A Sudden Loss

A Sudden Loss

Dawn Bodrogi March 11, 2011

It seems that all I do lately is apologize for not being here as often as I want to be. I intended this blog to be a place where knowledge and information are gathered and shared, but if I’m not there stirring up the embers we lose our sense of community–I know that there are a lot of people out there who feel very at home with this site as a kind of astrological refuge. Things will return to normal soon–I’m working on the second part of the Ceres article, I’ve been researching the psycho-sexual dynamics involved with Black Moon Lilith, and there should be a couple of e books available on synastry themes within a couple of months. The main reason for the slow-down in posting is that, since the beginning of the year, my mother’s health has taken a bad turn and I’ve been caring for her. Fortunately, this is a temporary situation, but for the time being, my time is no longer my own. Things were looking up and I thought I might be returning somewhat to old form this week, but I was hit a devastating blow–my beloved cat, Bee Gee, died suddenly from an accidental poisoning Monday night. He was only two, still a kitten at heart, a big, strong tom cat I thought would be around forever. He was loving, warm, affectionate and funny–I never knew a cat who loved to play as much as he did. Right now there is a huge black hole in my life that was once filled with love, and it will take me a while to fully grieve and come to terms with the loss.

One way to pay tribute would be to post the transits against my birth chart and create a lesson. You would see both Ceres in her scythe phase (the transiting Moon was exactly conjunct my natal Ceres in the 8th at the time of death, with the transiting angle hitting it) and the Black Moon in her role as child-killer (sandwiched in between Uranus, my sixth house ruler, and Mercury, the natural sixth house ruler and ruler of small animals, in the sixth) and transiting Mars conjunct my sixth house Vertex. But I’m not quite up to a full analysis, yet. Time hasn’t begun to do her work.

I know that you are all generous and compassionate people, and I know that you will sympathize if things are quiet. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I think, for the first time in my life, I’m really looking forward to leaving this winter behind–I could use some more light. I’ll be the first one out there greeting the Vernal Equinox.


my gray and white tuxedo cat, Bee Gee

12 thoughts on “A Sudden Loss

  1. Dawn, I am so sorry about Bee Gee 🙁 I know how hard it is to lose a beloved four-footed friend. I am sorry to hear that your Mother is ill too. It must be a very difficult time for you. I greatly admire your continuing contribution to the astrological community and your dedication. Take care of yourself too x

  2. Oh Dawn, I’m so sorry for your loss. Caring for an ailing parent can be very challenging, and I’m sure your kitty’s affection/attention provided much needed comfort; they love us so unconditionally, don’t they? I hope your grief is soon softened by fond memories of your beloved kitty – I still remember my favorite cat and believe we’ll be reunited someday. 🙂

    Please take care of yourself. Much as I look forward to your posts, I always consider them a generous gift, never something I’m entitled to.

    And bless you for taking care of your mom!


  3. I’m so sorry for your sudden loss. I love animals, so I know how upsetting it is to lose one’s beloved pet. And so much harder when already under the stress of caring for an ailing mother. It has been a tough winter for many people. I hope the spring is kinder to you.

  4. So sorry to hear, Dawn! I lost my 20 yr old cat last fall and know how hard it is…. Lots of warm hugs to you…Kathryn

  5. Hi Dawn,
    I am sorry for your loss of your beloved pet, dealing with a ill parent. I understand all you are going through. Please take care of yourself and take all the time to heal. I will keep you in my prayers. Praying for the best for you.

  6. I understand the deep pain of your loss. My beautiful 18 year old cat died just one month ago. Sending you love, slobbering empathy, and shared tears.

    Love to you, ease and peace for your mother and to Bee Gee a gentle journey……


  7. Hi Dawn,

    We will wait, and we will not mind waiting. You take the time you need to take care of you so you can take care of your mother. You’ve been through a serious and significant loss, and one made more difficult because he was such a young, healthy, and beautiful kitty. I am sorry for your loss and stress. Please take time to nurture yourself. Let time heal.


  8. May your grief be assuaged by fond remembrance.

    What greater gift than the love of a cat?
    – Charles Dickens

  9. Animal companions are irreplaceable. I am sorry for your loss and know that pain as well. Ailing parents are an opportunity to sit with the divine oracle, just as spending time with infants is. I found the months-long illness and eventual death of my mother 11 years ago to be one of the most profoundly awakening times of my life. I dropped everything and left my job on the east coast to sit in quiet with her in the Southwest and I very much believe we should drop everything and go there, be there with that process. Much support to you during this time.

  10. Do take your time Dawn, theres no danger of the sense of community diminishing here – your gifts to us are so highly valued and my own cats have shown me that a different order of love is at work in our lives – it too never diminishes, and neither will our support – thinking of you and keeping a clear light in the heart for healing

  11. I want to add my condolences too, Dawn. As a cat lover myself, I really feel your sudden loss. I think he must have been finished with what he came to do. My cats are little healers; I’m sure yours was too.

    Don’t worry about losing us…you’re one of the best and I will continue to revisit until you are up and running again.

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