex axis for any length of time can feel the insistence in it. It is, in fact, a souped-up Ascendant/Descendant axis. Our Asc/Desc is derived from the Sun’s noon point on our day of birth (the MC) in relation to the point on the Earth’s horizon for the hour and place of birth. (The MC is not necessarily the Zenith, but that’s for another day.) Our Asc/Desc axis divides the light and the darkness, the seen from the unseen. What is above and what is below. What we grasp of our identity as we live it and what we may project. The Vertex doesn’t care about any of that.
The reason is that particular perspective from the point of view of Earth. It is the Moon that represents not only our past, but our anchored physicality–our selves as represented in matter. The Moon represents the matter of our physical body and all the planes that influence and effect that body: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. The Moon carries the egoic egg that retains our energetic aura. The Moon is our collected history, our definition of ourselves by whatever our encounters with life (and past lives) have brought to our identity. It is the result of our gathered experience.
The Vertex represents something very different. It is the ultimate individuality, the unique creative Self without the reference points of the past. Imagine a pure you, a unique spark of the cosmos, that is not defined by interacting with material existence. The Earth represents our perspective, our pure point of view, our idea of ourselves as an individual element in the greater divinity. An identity without the need for ego defenses. An identity whose only purpose is to take part in that greater divinity in whatever way it can.
Vertex contacts, no matter what end of the axis they hit, assist the process of that divinity directly. This is why Vertex contacts often seem to come ‘out of the blue,’ with no hint, no trace, no preparation. It’s because Vertex contacts aren’t part of a process. We can’t figure out the ‘why’ of a Vertex contact, it just is–and usually the sense of ‘fate’ comes from the fact that something or someone is provided just at the point it is most needed; whether or not we ever knew that we needed it before. In an odd way, the Vertex acts as a secret and sacred ‘helping hand.’ It’s almost Uranian in the way it operates: we might suspect something on the way if a big transit to the Vertex is due, but we have a hard time guessing how it might manifest. And honestly, if we can guess, it usually means that what we guessed is precisely what won’t happen. We might be anticipating a lover, but Vertex contacts are just as likely to manifest as an offer, a friendship, or a turn of mind that takes us down a road we would never have anticipated. We might not even notice the impact until the transit or progression is long past. One of my most profound Vertex transits happened on the day I was offered a new job–the loss of which, a short time later, enabled me to establish myself as a full time astrologer. Without that job (and the loss of it), I wouldn’t be here.
Conjunctions to either end of the axis are the most profoundly felt. Vertex contacts help to reveal our divine fate, but conjunctions to the anti-Vertex are no less profound. The anti-Vertex allows us to process our divinity through the vehicle of ‘other’–when other’s planets fall on our anti-Vertex, we reveal ourselves through the ‘not I.’ Often, anti-Vertex contacts involve commitment and sacrifice beyond the call of duty, and we usually don’t mind fulfilling those commitments because we feel the divine pulse of our own spirit gradually unveiling in our actions. The point of all Vertex contacts is to reveal ourselves from a perspective that is higher and deeper than ordinary conscious awareness. In a way, the Vertex is beyond the Nodes, which are all about the development of consciousness. The Vertex unveils the “Watcher,” in us. The one who knows. The one who is beyond the conscious Self.
Squares from one chart to another’s Vertex axis will stimulate this ‘Self beyond self.’ The Vertex is not an energy that we wrestle with or try to develop, or struggle to integrate. It just is. Squares to the Vertex axis will urge us towards effortless being. Under Venus or Jupiter, we may feel loved or understood for the first time. With the outer planets squaring our Vertex, there may be a shock of removal that clears our path in a painful way. Mars may teach us about sexuality in a way that we never expected.
Sadly, relationships that are lesson-based are usually short term, and the Vertex is no exception. The trick is to step into them unafraid and unprotected, trusting in the divine wisdom of your own soul’s intelligence. It’s like that exercise we’ve all done in the theatre, where we’re blindfolded, led around by the hand and forced to trust our fellow actors. Ultimately, we stop feeling the need to cling, and allow ourselves to feel what it’s like to be free of fear, because there is a guiding force at work that knows where it’s going. As they say, we must remember that we are spiritual beings having an earthly experience, and the Vertex leads the way.
In part 2, we’ll discuss fate and the Nodes.
Hi Dawn – I always enjoy your insights and have been looking forward to this particular post since I recently made an interesting discovery related to the Vertex/Anti-Vertex axis.
As you know, for the past year or so, I’ve been struggling to find my place in the world – among other things, my old career no longer seemed to fit as it became increasingly difficult to imagine myself going back to my former line of work. Then I began to receive prompting in a completely new and unexpected direction when I discovered I could channel healing energy through my hands. Lucky for me, after sharing this discovery, someone on an astrological forum suggested I check out my placement of asteroid Reiki. Right when I made the discovery, transiting Reiki was conjunct natal Reiki, as well as my Anti-Vertex – I was having my “Reiki Return”.
