Chiron/Moon. The Endless Hunger of Part One

Chiron/Moon. The Endless Hunger of Part One

Dawn Bodrogi October 19, 2012

Of all the contacts between Chiron and the inner planets in synastry, the one between Chiron/Moon is the saddest, yet at the same time the most romantic.  When we are in the throes of love, we are looking for our other half, our true partner, someone, as the cliché goes, who completes us.  When we are with this miraculous being we feel fulfilled, we feel satisfied mentally, physically and spiritually.  We feel fed, in all kinds of ways.  We can breathe a sigh of relief, because the drive towards ‘other,’ that exhausting, spiritually debilitating search for a proper mate, is now suspended.  We can rest.  Alas, with Chiron/Moon, our search for partnership may initiate a dark hunger that, in Shakespeare’s words, ‘feeds on itself.’  And the only way out is through the crucible of the divine.

Chiron/MoonMany amateur astrologers often neglect the Moon in synastry.  Or they do once they get past the, “Are there any aspects between the Moon and Sun?” phase.  But the Moon itself plays a huge part in our relationships, (no matter our sex) as does the fourth house and the house the Moon rules in the chart.  How can you become intimate with someone if you aren’t comfortable with them?  How can you truly open up and experience the deep transformation waiting there for you in your 8th house if you are on guard against psychic invasion?  The Moon’s journey, as the first water sign, begins in house 4 at the seat of consciousness, moves on to and through the transformative, ‘dying to myself’ experience of the 8th and ends up as the transcendent awareness and compassionate wisdom of the 12th.  And the Moon does this wordlessly, without logic or analysis, through feeling and instinct alone.  In essence, it represents the height and purpose of romantic partnership:  I feel, I merge and die, I am at one with the universe.  This is the power of water, deeply underestimated in most texts, dismissed as ‘sensitivity, sentiment.’  Dismiss it at your peril.  Anyone who has ever been in a flood or carried away by a rip tide knows what water can do.

No matter what signs the Moon is involved with, or what signs are on the cusp of the water houses, the process is the same.  You will process your deep emotions according to the element you find there.  If you’re lucky, they’re in agreement.  You may have a Leo Moon and fire signs ruling four, eight and 12.  You will plunge into your own emotional life as if you are on fire, in spite of having, for example, Saturn square the Moon.  You may be reserved towards others, but most likely instinctive and impulsive as far as your internal processes are concerned.  If the sign of your Moon is not as compatible with the signs on the water houses, your instincts (Moon) may be at odds with the way you cope with your emotional wisdom.  Maybe your Moon is in earth and you need solid proof of things to feel comfortable.  Maybe your Virgo Moon needs rationality and analysis.  Yet with fire on the cusp of the water houses, the Virgo tendencies will war with the drive for instinctual and passionate connection.

Where does Chiron enter into all of this? It has to do with that last phase of water, that big leap between the 8th house and the 12th.  The Moon’s polar opposite is Saturn, ruling the 10th house, the house of physical manifestation.  The Moon/Saturn polarity, as the second archetypal symbol of female/male pairing, is about making our interior worlds manifest in an exterior way, the interflow between ‘me in here’ and ‘you out there.’  (Please see my other articles on the Saturn polarity and the MC/IC relationship beginning HERE.)  Our 8th house merging is tested by the realities of the 10th house, which asks, “Am I being true to myself (4th house)?  Is this real?  Can I exteriorize what I have become after being burnt down to the essence via this new ‘other’ ?  The 8th house is a test of personal truth and integrity, but we are then asked, “What are you going to make of this?  What do you come away with?” When all goes well we can build a genuine life out of the newly forged Self, easing us past the 11th house towards the divine awareness in the 12th.

When Chiron is involved with the Moon, it must guide us beyond the realm of Saturn in order to experience the transcendent nature of the Self.  And the way it does that is by forcing us to face all of Saturn’s fears and defenses until we are staring at our true selves, wounds, scars, deformities and limitations galore.  Chiron sends us out into the world missing a layer of skin, and insures that others will not rest until they touch it.  It is only by working through the pain that we reach the limitless realm of the divine.  Like Chiron, we must sacrifice our mortal, material bound selves in order to become immortal.

Chiron knows that all of the secure structures Saturn is building with our hard-won emotional truth must be got beyond, somehow.  These ‘real’ structures, whatever they may be—marriage, family, a secure place in the world out there—are not enough.  They are shelters preventing us from participating in a larger truth.

When Chiron is attached to the Moon, either in the natal chart or via synastry,  the Moon’s natural need to be fed, cherished and securely attached is never satisfied.  We learn early on that the manifest world is not our refuge. It is replaced by an endless hunger that rarely abates until later life, and which can be easily re-stoked by circumstance.  If we have the aspect in the natal chart, we are born with the sense that nothing is secure, but we make sad attempts to make ourselves secure anyway.  These attempts are doomed to failure:  any attempt at finding personal security in manifest reality, including ‘other’ is folly.  And yet the hunger doesn’t go away.  How we cope with the hunger defines our character. At first, this hunger represents our need for security, but as time goes on we become aware that something else is calling to us.

Chiron/Moon, more than any other aspect of Chiron, is prone to be the outsider, the ‘other.’  Chiron/Moon children, especially, are often the scapegoats on the block.  We come into this world with the sense of not fitting in, something is ‘wrong’ with us.  We may try to isolate ourselves from experience, but the hungry Moon keeps drawing us back into ordinary life again, only to tell us that we don’t belong (again).  Attempts to try to fit in are also doomed.  We know deep in our bones that we are not like ‘them,’ and yet are hard pressed to know why.

The Moon also represents our physical being, and Chiron/Moon people often have difficulties with the whole concept of being embodied.  Again, there is the sense that something is wrong with them, something is preventing them from being ‘normal.’  Often, Chiron/Moon people have some kind of physical issue that stamps them as different, and often we feel it first when we are very young:  too fat, too thin, limb deformities, skin markings, or something else that those little fascists otherwise known as children deem unusual and ripe for culling.  Hair too curly, hair too straight, anything can cause a psychic wound with Chiron/Moon.  This is only the beginning of a life long battle with the material/manifest world itself.

What Chiron/Moon eventually comes to understand is that the physical world is not the opposite of the divine world—the two are one.  This awareness often comes after a lifetime of struggle with manifest reality and sometimes the body itself.  Often, the breakthrough periods come when Chiron makes the squares and the opposition to itself.  This can happen at different times for each of us, due to Chiron’s erratic orbit.   These are the times that we realize that we are not the outsiders, but the ultimate insiders.  We see things that others don’t see, hear things that others don’t hear, know things that others don’t know.

Often, at the squares and the opposition, we are initiated into a new sensibility.  We move beyond the realm of Saturn into a world where ‘other-worldly’ phenomena is the norm.  We may have experiences of telepathy, precognition, distance viewing.  Out of body experiences are common, with full recollection.  Lucid dreaming is also common, and we can have periods where wisdom concerning ourselves and others is poured into us from beyond.  Advice and guidance may be available to us through meditation and through sleep.  We may find personal guides, teachers and mentors for the first time.  We may discover an innate ability to heal. The strangeness, the weirdness, the thing that separated us from others now unites us in understanding.  We realize that we are connected, that our inner and our outer lives work as one.  We move from an awareness of a separate consciousness in the 4th house to the Unity consciousness of Pisces and the 12th.

When Chiron is involved with the Moon, we must learn to fill our material vessels with spiritual waters, knowing all the time that the vessel and the glass are all made of the same substance in a different form.

What makes a synastry difficult when Chiron/Moon is between charts is that we must learn this lesson via the relationship.  Our grip on ‘reality’ is challenged and our attempts at security are washed away in what seems like a tide of ruthless indifference to the welfare of our consciousness.  Whether we are the Chiron person or the Moon person, the endless hunger is set aflame by interaction with another, a hunger which is impossible to satisfy by ordinary means.

More to come…

97 thoughts on “Chiron/Moon. The Endless Hunger of Part One

  1. Well, hello. As if it was not enough that I have a Moon – Venus opposition lying along the nodal axis but now I find out that Chiron is actually conjunct my Venus and in opposition to the Moon and the North Node (Libra).
    “Chiron/Moon people often have difficulties with the whole concept of being embodied” – I just live with this. 🙂

  2. If my NN is in Cancer (24 degrees) and my Chiron is in Taurus (20 degrees), is it relevant to examine the relationship since my North Node’s ruling planet is the moon? Thanks!

  3. Aah yes. I have my Moon inconj. the Chiron/Jupiter conj. and I was “too x” definetly until recently.

    Depending on the orbs you allow in synastry, that Moon is also trine (sextile respectively) the other persons Chiron-Uranus opposition which in turn squares my conj.

    Fun? No. The last paragraph really resonates. But alas, if you want a diamond, you ought to put a lot of pressure on the carbon, no? Sigh.

  4. My 5th house Moon and 6th house Chiron are in Aquarius, separated by just under 11 degrees, with my Vertex at the midpoint and all three opposite my 12th house Uranus. I understand this endless hunger you describe and believe it’s one born of remembering . . . what most have forgotten. Remembering and knowing how it once was, could be now, might have been and truly *is*, if only we were to wake up and remember our Divine connection to Source and maybe more importantly, to one another.

    It’s a hunger for a place called “home”, where like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, I’ve sometimes wished I could click my heels together and be back where I belong, safe and loved. Yet as you say, home is what and where we make it and I’ve come to realize this place called home also dwells within me. As deeply flawed as I am, I want very much to live out my time here “on Earth as it is in Heaven.” I’d rather not return if I can help it!

    My husband’s Chiron and BM Lilith are exactly conjunct my Moon, and our conjunctions forms an exact square to important personal planets we have conjunct in Scorpio. He understands me like no other and if at times, we both realize we can never be *everything* to one another and long to be still more, we both also feel how strong our connection is and how blessed we are to have found one another. In a world where it’s easy to feel lost, alienated and alone, he’s my safe place to land and I am his. We fought to get to this place, but it ‘s been worth it. For as long as it lasts, we’ll be grateful.

    As usual, I appreciate your profound insights, Dawn. 🙂 Thanks.

  5. I love this article, and it brings me memories with a person I had very much respect and intense feelings for. It was @ least from my part, I experienced a very idealized, intense romantic feelings for this person. Unfortunately it turned out to be one of those Bitter Sweet relationships and a extremely painful one to get over. I always wondered if it was a strong neptune element to it.. However his moon-saturn conjunction conjuncted my Chiron on the 11th. I do recall searching online for articles in Chiron in synastry there is information and books written on Chiron, But not enough when it comes to synastry. So thanks again this enlightening article.

  6. Thanks for this, Dawn. Very interesting – I’m looking forward to part 2. I have Moon exactly opposite Chiron, with Moon/Chiron within a degree of Ascendant/Descendant. I think it gets better after the Chiron Return, though still makes its presence felt like an old scar.

  7. Beautiful writing.

    Dawn, would apsects between Chiron and Ceres have similar themes?

    Thank-you as always.