Only recently did it dawn on me that my natal Reiki (in Leo) is exactly conjunct my Anti-Vertex, which is conjunct my natal Uranus. Directly opposite is my Vertex, which sits at the exact midpoint of my natal Moon and Chiron; both are less than 6 degrees away from my Vertex, and both oppose my 12th house Uranus.
Rulers of my Vertex/Anti Vertex axis – Uranus and the Sun – are in quintile aspect to one another. My Uranus/Anti Vertex/Reiki conjunction forms a quintile to both my 2nd house Sun and 9th house Mars.
All this has come as a huge surprise; I would’ve never expected my life to take such a drastic turn. Many months later, I’m beginning my career as a certified Reiki practitioner (Level 2). Who would’ve thought the transit of such a relatively obscure asteroid could end up playing such a significant role in my life. I feel like I’ve finally found the missing piece that until now I didn’t even know was missing. I’ve always felt like I don’t belong, but when I’m giving Reiki I feel connected and at peace; it’s like I’m doing what God intended for me to do all along, only I didn’t know it.
I love that you’re writing about this. Thanks again for another great post.
Thank you for sharing that, LB. The anti-Vertex is where fate is revealed by deep connection with ‘other,’ so the Reiki there makes perfect sense.
I didn’t even know that there was an asteroid Reiki. I think I’m going to print up a list of asteroids and keep it on my desk, because the one thing that has revealed itself to me very clearly over the past five years or so is that the asteroids definitely give pinpoint definition to a chart (particularly through progressions). They can be quite shocking when exact, as in your case. I’ve been working with a number of specific asteroids, but the rules seem to apply to all of them.
It’s a wonderful feeling when Vertex contacts fall into place. I’m glad to hear your good news. Good luck!
Hi Dawn,
First, I’m a huge fan. You’d be hard pressed to find an astrologer as insightful and eloquent as you…
Quick question — what if nodes and vertex axis’ are conjoined in synastry. I was dating a guy whose NN in cancer was in close conjunction with my vertex with an equally tight opposition from my venus in capricorn. What does it all mean?!
Hmmn! I see why I’m having difficulty separating out the vertex energies from the moon. A look at my chart reveals the vertex point is only half a degree away from my natal moon (and to add confusion Pluto is only two degrees away from Vertex).
In synastry my vertex and natal moon are conjunct my partner’s north node by two degrees.
I’m not sure how to unravel all this, but it would seem to give a great deal of weight to the soul’s journey in this life, both in my own life and in the relationship – eight years strong and very happy – though admittedly a lot of hard work and self-transformation has gone into that.
Food for thought!
One of the things we have to learn in astrology is not to separate individual elements, but look at configurations as a whole. What you have is a Moon/Pluto conjunction sitting on top of your Vertex. Deep and deeply ingrained patterns surrounding power and powerlessness will draw your experience of discovering your essence. Discovering and owning your authentic center will be a focus. Your partner’s growth will also be affected by your struggles and your development in this direction–which will often be uncomfortable for her. This is a very challenging aspect to have both natally and between charts, so congratulations on staying the distance.
Thanks Dawn that’s very helpful.
It is most definitely a conjunction to be worked with in relationship as it falls in the seventh house – as does my NN.
It helped that I didn’t meet my partner Simon until I was forty-one (I’m a female Jay) and had enough failed relationships to see the patterns, and to know if I didn’t put the work in on this one, the next would show up with just the same problems.
Both of our moons fall very close to each others IC axis so there is a wonderful sense of being at home with each other – he is the only person I have ever been able to be completely myself with – including all the horrors and meltdowns.
What really helped though was understanding the law of reflection – realising that all the things I saw in him that drove me mad or caused me pain were really only reflections of the dynamic that was playing out within myself – and that when I resolved inbalances within myself they disappeared from the relationship. This, I feel, is a gift of the conjunction – so much harder to own the projections in an opposition.
I really love your articles. Thank you!
Can you bring back the *snow* ? I miss it.
Thank you, Fenia. I miss the snow, too, but WordPress chooses the dates. I would have it up all year round.
Hi Dawn – just wondering what orbs you recommend for natal aspects and transits to the vertex
I have found the vertex shows itself as a synchronicity point at times, but, I agree, it can quite Uranic in this and not always obvious
the vertex vertical axis and the MC – scuse my foggy brain, but, does this make a difference for people born mid year in equatorial regions?
Hi Rob–I’m philosophical about orbs, since they’re phasal. They come in, become exact, and fade out, and applying orbs seem to be more active than separating orbs (except in progressions). However, I always use 5 degrees as a rule of thumb. The lesser the planetary influence in a chart, the smaller orb should be used. You can be more generous with the lights, with the chart ruler, with an active angle ruler, etc.