    1. Hi Tricia–Yes, similar, but not interchangeable. Ceres is specifically about whether or not the world ‘out there’ can sustain us, whether it is a hostile or friendly place. Chiron/Ceres may tread very lightly on the earth, never certain that it won’t be devoured. There is a deep understanding of the ‘reaping’ element of the material world; ultimately, Chiron may use this energy to make good and necessary endings, but until then Ceres may cut away anything Chiron is clinging to on a cyclical basis.

  8. Thank-you Dawn,

    Your response sheds light on the energy exchange between the two archtypes. You make it clear what they might they say to each other, how they might relate. This is where I often get stumped.

  9. I’ve heard people with hard Moon-Chiron aspects may be more prone to eating disorders. After reading this article that idea makes sense. I have 4H Cancer Chiron square (5*) 12H Taurus Moon. I have always felt like an outsider, especially around my family (4H). I tried to chalk it up to teenage angst but now I’m just accepting it. Looking forward to the synastry section!

  10. Hi Dawn,

    I have a son whose chiron conjunct my moon in synastry. I wonder if I cannot satisfy his emotional needs. I do my best but could not find enugh time and enough energy for caring and make him happy and I am sorry for this.His chiron is in fourth house in his natal chart. He has also neptune in his 4th house oppose sun in tenth. In many readings this fourth house apllies to absent father. but if m moon conjunct his chiron in his fourth, the fourth house person could be his mother who is the absent figure. maybe you cant interpret this configurtaion without looking at his natal chart. But I am very confused who does the chiron or neptun signify and why? what is the importance and meaning?

  11. Hi Dawn!

    What an insightful article… as always.

    “Of all the contacts between Chiron and the inner planets in synastry, the one between Chiron Moon is the saddest, but at the same time the most romantic.”

    Since my Chiron tightly conjuncts the Moon of a man who has really made me suffer without us ever being together, I can reassure you about the “saddest” part…
    Not sure I will ever feel the romantic one.
    The thing is that this “relationship” is holding on there, for years, he always recomes in my life in a way, almost in a carmic way…

    Looking forward for part two, concerning Chiron Moon in synastry.

    Best regards

  12. Thanks Dawn! I soooo love your writings!
    “Often, the breakthrough periods come when Chiron makes the squares and the opposition to itself. These are the times that we realize that we are not the outsiders, but the ultimate insiders. We see things that others don’t see, hear things that others don’t hear, know things that others don’t know.” And it is so true!
    This so touched me because my moon was just opposes Chiron which conjuncts Saturn by the way! At least now I understand! Chiron will have a big key in my life for a few years because next year opposes my mars (again ) plus Uranus and Pluto ! On top of it it will square my progressed sun and Jupiter next year as well and a year after my progressed venus! Do you have any hints what expect from those transits? I am a bit worried about my mars uranus and pluto oppsition which will oppose saturn at the same time! On top of it the uranus pluto square aspects my sun and mercury and venus at the same time being an Aries! So I know that I will go through some major transformations in the next few years hopefully in one piece as well! I know one thing for sure! I will be a much wiser person!
    Thanks again!

  13. Thanks for this article! It is very interesting for me to read, as three important men in my life have their moons conjunct or opposite my chrion. One of them is my ex (conjunction), we had a 6 year relationship, it has sweet moment but overall rather tumultuous and ended not so well. Another is a very good guy friend (the opposition) with whom I had this semi-romantic feelings with. And the long-term relationship with my current boyfriend (conjunction) has been very good. I can’t really say there’s anything in common in these 3 relationships, except that an incredible sweetness/tenderness. But I also have natal chiron opposite venus, so I’m not sure if this tenderness is from the venus-moon aspect I have with them, or the moon-chiron. Also interesting is that three of my best friends are born on the same day, and hence have their sun closely conjunct my chiron.

  14. wow… you are a great writer… thank you for this… im glad i found your site… ive been looking for chiron/moon aspects for a long time. i have chiron 1st house taurus SQUARING moon in aquarius 11th house. this is a fantastic insights. to tell you the truth, it even saddens me to read this article and i feel devastated when you said that this aspect is the saddest. i feel it too. i feel like im the most unfortunate person in the world. i always have this insecurity with my height and my physicality and been struggling a whole ever since i was young. i was rejected a lot of times because of it. uranus is now in my 12th and i am doing a lot of art therapy. art has helped me as a lot in manisfesting everything thats inside. if that would make a difference in my physical body eventually- when uranus transits my 1st house- i hope… im loongking forward for the next one.

  15. What a beautiful and heartfelt article, Dawn. Thank you so much for your emotional-full exploration of the aspect. My natal Chiron squares my natal Moon by a degree and a half, and I absolutely shed a tear or two of recognition regarding the outsider nature of this aspect, and the feeling of oddness being embodied (tall and gawky) and being considered an oddball.

    I also look forward to your second half of the article, as oddly enough, I am currently dating a man whose Moon conjuncts my natal Chiron. It will be wonderful to learn how to accept certain painful feelings that come up as my own, and not to project them onto the relationship. Much love and gratitude for the incredible insights.

  16. Dying to read it. Got entangled (but enough, alas) with someone whose Moon is very near my Chiron. And it’s a natal Chiron-Moon conjunction in that chart as well: different signs. Moon’s 29 Aries.

  17. Yup……I have Chiron conjunct moon in Aries (2nd house) square retrograde Saturn in Cancer (6th house) and totally get what you are saying.

    Really insightful article – can’t wait for the next bit!

  18. Good morning from France
    Dawn, thank you very much
    What a beautiful and very interesting article ! I was desperately looking for analysis about Chiron and Moon on french sites, I found nothing as usually , and of course, once again I find them HERE on your site

    Could anyone help me giving some meaning about this :
    in a man’s chart : Chiron conjunct Eros in Scorpio house 8, square Moon (conjunct Saturn) in Leo. Chiron both squares Moon and Saturn.
    I suppose this is something deep and complex and emotionally difficult to manage for this man , but it’s hard for me to understand. I just feel it.

    In synastry, the thing become even more complex to analyse:
    The man’s Chiron-Eros scorp 5°18 V :
    1) Conjuncts the woman’s natal Ceres conjunct natal Juno in Scorpio 4°18 and 4°20 . So , 4 asteroids are stuck there.
    2) Opposite woman’s Vesta in Taurus 5°56
    3) Opposite woman’s Moon in Aries 28°36
    While, female’s Chiron in aries 2°27 (natally conjunct NN) :
    1) conjuncts man’s Vesta in aries 4°11
    2) trines man’s moon in Leo 3°59
    3) trines man’s venus in sag 2°09
    4) exact opposite man’s venus/moon midpoint in libra 3° (opp 0,03)

    A big Chiron /Moon/Vesta imbroglio !

    What I find fascinating in astrology is,
    even when two people have no effective relationship between us, when you are deeply moved, touched and attracted with somebody, you always finally discover there are astrological aspects which probably explain why YOU feel so attracted with this person, why YOU feel as if there were psychological links with him , why this person seems to talk with YOUR soul.
    even if the reversal is not
    Are human beings’s astrological charts written on their faces ?
    Are they written on our body attitude, on our voices, on our skin, on our eyes, like cuneiforms writings carved on a tablet , so that other people can “read” them, even when they really don’t meet you nor touch you ?
    How can we perceive these things ?
    How is it possible…. You’ve being loving somebody for years and years with a totally no hope love, and finally discover this person’s sun is in your 7, your sun is in his 7, venus trines mars double whammy, his vertex conjuncts both your jupiter and venus/IC, your vertex conjuncts both his jupiter and venus,(man’s vertex axis conjuncts 1° woman’s MC/DC axis) and the latter, when you look at Chiron, you find his Chiron/Eros conjunct your Ceres/Juno and opposites your moon, while your Chiron/NN exactly opposite his Venus/Moon midpoint

    It is just too much, it is just MYSTERY.

    The most logical hypothesis, if there is one, is that the chart of every person on earth is written on the person’s face, eyes, attitudes, voice, everything, and so, other people can “read” it .

    What do you think ?
    do you think it is possible ?
    do you think our chart is “written” on our whole being ?

    Thank you for this site .
    Transiting Pluto conjuncts my descendant nowadays in Capri, ouch, and squares my NS in libra, ouch ! I feel like there is no peace of mind until I plough my soil to discover the root of things.:)

    (please forgive me for the bad english)

    1. Hello, Evelyne–Thank you for your kinds words about the site and your contributions to the discussions. However, I will ask you, and everyone else, to please refrain from sending questions that include long lists of aspects. Without looking at the entire chart, without seeing the angles, the rulers and dispositors, they cannot be interpreted and are useless. What I am trying to teach you all here is synthesis, the ability to look at a chart and find meaning in it without tearing it into shreds of aspects. All aspects are not equal. This is especially important to remember in synastry analysis. It smacks of desperation. We’ve all been there but it’s important to grow away from that and really look at the chart as a vital, living entity.

      Personally, I believe we are telegraphing the whole of our charts all the time. When the soul is born into time and space it carries the imprint of that time and space forever. What part of us people see and respond to depends on how the charts relate to one another. Also, the parts of ourselves that seek growth and fulfillment reach out to others who can facilitate this growth. I don’t think it’s much of a mystery, really. If you really respond to someone’s music, or painting, or acting, for example, there are bound to be powerful ties between the charts. It just makes sense.

  19. Thank you very much for your answer,
    I sincerely apologize, to the list of aspects I have written; I understand you can’t analyse the things just like that, without the entire synastry. I’m sorry.
    But I’m very glad , reading your answer concerning the “telegraph” and the things we feel about other people’s chartseven if these people are farfrom us. Concerning growth and the fulfillment certain people can bring us psychologically ;), it is certainly true too, no doubt, but until now I have not felt these positive points, just suffering until my early age ,followed by a single meeting which almost killed me. No doubt I will understand one day.
    thank you Dawn 🙂

  20. Nice post. When a woman’s natal moon is trine her partner’s natal Chiron while his Sun is trine her Chiron, what does that mean?
    Both orbs are about 3 degrees.

    Thank you

  21. Fascinating and Insightful !

    I googled Chiron conjunct Moon because my 8 year old daughter has this conjunction in the sign Capricorn in the 10th, it opposes Saturn in Cancer in the 4th…

    This article helps me to better understand this energetic dynamic, hopefully in turn I can understand her better.
    Thank You 🙂

  22. Hi Dawn,

    I’ve an acquaintance whose moon is square my chiron. My mon is trine his Chiron. In addition, my Chiron is conjunct his mc. Over the last two decades (we’ve had a friendly but not close relationship) I’ve dreamed of him several times, and my dreams have always reflected his circumstances pretty accurately. I would have to try to work back and check out the aspects during those times, to see if it was a transit that opened that particular portal. Excellent article, as always. Eagerly awaiting part 2.

    1. It’s very common with Chiron contacts–we have experiences on what can only be called ‘other planes’. Chiron carries a shamanic energy, and dreams are an important part of the archetype.