I have to admit that astronomy is not my forte, but 0/early Aries shows up as the vertex at mid year in equatorial areas. I actually don’t put as much emphasis on the sign of the vertex as I do on position/house. Things either hit it or they don’t. (Squares are also significant.)
thanks for this – 5degrees sounds about right
after reading your reply something took me back to look at my progressed chart, more because of the current transits than anything I think, and was surprised on looking at the chart to find the vertex wide conj Pluto in late 7th by 5.30º (Pluto is conj Regulus) – I might have considered this too wide in orb, except for the fact its Pluto! – what do you think? – but, something I hadn’t registered before was that the vertex is square the nodes (how could i have missed this?!) with NN conj MC (3.03º) in the 10th – however, the vertex and Pluto are too wide to figure directly with the MC – nevertheless, I feel that they are all working together, through combined aspect, and as ‘stellia’ – without seeing the chart it might be difficult to say, but, would you agree….
transits also show Pluto on my progressed Ascendant right now (a long transit) – he is also square ASC in natal, and is currently opp natal Moon (so natal moon on pr DC) – Moon is also wide conjunct vertex in natal chart (4º exact)
So Pluto is figuring big here, as he does in natal anyway, but, its the vertex to nodes aspect that intrigues me, especially as you mentioned the square
You can imagine that my life is going through a major shakedown, it already been long term and too much to relate here – I do feel that right now is a crucial time to be looking at the nodes (so many thanks for this timely article) and bringing the vertex into the equation makes sense of the experiences I am having – I do feel ’emergent’ at a soul/spirit level, but, how to describe this….. not quite sure what to say without going into detail…..perhaps you could comment on the square aspect tho
When a heavy-hitting planet like Pluto transits a progressed angle, it will dominate the entire period. (It’s more intense when a progressed angle hits a progressed outer planet–I think I get about 50% of my clients when this happens). As I’ve often said, transits to natal show us the what and the how of our lives, but progressions (and transits to progressions) show us the ‘why.’ If Pluto is hitting your progressed Asc, you’re intended for a transformation that will pull you inside out (according the Pluto’s intention in the natal). However, if your progressed Pluto is hitting your progressed Vertex (I wasn’t really clear about this in your comment), that is a bit wide, because the Vertex in progression, in the main, moves about 45 minutes or so per year. When it hits your progressed Pluto, you’ll have experiences that will allow you to put the current Plutonian transformation into practice.
When the Vertex squares the Nodes, it will assist the transformation of consciousness that the soul requires. You’ll no longer be allowed to be complacent about your soul’s intentions for this life. The outer planets hijack us, and Pluto can be rough about it. So if Pluto is a dominant influence now, then yes, his appearance on the Vertex will matter, but not as much as when it becomes exact. Let’s say he’s rumbling in the distance and adding to the unease. Pluto symbolizes the sum of the soul’s intent, and as such is intimately involved with nodal development according to house and sign placement.
When your Nodes and your MC/IC angles are in alignment, your search for a meaningful place in the world (MC) is tied to the development of the way you experience the world and your interaction with it. You must break habitual (usually emotional) patterns and discover a new root of personal power through these changes. The Vertex squaring will bring unexpected experiences and people into your life who will urge this development. And with Pluto involved in the overall chart configuration, these experiences/people are likely to be Plutonian in nature. Pluto can be a brute, because he’s all about bringing yourself to the place where you cannot be destroyed. We usually take a lot of lumps before we get there.
So wild~ I have an exact yod (all exactly 19 degrees) of saturn the apex (1st)/ Chiron (8th)/ moon (6th)
The empty leg is my vertex… exactly 19 degrees (7th)
whew… I have noticed that significant moments in my life were activated by a transit of the vertex… which activates the yod. Jupiter will be transiting this year in aries…. so this should be interesting : 0
I love your articles… your intuition radiates with your amazing insights~
Hi Dawn,
Love the article, as always. I have a question about orbs and the vertex in synastry. Do you still use 5 degrees? And what would a vertex/antivertex conjunction mean? they are four degrees apart.
Thanks for your helpful and informative answer Dawn – it is much appreciated
I had written a longer response but on reflection thought better of posting it here – I might be more interested in exploring this on a client basis first. But, a question did come up in relation to this – timing.
With sensitive points in the chart that ‘show’ events, timing, especially with progressed charts, is everything is it not – a small error in the birth time can throw these off significantly – can you say something about if and how you might work with the nodes, and particularly the vertex, in this context – if correction was called for would you be inclined to use the nodes and vertex before others, if at all, because of their characteristics and nature for example?