  23. WOW! What wonderful insight into Chiron/Moon. I can’t thank you enough. I have a grand cross (Chiron square ASC/Jupiter, opposite Pluto/MC, square Moon/DC). Chiron also is the 6th point forming a Star of David in my chart (except one sextile is out of orb). Your writing has given me much to contemplate. Can’t wait for Part II

  24. Whatsup people.. I have somethin interesting for u all to see. My chiron, north node and moon all conjunct themselves within one orb. My moon/nn is exact 10 libra and chiron is 9-57. In the seventh house. I dont care what u guys think i just kinda figured it would interest some of you cause its unique. And i would like to hear what some of u think.

    1. Hi Joe–this isn’t a forum. Sorry about your Saturn–Moon/Chiron opposition. I suppose that Saturn was kicking in when you said you didn’t care what anybody thought, because Moon/Chiron can be deeply sensitive. But unique, no. We’re all unique. I’ve seen plenty of tight Moon/Chiron conjunctions. Hard aspects involving the 7th house can mean that we don’t play well with others.

  25. Excuse me but, did the second part ever came out??

    I couldn’t find it 🙁

    Thanks and good insights 🙂

  26. Very impressive and insightful… Am researching my fiancés chart (chiron/moon opposition, moon being his chart ruler) the chiron/moon section describes him so succinctly it’s as if he were speaking the words himself. My ceres conjuncts his moon (chiron/Pluto/Neptune Yod with moon at activating point). This article is very helpful for me in understanding him and the nature of his emotional composition. Thank you for your brilliant work, looking forward to part 2.

  27. Sounds like me. I was born with a VOC Moon if I do not include Chiron. Using Chiron, my VOC aspect is the Moon in a waning square to Chiron. I have always based my sense of being different on most of my personal planets being conjunct the South Node, but your description fits even better. Thanks for your insight.

  28. Hi! Thanks for the article Dawn, really insightful =) could you help me with this: what would be the difference of a Moon conjunct Chiron in Cancer and Moon opposite Chiron, the former in Capricorn?

    And… how would they play out in synastry if they all aspect each other? both person’s Neptunes are close to that Capricorn Moon.

    1. The Moon/Chiron conjunction would have a certain affinity from sharing a sign and house position. There would be an element of understanding and sympathy. With the Moon opposite, in Capricorn, it may be more of a catalyst to growth via Chiron but would also be more fraught with conflict. Moon in Cap can be quite harsh and rigid; Chiron in Cancer is vulnerable about what is has to give and share and nurture. It has a hard time doing and sharing the things that matter most to it, and the Cap Moon may make that work difficult. It would be helped by other planets in water that can work with it.

  29. Dawn,

    Love your article. I searched and searched for information on Moon opposite Chiron (synastry) and finally found yours.

    I have known this person for years and the psychic entanglement has always been intense. Like you said, i was focusing on Sun, Venus, Mars and their aspects. A few days ago, I looked at the synastry chart again and I discovered that my T-square is completed by his Chiron (as the missing leg). The apex planet for my t square is Moon in 12th.

    I have read a wide range of information from describing that as disastrous to “repulsion with each other”. Still I had a hard time understanding the true meaning of these aspects.

    I will now read your Part 2.

    Thank you for the great articles.

    1. Pluto might have been repulsion, Chiron is not. With Chiron as a focal point, there is a great deal to learn and it might be a painful process. One of you may play teacher to the other. Or healer. Only to be abandoned again. With Moon/Chiron there is often a lingering feeling of abandonment or rejection that resurfaces from a past life together. It depends on how healthy your own reaction is to your T square.

  30. Hello Dawn

    I saw it mentioned somewhere in the comments that you plan to write an article on Chiron Saturn.
    Can I know how the opposition manifests?

    Thank you for the time.

    1. It can be painful, because Saturn is difficult enough on its own and Chiron must suffer its ‘here and now’ limitations in order to discover that it is, in fact, immortal. Saturn may feel abandoned by the universe, unable to touch the divine wisdom that Chiron promises. Chiron is sometimes not able to take the wisdom it has garnered from the outer planets and make something real (Saturn) of them. It’s a painful two-way road. When Chiron and Saturn work together, Saturn can build something concrete in the life and support the work that Chiron has done, allowing Chiron to show its knowledge. Chiron awards Saturn with the knowledge that life is not as limited as he previously thought.

  31. This is so accurate that i almost cried!! I have Chiron in the 12th opposite my moon in scorpio in the 6th…

  32. omg Helen I also have north node in libra associated with chiron, moon and venus. Mine is a t-square: moon (aries, 12th conjunct asc) opposite chiron (libra, 6th conjunct dsc), both square venus (capricorn, 9th conjunct mc). Close relationships have never been a good area for me, I used to blame it on everyone else until I moved away from home after high school and realized that the problems followed me. Now I’m working on it by working on myself. The hardest part is letting go, forgiving myself for all the mistakes I’ve made and avoiding the impulse to wallow in self pity. But chiron return isn’t until after 50, I don’t know if I have the patience and the thought of possibly going through more than half my life with this pain and dissatisfaction is terrifying.

  33. 5th house moon in leo square 1st house chiron/venus in taurus here

    i’ve often felt so disconnected from my moon and this article really struck a chord with me. thank you for writing this and helping to empower those of us who experience this other-worldly-ness and try to still live and thrive past the blockages, doubts and ruts. it warms my heart to see that others can relate to this as well.

  34. I am absolutely amazed; this makes so much sense! I have never known what it was about myself that made me so different. My Moon is in conjunction with Chiron in the 10th house under Taurus.

    “Chiron/Moon people often have difficulties with the whole concept of being embodied” – this, I have tried to explain to people, from a very young age, and most just think I’m nuts.

    “We know deep in our bones that we are not like ‘them,’ and yet are hard pressed to know why.”

    Thank you so much for sharing this information.

  35. Such a powerful post…I have a Chiron conjunct Moon synastry aspect with a person that I have a very complicated and strange relationship with…we also have deep past life connections. The love and psychic connection between us is something so immense I can’t put into words, but we also trigger eachother constantly. I’m the Chiron person, he is the Moon. Anyway, this post is powerful, thank you so much for posting this. I love your blog.

  36. I have moon 7th house Taurus opposition chiron 1st house Scorpio soo… Taurus moons are like the most ‘needy’, especially emotionally & physically, so the chiron aspect opposite scorpio could make this especially painful, right?


    1. I’m not sure that Taurus is ‘needy’ so much as security oriented. In the 7th, it wants a partner who will supply that. Chiron in the first house needs to learn to stand on its own identity and not rely on a partner. It’s a long, hard haul to individuation.

  37. Reading all this made my Super Afflicted Moon feel a little less like a wild but lonely creature.

    Btw, I’m a Moon square Mercury, Moon square Saturn and Moon square Chiron person. (yes…NO harmonious aspects to my Moon whatsoever. Heck, even all the most important asteroids are square to my moon. Am I a psychopath according to my chart or what??? o_O )

    Living with pain, Me vs Myself vs the world mentality, wanting to break free from your own body because it feels too weak to contain the storm of emotion inside….. eh it’s hard.

  38. Thank you, once again, Dawn. You’re incredible understanding of these sensitive areas is simply mind blowing.

    I’ve been struggling to understand a relationship and with your help, I’ve finally found the answer. My twin soul and I have simply chosen separate paths this round. Even if we tried to fight it, the stars would keep pushing us apart. There is peace in knowing this. That’s probably the most we can ask of the stars – guidance and reassurance that our lives are not somehow off track – we’ve only been trying go against the grain.

    You have my deepest gratitude. Thank you so much.

  39. I love your articles Dawn, they seem to speak to the soul and resonate in a healing way. For years I have stared at my natal chart and never seen Moon conjunct chiron. Also both of these opposite pluto and chiron opposing uranus. I thought I had a pretty challenging chart already, to suddenly see Chiron conjuct moon and opposite pluto just makes me want to put my head in my hands. To be honest sometimes discoveries in astrology can be so disheartening. I feel Im constantly in transformation mode, prob my 8th house Pluto. He is making difficult aspects to Chiron as I speak! Thanks for all your knowledge and help xx

    1. Don’t despair. Chiron combined with Pluto brings penetrating understanding of transformation. It also brings charisma, and the ability to heal. There is a bit of magic to Chiron/Pluto, and with the Moon there I’ll bet you can feel the healing energies within you, waiting to be used. You need to learn to channel them. Think of it as a challenge, rather than a burden. It can be a gift.

  40. Hi Dawn. I have a taurus chiron retrograde in the 7th house in my natal chart. How would that play out? Much thanks in advance.

  41. Hi Dawn, many thanks for this brilliant article, i resonate so much to this that is freaky!! I have Chiron in 12th house opposite my moon in scorpio in the 6th, i gradually have been quitting of trying to find any sort of security in my life through relationships, career, etc… my life seems to be built of a deck of cards, it just keeps crumbling down all the time. Lately i’ve been just trying to go with the flow of things, instead of seeking i’ve been asking life what it wants from me. It has soften it up a bit. Any way any insights on my particular case are very welcomed. All the best and cary on doing what you do 🙂

  42. I have Taurus moon in 7th conjunct Aries chiron exact on descendant from the 6th. Thank you for this beautiful, insightful piece on one of the most difficult aspects one can find untapped positive potential in.

  43. I have a 12th House Aquarius Sun (18*) and Saturn (20*) opposing a 6th House Leo Moon (17*) and Chiron (20*). I know this energy very well and I have gone through many majors changes in my spiritual and physical health. Its because of this hunger and saturn’s inner frustration from that feeling of being blocked that it pushes me to stay consistent and improve my fitness + anything spiritually related..

  44. I’m wondering what people’s opinions are on the soft,supposedly ‘harmonious’ aspects, such as the trine. With an 11th house Moon in Sagittarius trine a 3rd house Aries Chiron-Mercury conjunction, together with the Moon sextile Pluto, and 9th House Virgo Pluto opposition 3rd House Pisces Sun, the path of life has been ‘interesting’.

    By that I mean a lack of awareness brought about so much pain, anguish and frustration, for myself and others. The easy, unimpeded flow of a trine might become a healing gift with time and hard-earned wisdom. With a Saturn in 4th house Taurus, trine Pluto and bi-quintile Uranus (also conjunct Pluto), awareness of one’s compulsive patterns has led to personal coaching with hypnotherapy, combined with Psychosynthesis and evolutionary astrology. Again, with hindsight, awareness is key.

    That Moon, that evolving ego consciousness, (if only speaking for my own experience, and having shared a compassionate space with others, provides the crucible for the Self, i.e. the Sun, the truest expression of who we are in this life.

    1. Trines mean ‘flow’ that’s all. Sometimes it’s better if things don’t flow, depending on what they are. I prefer sextiles, they combine opportunity with energy.

  45. Just found this article – lots to think about here. I have a very prominent chiron in my chart :
    conj Asc
    sq moon (moon in Cancer in 4th house)
    sq mars
    sq MC
    opp mercury
    opp Uranus
    opp sun
    it makes no harmonious aspects to any planets.
    I also have a 12th house Pisces north node – I guess all signs are pointing to a more spiritual life.
    Very very difficult to try and heal all those wounds.