Rob, I’m not sure what you mean by this question. If you mean, would I use the Nodes and the Vertex if there was no accurate birth time–depends on whether or not you need exact timing for something, and it depends on how much you know about the supposed birth time. The Nodes don’t move very much by progression, the Vertex moves at, well, let’s say less than a degree per year. And yes, inaccurate times throw things off in secondaries. But you can still give a ballpark interpretation if you have an inkling of the right time and you’re not running blind. Remember that progressions are about an underlying impetus, a theme. Progressed positions to other progressed positions give us a spiritual framework for transits to fit in. A transit to either of these progressed points will reveal itself very quickly, but the long term meaning is in the progressed position. What I’ve found with progressions, even with the right time, is that things don’t move according to the way we’ve been told. We’ve been told to expect activity when the aspect is exact, but I’ve found it more true that the ‘big’ thing happens when the planet is one or even two degrees past exact, according to whatever else is related to it in the chart. It’s complicated.
thanks Dawn – yeh, thats roughly what I meant in the question – not enough experience in that territory so the clarification is very helpful
@ Dawn, the city I would love to move to for career purposes places my natal vertex smack on the DC of my relocation chart. While natal astroid aphrodite winds up on my ascendant. What do you think that would entail?
@Rob I’ve noticed you on Darkstar Astrology. You seem to have a knack for finding high quality astrology sites, any others you’d recommend?
Nathan, I wish I could help you. But this kind of thing involves more than can be answered in this space. The Asc, Asc ruler, and the Sun and the Moon positions in the relocation hold a lot more impact–the vertex and certainly any asteroid contacts are mere blips outside of the main issues. You need the entire chart interpreted. If relocation puts the Vertex/anti-Vertex axis on the Asc/Des, it means that the place may provide a lot of impact to your discovering who you are in a spiritual sense, at a core sense. But, as with all these aspects, you have to meet it half way. If you aren’t spiritually oriented, the connection will be less profound.
Lol, Asc ruler and Sun would both be conjunct in the 7th house. With moon (part of a stellium with venus and pluto) in the 6th exactly squaring the midheaven. Ascendant ruler, and sun would also tightly sextile the midheaven.
So I’m guessing love via work that would enhance my career.
I am a pretty spiritual person. My stellium in scorpio has made it absoultely necessary that I transcend ego and follow my pisces north node(9th) in order to live with a sense of peace.
The place would be L.A. I’m an actor.
Hi Nathan – you won’t get much better than this, otherwise look to Dawn’s blogroll….
A relationship I had in which the person’s Sun conjoined my vertex wasn’t “fated” in a good way at all. I tend to be wary of thinking that contacts to the vertex mean the relationship will have a positive impact (not that that’s what you’re saying). My vertex and anti-vertex straddle my 6th house-12th house axis in Aquarius and Leo, and square my nodes in Scorpio in Taurus by less than 30′.
Hi, Astrofix. Welcome to the site. I’ve tried to avoid the whole good/bad question when discussing the Vertex, because stripping down to the essence of yourself is never going to be an all out easy experience. Sometimes, with Vertex contacts, the person with the planet will help you see all the things that aren’t you, down deep, so that you can discover the ones that are. The sun is particularly prone to shedding its light this way. Taurus/Scorpio nodes are never easy, either, in terms of relationship, and if they square your Vertex, the stripping down of the Vertex will greatly affect the nodes and their lessons. Your partner’s sun squared your nodes, putting you in a position of having to open up your eyes to your own behaviour and habitual patterns, and actually change the way you deal with the world. That’s a very difficult thing to do.
I’ve had challenging experiences as well. A number of times in my life, contacts to my Vertex have been VERY traumatic. One was with someone whose Sun was conjunct my Vertex, and the other happened during a transit.
Both situations presented a strong challenge to my spiritual integrity; basically I was faced with a choice of two paths. The Sun person’s actions (and character) represented a clear vision of what it was I did not want to become – and also to some extent, a realization about some of the subtle hypocrisies that exist in our world – while the transit to my Vertex brought out a side of me I was not at all happy with. Afterwards, I realized that whether or not I was “justified” (by society’s standards) made little difference – it was a path I didn’t want to take. My Vertex/Anti Vertex is also along the Aquarius/Leo axis.
Hi Dawn, I’ve been here before, but using my real name – Michelle – which is a common name and doesn’t stand out from the crowd.
I can agree with what you wrote. One of the people whose Sun conjoins my vertex is one of only two people in the world I would consider to be my enemy.
@ Michelle – Me too! I made the big mistake of trying to turn this person into a friend and paid a price for my naivety. Most (not all) of our mutual friends seem strangely unaware of her true nature, so after many years, I still avoid functions where I know she’ll be attending. For some reason she seems drawn to me, yet her insincerity makes my skin crawl.
This was very interesting. Thanks Dawn! I was looking at my synastry with different people in my life and I really don’t have that many with Nodal contacts. My sister is the one exception. Her Sun/Moon are conjunct my south node.
However, I do have quite a few with Vertex contacts. I have Vertex contact with every family member and my girlfriend. Not counting the outer planets, my Dad’s moon is conjunct my anti-vertex, my brother’s Ascendent is conjunct my vertex, my mars is conjunct his Vertex, my gf’s vertex is conjunct my ASC, her Jupiter is conjunct my Vertex, my moon is conjunct my mom’s Vertex, my sister’s Jupiter is conjunct my Vertex, and my Descendent is conjunct my older brother’s vertex. So if the Vertex tends to be the “less-permanent” relationships, why do I have so many in my family relationships?
Hi Dauna,
Usually, when I’m talking about ‘relationships,’ I’m talking about intimate partnerships. People have assumptions that Vertex contacts lead to permanent partnerships, which isn’t the case.
However, what can feel more ‘fated’ than being born into a member of a family? No way out, really. And it’s fortunate to have these contacts, because contacts with these individuals, for better or worse, will allow you to know who you truly are. This isn’t the case in a lot of family situations. So consider yourself lucky, even though you’ll be tested from time to time, and make a point of always checking in with who you really are, down deep. Don’t live behind a mask, or according to other peoples’ expectations and assumptions.
Dear Dawn,
Is the ruler of the vertex or anti-vertex important?
Thank You
From what I’ve observed, not especially, unless they’re in tight aspect to one another. Then, transits or progressions to one ruler have a kind of magnetic effect to both ends of the Vertex. However, the impact is nothing like conjunctions or squares to the Vertex axis itself.
I´m so happy to find this site. Lot of awesome articles, thank you!
This Nodes series is the best I´ve read about the Nodes in synastry.
I have a question regarding the rulers. I have Scorp N.Node conj DC and mingled between Jup and Nept. The other person has N Node in Gemini. My Pluto is opposite the S Node ruler of the other, Saturn, by degree. My question is, how to interpret that?
Watermoon, I’m afraid I could not possibly answer this without looking at the whole chart.
I have 2 men with whom I had the exact conjunct of NN with Vertex.
with man A- his Vertex was conjunct my NN
with man B- my Vertex was conjunct his NN
(both were within 1 degree)
with both men it was short lived but intense
with man A- he wanted me more and felt the connection more
with man B- i felt the connection more
PS: there were other aspects and double whammys aswell so I wont pin point all on this- but I believe the person whose Vertex is activated feels the fated link more (in case of Vertex Conjunct NN)
not to insult intelligence of any reader- just pointing the obvious
Vertex conjunct NN = Anti-vertex conjunct SN
The Vertex/Anti-Vertex, like the Asc/Desc axis, is longing for a kind of completion, When another’s points fall on that axis, it feels as if we’re being pulled down a road we have always looked for, but never found, towards a place we need to find. What happens along that road has much to do with aspects between charts, and what the Vertex is doing via progression.
I think mine is one of the craziest, most far fetched Vertex stories… About 10 years ago I saw a certain movie and as soon as I saw one of the actors (never saw him before in any movies) I had this powerful feeling that I’ve known him forever… I felt like I looked into those eyes millions of times before. Not having a logical answer as to why I felt that way, I started looking for a spiritual one… I found Wicca and through Wicca I found my husband & moved to the US… That actor’s Sun almost exactly conjuncts my 8th house Vertex and his Pluto almost exactly conjuncts my NN (his Jupiter and Chiron conjunct my SN)… Needless to say, I’ve never actually met him in person…:))
The Vertex often works that way, leading us down oblique roads that eventually make sense. I had a long term transit to my sixth house Vertex once which gave me a job that eventually allowed me to be a full-time astrologer. When the Vertex is touched, doors and window open that were previously shut.
I believe vertex/anti-vertex can affect either positively or negatively depending on where you are in your life. There is a man whose sun conjuncts my verge had traumatized me lllemotionally.. however the woman whose vertex opposes to my moon is e of the best friends who seems to have things I wish for.
It also depends on the nature of the contact, and other elements in the two charts. Having Pluto conjunct your anti-Vertex or Vertex is a lot different from having Venus there. And if your planets and/or the other person’s planets cause conflict with that contact, you might be in for a bit of a storm before any revelations occur.
So I wanted to say that vertex could work either bad or good way depending on the karma you have o go through with it. Also I experiencd that vertex comes when there is need for change or reminder of what you have forgotten to guide your path in your life. If you can’t find a clear answer to yourself you would be stuck with this vertex person (or the person who had aspects to your vertex). Does that sound right?
The most important thing to remember about the Vertex axis is that encounters with it remind us who we truly are. But no, we aren’t ‘stuck’ with the Vertex person forever. Vertex contacts tend to be, if not ephemeral, temporary.
Thanks it is nice to have your response. Actually with this vertex person, it has been lasting for long, despite it seemed like short term thing at the beginning. That’s why i feel I would be stuck forever with him.
Who we truly are.. and that should work on both the vertex and planet person. It is hard to accept who we are in the way we never realized. That is why vertex is so dramatic and turns everything upside down..
Hallo everybody!
First of all, congrats to the astrologer!