  46. Hi Dawn….I just found your page here while I was researching a grand trine and kite that I have in my chart involving Chiron, the Moon, and Mars (grand trine)…Mercury comes in opposition to Mars which Mars happens to be retrograde. Chiron is in Aries/11th House, the Moon in Leo/3rd House and Mars in Sagittarius/6th House. Mercury is in Gemini/12th House and Gemini is also both my Rising and Sun sign. I’ve only been getting more in-depth with astrology for the last few months and I’ve been somewhat hesitant about asking people for their views about my chart because I’m sure you all get that enough already. I think I have a pretty good grasp what they mean, considering how much everything I’m finding and reading is starting to make sense as I untangle all these lines in my chart. After reading this beautiful article, I felt inspired to ask what your first impression of these patterns would be. My Moon and Chiron are also invovled in a square key with Pallas and Saturn, but I don’t know much about that yet. Is part two written yet?

  47. so when that special person dies as his progressed chiron crosses my moon………and im left loving a ‘ghost’….you find that love is the only thing that is not destroyed by absence.

  48. “Many amateur astrologers ignore the Moon in synatry.”

    Clearly these “amateurs” don’t know the 1st and 2nd thing about astrology. The metaphysical origin of the Good and its reflection as the physical embodiment of Soul is explicit.

    The Moon rules the incarnation. Your soul is housed in the body. The Moon rules the body, the face (phase). The Moon simply borrows its light from the Sun. It quickly shifts. This is the meaning of the Moon in ancient astrology.

    Two Moons that are in aversion to one another, when living together in the same roof for some time will eventually separate instead of blend. The Moon rules living conditions, the home.

    Refreshing to your ears, I’m sure.

  49. Dear Dawn,

    What a powerful and sad article for me to read. I have, in synastry, a tight conjunction of Chiron/Moon and Chiron/NN (Chiron in 2nd house in both our charts) I believe this relationship is very karmic as we also have a Venus/Saturn conjunction, Venus/Karma (asteroid) conjunction and a SN/Karma conjunction, a Sun and Jupiter/ASC conjunction, Sun/MC conjunction and a Pluto/MC conjunction. They’re all pretty tight. Any advice? I don’t know if this will last. We have a considerable age difference between us…. 19 years with me being the older party. RUN????

    Thank you… All the best,


    1. With a 19 year difference, you should have the same nodes, or at least the nodes in the same sign. If so, you will be attracted to one another in order to learn how to ‘do’ your nodes. The Sun conjunctions to the angles bring light and love, but Chiron is always Chiron and you know that there will be a painful learning time at some point in the future. If you keep communication open, barring other circumstances there is no reason not to manage this.

  50. Would you say that Chiron conjunct IC is similar?

    I have Chiron conjunct my IC in gemini,

    there is a man i often think about. I have had feelings for him since about 2 years ago at my best friends wedding. His Sun is conjunct my IC and Chiron. I dont even live in the same state as him but he is part of this fantasy about going “home” that consumes me very often. I have doubts that he is even an emotionally healthy person to be with,, but at times it can be really hard for me to not have hopes that things will work out between us. Whats even more interesting is that his mother is the one who has tried to encourage us to be together.

    1. We are attracted by Chiron contacts because we want to heal. We believe that the individual will heal us in some way, or cause us to heal ourselves. Usually, once the romance dissolves, there is only pain left. Your need to go ‘home’ is being projected on this person; he can’t take you there.

  51. Hi Dawn,
    I came across this article and have a question. My brother’s moon is exactly conjunct my chiron. How does this affect our relationship. We have trouble being close and I often wondered who needs to put the effort in? Maybe this can shed some light. Is it my chiron that hurts his moon?
    Thanks !

    1. I suspect that Moon/Chiron is not your problem, although he may occasionally make you feel inadequate and small. He may also avoid you on the chance that he will find out that you are spiritually superior in some way, or are growing in a way that leaves him feeling uncomfortable. But I also suspect that other planets may be involved, perhaps Pluto or Saturn.

  52. Really good insightful article. Very re-assuring for me, having chiron/moon conj, 12 house, with venus retrograde 4 degrees away aswell. Life has been diificult and just don+t feel like continue lots of the time, but I do understand that the separation is the pain, and there will be ways to bridge the gap in the end. So thank you for this very great words. Lots of love, Mia xx

  53. Hi Dawn,
    Thx for all these wonderful articles! I never heard about chiron before crossing your website.
    I’ve discovered I have so many Chiron contacts myself, that I doubt I can have a non chironic relationship (Chiron on 12th house, in Áries, opposition Moon, sextile Venus, square Mars, Sextile Saturn, opposition Uranus, trine Neptune, square Nodes, conjunct Asc, square MC). In your experience is that common? Is there some hope? I feel like an alien, mostly of time but I also think I’m used to suffering, as the years passed.

  54. Wow, this really hit home. I have chiron conjunct my moon and ascendant opposing Uranus on my descendant making a mutable T square to my sun – with a stellium in the 4th house. The sign missing in that t square is Pisces but my north node happens to be in my 12th house so it just kinda further illustrated how all of these things click. Also, I’m a medium…felt like a freak for years because of being “different” but now I am finally embracing it and this article just further illustrates that truth.

  55. my natal chiron virgo is conj. lilith. fourth house.
    moon Aq. 10th ,Neptune 1 libra.5th. I rebelled in teens on justice balance issues and evenutally was severely physically emotionally painfully punished by my parents. I know how lilith felt. I settled into married life then but once the womens lib came I was influenced again and thereafter to rebel. I was repaid with 12th house spiritual harvest. I m ok economic ally too now but indirectly. However the changing freedom to wound speak easy is not very desirable. I say everytime there is normality in the family its like a home run. Buoys. Strengthen s.