It’s my first time here and I was truly fashionated by the very accurate explanations on a very interesting subject.
I have 2 questions, hope to get an illuminating answers.
After the man I loved passed away on July 2oo7, I stayed isolated for a couple of years, until on a late July afternoon of 2oo9, I met a person for working matters and…I was totally flashed by this vision, like never before. I had a feeling I’d end having an affair with him. His radix Sun/Pluto/Lilith are conjunct at 21° Libra. My Vertex is 27° Libra. My Venus is 9° Capricorn and his Vertex 1° Capricorn. Then my Juno is 17° Virgo and his Venus is 11° Virgo. Unfortunely (for me) he is already married with a 13yrs older woman and has a 4yrs daughter. He has totally shaken my life and our intimacy was excellent but the moments were rare and unstables, but those fews were PERFECT! He was away for 1yr and half, then flashy came back and now he has faded again. Was he afraid of feeling involved too? Or destiny maybe wanted to tell me that I was alive again after a loss and had to move on? Was he just a simbolic comet? I noticed that when we first met in july 2oo9, Pluto was transiting 1° Capricorn on his Vertex and when we had our first “intimate meeting” on April 2nd 2o1o there was a crucial transit of Vertex at 1° Capricorn on this person’s radix Vertex on the same degree and Pluto was at 5° Capricorn. The fact that Saturn is going forward and retrograde (2 years!) and is now stable on the degree 27° of Libra makes me think of a block of the situation, or that through sacrifices and sufferings, perhaps in the end we can gain results. Is it the reason why he runs away, then comes back…His stellium at 21°Libra conjunct Saturn (T) talks of much effort to come out of problems. I need to stay in the corner and live my part of pain…
And Saturn (T) also perfectly squares my radix Saturn at 28°Cancer.
I am sorry if I bored the readers. I hope this situation finds a good solution when the right time comes. I’d sooo appreciate a kind answer to my dilemmas. I have been through a depressive state (leading to mononucleosis ‘cuz my immunitary defenses got low) after the other guy’s passing and fate then has put this one on my life path. I don’t know how much I’d handle another pain in my head, heart, soul…I say that again, I’d really appreciate your precious answer, so, you’ll help me understand what’s better for me to do. Thanks in advance for the attention. Great website! Ciao from Rome! MK
I’m sorry, EmKey, I wish I could help, but a short answer here would be irresponsible. You would really need a reading to understand what is going on.
So how does it affect when someone’s vertex conjuncts my Pluto? I have this aspect with my own daughter and also her sun/moon midpoint opposes to my sun, moon and Venus. Needless to say s being my child, she is attached and affected by me. And what bothers me is that her Saturn is in my 12th house which causes me extreme stressand challenges.
And also my Pluto is conjuncing her s. Node
I really enjoyed to read this article.
How about mercury vertex connections in synastry?
Is it about communication btwn two ?
Mercury/Vertex contacts ensure that the intellectual/mind connection between two people is intense, and contributes to greater understanding of themselves, one another, and the world.
This is really describing well the communication and understanding we have btwn us.
Plus i would say that i ,can guess his possible responds,reaction or the way he is thinking.I think we also have a kind of telepathy as well. (the conjunction is less than 2′)
Are u willing to write something about Arabic Lots in synastry?
There is almost no any article about it and a lot of curious people like me, searching about it : )
Hi Essie,
Arabic lots are a complicated business, but yes, they work. Because they are so chart-specific, I hesitate to teach generalities about them. I include them as part of my Advanced Synastry course.
Hi Dawn! Your writing always feels like espresso shots of astrology. Lol. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
As always if there are strange occurrences in my life, people or events that I can’t explain – I turn to astrology to confirm my confusion, specifically to The Inner Wheel in fact.
So when I met somebody middle of this year, I sensed quite extraordinary about it. Unlike the Saturnian connection I used to write about in your blog, this one is more Jupiterian. On the day he sought to meet me, his progressed vertex was conjunct my progressed descendant to the degree! And his natal vertex is conjunct my natal part of marriage to the degree. So far, we’re not there yet but my…the synastry of lucrative dealings is really working out well for both of us.
I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this question. My aries chiron-venus conjunction in the eigth house is conjunct a man’s north node-sun-saturn conjunction in his twelfth house and opposite his vertex. His fifth house pluto is conjunct my virgo ascendant. The situation is the classic unavailable scenario, which I prefer staying away from. There have been compelling synchronicities that push me towards him, but if I exercise my choice based on a rigid moral upbringing, am I sacrificing the growth for our souls?
Astrology is no substitute for a personal moral philosophy. You must do what you feel is right for you.
Hello Dawn, can you tell me what is the meaning of the following combinations:
My vertex conj his Sun 0s
My vertex conjunct his Venus 2s
My sun moon midpoint opposite his vertex (conjct his antivertex)2 deg
My venus square his vertex 0a
Also my ascendent opposite his eros 2a
My sun conjunct his Mean Lilith 1s
My true Lilith conjunct his true Lilith 0s
My MC conjunct his true Lilith 0s
There are also oppositions of my Venus to his Sun and Venus, 0s and 1s respectfully
Also there are plenty of other Mars Pluto , Mars moon aspects hard and harmoniums as well. Plus very active Uranus etc
However I am more interested in those points that I wrote about. What can you tell me about the relationship?
Hi Dawn,
Thank you for doing what you do so well! I’ve a situation that perplexes me. I hope you can shed some light on it. Three significant relationships. All COMPOSITE CHARTS have Vertex conjunct the descendant EXACT.
The 1st was a marriage that lasted 30 years with no aspects to the axis but a same degree Sun, Venus, Saturn conjunction in the 5th producing 3 children.
The 2nd is current and 6 years old with no aspects to the axis but a consecutive degree Mercury, Eros, Chiron conjunction in the 6th. Sun is also in the sixth. We’re both Pisces Sun.
The 3rd has always been felt intensely but circumstances have never allowed its official formation. I just recently obtained his birth data but we met nearly 11 years ago…Uranus on Ascendant (Virgo) with Chiron on descendant (Pisces) exact on the same degree with Chiron trine Neptune (Scorpio) exact on the same degree. Sudden and unexpected situation (minor traffic incident) electric-heart-pounding-can-barely-breathe-with-you-standing-next-to-me. He flows through my thoughts every single day since the day we met. My marriage ended- he was not available. His marriage ended- I am not available. Sun is in the 5th opposite Moon in the 11th. NN conjunct Pallas in the 8th. Jupiter, Mercury, Bacchus, Eros and Diana join the Sun in the 5th.
I’m sorry, but the cookbook kinds of interpretations do not apply to the Vertex/Anti-Vertex axis, which must be interpreted very delicately. Remember that it is a point, not a planet. Points behave differently. They are more of an area of opportunity, rather than a quality. So what is more interesting is: what is your Vertex doing with these other Vertices to put them on the Desc? No matter the relationship, you are trying to get to the truth of yourself via these other people, and that is the most important thing to know.
I apologyze for responding just now, but I have recently received an email where it’s said that someonelse has commented the topic I had already commented and consequently read in delay!
Thank you for your answer. The situation is still like a yo yo.
We will see in the future. Now I am getting more confidence with solar arcs, solar returns, besides the interest in secondary progressions. Who knows which one is the best predictive way…!?!
All the best, me.
Hi Dawn,
Love love your website! Definitely will consider signing up for some classes too.
I recently discovered the vertex and found that my natal Jupiter is conjunct my vertex at 20 Pisces sixth house with DSC at 26 Pisces. I have also noted that there is solar Eclipse on September 13, 2015 @ 2:41 EST also happening at 20 degrees Virgo, exactly conjunct my anti-vertex.
My partner’s natal Saturn squares my vertex at 21 Sagittarrius, and his vertex is at 12 Sag conjunct my natal Venus at 13 Sag – with his progressed moon also sitting at 7 degrees Virgo. Additionally, his natal Venus squares at 14 degrees Pisces – loosely conjunct my natal jupiter-vertex-DSC – and his natal mercury at 25 Pisces too; his progressed Mars is also currently sitting at 20 Gemini, all creating a mutable Grand Cross.
I know as you have forewarned against “kitchen recipe” aspects…and also that it is impossible to “predict” what’s going to happen with transits to the vertex axis, but I feel as though something extremely fated is about to transpire, especially since my partner and i are in a long distance relationship and our next time together will commence on September 12, 2015…right before this Virgo solar eclipse. Do you have any insights on what impact a solar eclipse may have on the vertex axis?
As you can imagine, the realization of this transit has made me quite anxious!
I’m realizing I may be an extra sensitive vertex individual since my natal Jupiter is conjunct vertex by a degree. I have also looked up when my partner came into my life seven years ago, and transiting Uranus was conjunct my vertex, which may explain why the come-go long distance of our relationship. In his chart, transiting Juno and lilith were conjunct his vertex and my natal venus in sag, again squaring his natal venus at 14 pisces and so on…
Anyhow, any insights would be greatly appreciated! *many blessings* and thank you so much for this beacon of a blog**
Caroline, this is a very complex synastry, let alone the event, and I would hesitate to comment without taking a deeper look. However, there is nothing to be anxious about. The Vertex, in spite of its reputation, usually brings about what is good for us in the long run.
Hi Dawn, I have a question similar to the one above about their relocation chart. However mine is concerning my Solar Return chart coming up in two weeks. The Solar Return Vertex in Sag is in the 5th house and it is conjunct my natal DSC exact.
I read your reply to the person that the place itself (where they were relocating to) would possibly impact their spiritual self. How would a Solar return meaning differ from the relocation chart meaning?