  56. Thank you so much for this article.
    I’ve got some very mischievous astrology. Sag rising attached to neptune and pluto. I don’t know the terminology, my astrologer has told me they are literally connected. Also Taurus moon with Mars/Chiron. Scorpio ascendent.
    I relate to the entire article and am hoping you can provide some tools or advice about how to be in daily life, when the wound that will never be healed continuously creeps up and hinders the work I have to do in the world.
    Knowing this is half the battle, and to be frank, I am so tired of battling. How can I honor Chiron in me so that it feeds my work?
    (please forgive my lack of terminology, I’m a newbie and know just enough to be dangerous.)
    Thank you,

  57. Thank you deeply, from my unquenchable heart for this information. The spirit is my only hope in this world? This hole is not going to be filled otherwise? Thank goodness for the recent intense transits and progressions into awakened spiritual gifts.. including the Chiron square Chiron you wrote of lol. I need to start laughing more at the determination of my natal to become awakened in this life, instead of wallowing. Thank you for acting as a light house friend. 🙂

  58. This post really resonated with me. I have Moon in Cancer in 10th trine Chiron in Scorpio in 2nd (Chiron is also sextile my Venus/Mars in Capricorn. I have always struggled with feeling like I didn’t belong but wanting to belong. It’s just like you said I isolate myself thinking that trying to fit in only hurts more. Then I feel the longing to be like and connect with everyone else so I try to fit in. My efforts are then thwarted either by my discomfort or someone else reminding that I don’t fit. And the physical mark of difference, “the skin marking,” is spot on. I’ve had vitiligo since I was a baby. It marks the left side of my face so I feel like that’s where my wound started. Great Post!

  59. Thanks for your wise words. I have Moon in exact conjunct with Chiron (house 2) and both in opposition with Uranus (house 8) in my birth chart. I have so many other sqares and oppositions which seems to kill my self-worth, self-esteem so i can not relay nor on this two to find “security”. I dream every night and I often wake up so tired in the morning becouse of this. Maybe because of this insecurity and other stress now I’m dealing with very poor energy in 2. and 3. chakra and have hard work to improve this. Best Regards.

  60. Thank you ! This has been the most worthwhile piece I have ever read about Chiron… It has been so affirming for me. I will pass it on to other Moon/Chiron people I know… I would be very interested in reading more of your work. Thank you once again !

  61. Dawn, could you tell me please which is the orbs allowance for Chiron? Or up to which orb should I consider it a Chiron conjunction?

  62. Chiron conjunct moon here in Aries, in my 8th house 🦇 No wonder I’m finding this now – I’m getting close to my Chiron return!

    1. Hi Adam. My son also has this conjunction in 8th house in pisces. May I ask for a firsthand experience, how is your relationship with your mother? Thank you

  63. In this article, I consider myself and the events of my life so much … after all, a wisdom born of repeated public humiliations, exclusion, loneliness, and unattainable longings. everything else is accompanied by various losses.

    In my natal, I have MOON in Cancer in 9th house, conjuncting MC. And my chiron in cancer (10th house) makes conjunction with MC from another side.
    Even more – Chiron makes opposition Saturn in Capricorn (conjuncts IC) in 4th house… And in the 4th house there is also North Node. And Saturn conjuncts Neptune (3th house Capricorn), which makes a conjunction with Uranus (same hause and sign). All three planets (Saturn, Uranus and Neptune opposes Moon, MC and Chiron).

    Chiron is close to Jupiter (in Cancer), whics makes a conjunction with Venus (Leo in 10th house) and South Node (Leo, 10th house).

    That’s actually is one of the worst aspect combination… or at least the most difficult.

    The only consolation is Grand Trine, made by Saturn (Capricorn, 4th house), Mercury (Virgo, 11th house) and Mars (Taurus, 8th houses). By the way, Grand Trine also forms Kite together with Chiron in Capricorn (10th house), conjunctiong MC.

    So, as I understand, my healing and deliverance will come through public falls or humiliations … Because it has been many times, but by accepting, it frees me mentally.

    The only luck is Part of Fortune in 11th house (I have many really good friends, who helped me a lot).

    My SUN (in Leo) is in the 10th house, actually almost 11th house’s cusp, and makes square to MARS (in Taurus) in 8th house and another square to PLUTO in 2nd house (in Scorpion) (Makes a trine and sextile with Moon and Neptune).

  64. This has really resonated with me. My moon, Chiron and Jupiter are all in 8th house Taurus. I experienced a heavy/dark childhood and have always had that endless hunger for deep connection and security.
    Thank you

  65. Dear Dawn, may I ask how the conjunction plays out in the 8th house in pisces (moon)/aries (chiron) 1º degree orb for a taurus sun and leo ascendant? My son has this and I must confess it worries me a little bit because I read that it signals mother wounding. I love him more than anything and I am really invested in giving him the best emotionally wise but am afraid that I am not paying attention to something. He is only 3 so I would like to know if there s something I could do from a tender age to help him channel or deal with this aspect.

    Thank you

  66. The last few paragraphs of this article specifically are pretty accurate. It feels like all of the progress I’ve made in this lifetime was purely psychological.

    I have a Moon in Scorpio in the 10th + conjunct Chiron (also in Scorpio) + in opposition to Saturn, and oh boi it’s as bad as it sounds. Pluto is also right there in the 10th.

  67. Hi Dawn, great article, thank you !! I was wondering what the orb allowance are for Chiron/personal planets aspects in synastry. (In my case, it’s a Chiron-Venus trine at 5 degrees, and a Chiron-Sun square at 4 degrees. Can they be considered in aspect with those orbs ?)

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