A solar return lasts only a year, and is directly concerning your life path. Relocation charts are a permanent echo underlying the natal chart, but the natal chart is always dominant.
so if someone’s moon conjuncts the other persons moon how will it play out between these two people?
Moon/Moon usually shows itself first as a deep understanding and familiarity. “I know who you are, because we are the same.” There is a sense of shared experience. However, imagine if one person’s Moon, or both, are challenged in some way, by a square from Saturn or Pluto or an opposition from Neptune. Each aspect will alter the original Moon/Moon tie.
So if someone’s moon conjuncts the other person’s vertex how will things play out between these two people?
This is more like Moon con Asc or Desc. “I feel comfortable with you; I appreciate you; I need you in my life.” There is not necessarily the familiarity that you get with Moon/Moon.
Hi Dawn,
I have a question about the vertex I am hoping you can address. I have natal vertex in the 7th house conjunct my natal south node. Is this a bad thing? I feel like all my relationships, the few I have had, have been very karmic. Is this a negative in a natal chart.
Thanks, feeling very unlucky.
It’s not a negative. In fact, it makes life a bit more simple. Discovering/revealing your true self (Vertex) is directly related to the evolution of your consciousness (the Nodes). The connection with the 7th house does indicate karma in relationships. This is neither ‘good’ nor ‘bad,’ it just is. It means there is something relationship-wise that you need to work out.
Hi Dawn,
Thanks for your response. My Vertex is conjunct my south node by less than a degree and my relationships have indeed felt very karmic. My last two relationships ended due to outside influences, where we wanted to be together but it was like everything else kept us from being together. I feel like I have hit rock bottom and lost all hope. Thanks again for your info, love your website and will look into a reading, I could definitely use your help.
Hello Dawn, the eloquence of your writing and depth of thought always provides real nourishment and illumination in these threads.
I wonder if you might comment on reversed vertex axes in synastry within a 3 degree orb. (Is the orb a bit wide?) It would seem a positive aspect but I’m curious to hear your thoughts on it.
Thank you!
Opposing Vertices are like any other mirror polarity–it is usually complimentary and unifying. However, the Vertex being the Vertex, it is unpredictable. Things come ‘out of the blue’ that involve both parties. It will keep you on your toes.
Wow, Dawn. This is a big ‘aha’ for me. Never realized how important the Vertex can be…
A significant ex had his Venus conjunct my vertex, square my nodal axis conjunct his ASC/DSC…
HUGE, deep, painful but ultimately very, very transformative relationship. A lifetime’s worth of lessons came out of that one. Your articles have been VERY helpful in my understanding. So, thank you for sharing your knowledge so freely.
Current partner has his MC conjunct my vertex, and my Sun squares his Vertex axis. Both aspects are tight orbs. Honestly, after the upheaval of the breakup with the ex, I am being pretty cautious, but am up for the adventure too!
Would love to hear your thoughts on these.
Hi Dawn, This is truly the most in depth article on the Vertex out there…
My question is: does the other (planet) person feel the intensity of the Vertex/Anti-vertex hit?
I met someone who has Sun-Mars-Saturn conjunct 26 deg Aqua, and dead on my Anti-vertex about 6 months ago.
My Vertex is conjunct my Sun, 26 degrees, in Leo. First meeting very out of the blue, and I would say it was a love at first sight for me- Very intense- and it’s all been quite beautiful.
The short answer is–it’s uncertain. The only guarantee we have of mutual intensity is planet to angle, followed by the personal planets to one another. The outer planets operate another way, as do the Vertex angle and the Nodes.
Hi Dawn
I just wanted to say thanks very much for your comprehensive and informative articles. I’ve spent a lot of time on the internet trying to find out more information on the vertex axis and how this plays out in Synastry.
Like Sami, my other half’s Anti-Vertex conjuncts my Vertex with a 3 degree orb in Taurus. He also has his moon conjunct my Vertex as well.
We have reversed angles conjunct within 1 degree (his MC/my ASC and his IC/ my DSC and sun in Cancer). Our 4th house North Nodes are squared (mine in Aries (his ASC) and his in Cancer (my 7th house and Sun – which is also conjunct his NN in a wide orb of 9 degrees). His Venus is conjunct his SN, and squares my nodal axis, my Venus is semi sextile his NN and in conjunct SN, so double contact there. A few more angle and nodal contacts going on which I haven’t mentioned but essentially lots of lessons and growth in our relationship and as individuals.
I’ve found your articles the most informative when looking at information on astrology. Really well thought out and relevant, so thank you for that Dawn! 🙂
Hello Dawn.
What is your take on sun sqare vertex angles?
Thanks !
One of the purposes of the Vertex is to introduce us to other realms of existence. With the Sun squaring, this may be a lifelong task and is certainly part of the soul’s journey on this earth. This Sun is also trying to reveal the innermost being and trying to live it in this world. Life will often be about transcending limitations.