Revisiting the Outer Planets:  Coming/Going Back Home

Revisiting the Outer Planets:  Coming/Going Back Home

Dawn Bodrogi September 2, 2024

I’ve been on a wild ride these past couple of years, teaching/facilitating courses on astrology and it relation to alchemy.  This last section, Alchemy Four, was particularly mind-bending in that we related astrology to quantum physics.  Not so much learning quantum mechanics (I am far from qualified for that), but relating what is common quantum truth to astrological truth.  

Our discoveries have been quite eye-opening, and are leading us to a new perspective on consciousness and its role in astrological interpretation.  If consciousness is the original a priori event, if it comes before everything else in the universe, then where to we find it in the chart?  On one level, we know that consciousness is behind everything in the chart.  But what we call awareness, and the growth and development of that awareness—where is that found?  Again, we can say that every aspect is set for our growth—the arrow of spacetime moves continually forward, from the perspective of where we are now—but where is the growth indicated in the chart?  What role does consciousness play as it changes our perception.

Perception—or the role of the observer—is at the heart of the quantum world.  My world is different from your world because we view it from different perspectives.   This seems obvious until we see that quantum mechanics tells us that, at its depths, all consciousness is one. Quantum mechanics tells us that without the observer there IS no world.  We are only a filter of perception.  There is no ‘I.’  (This expands and clarifies my definition of the Ascendant in my series, “The Roving I.”)

Now of course, there is an ‘I’ as we ordinarily perceive it.  To deny that would be craziness.  We can’t get through the world without a healthy sense of ‘I.’  But what would happen if we really ‘got’ it—that underneath the illusion of the perception of “I,” we are all one?  This is the part where quantum physics and the wisdom of the ages meet.

The Alchemy courses have caused us to redefine all of the planets, from the lights of the Sun/Moon to Saturn and all in-between.  Planetary order—the placing of planets from the Sun outwards, has played a surprising part in our redefinition of them, as has the placement of the natural houses they rule in the natal chart.  (Ever wonder why the lights are BOTH opposed by Saturn in the original rulership?  Cancer/Capricorn, Leo/Aquarius.)  There is much more to all this which will eventually see the light of day on The Inner Wheel, particularly in relation to Saturn.  But for right now, let’s get beyond Saturn.  Let’s revisit the Outer Planets.

We haven’t worked much beyond Saturn in the Alchemy courses, keeping to the alchemical version of a universe with Saturn at the limit.  Saturn as container, Saturn as the vessel for planetary energy.  But there is no denying the outer planets, and no denying that they belong to our modern world.  At base, we are still living in a mechanistic, causal, Newtonian universe represented by Saturn (which is called, by the quantum folk, the universe as it relates to large objects).  But modernity takes us beyond Saturn—straight into the energy of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

What does it mean to get beyond Saturn, to get beyond the mechanistic universe?  Saturn has a huge job to fulfill.  It must be, at once, the container of what was yet be open to what will be.  (Perhaps this has something to do with its role in Aquarius?) And it begs the question—are the outer planets preparing us for a different kind of universe?  Are they trying to help us get rid of the rigid “I” and move into a universe/multiverse where the concept of “I” is fluid and more in alignment with what is connected to the rest of the universe?

I have been as guilty as most of casting aspersions on the role of the Outer Planets.  You know, the ‘Oh, no, Pluto!” thing.  As an astrologer I try to focus on where growth should be, but it’s hard to do when the client has lost all of her friends, family, home, car and job.  (This is extreme, but it does happen under Outer Planet periods, usually when it hits by transit and progression at the same time.) We all know that Howard Sassportas called them, “The Gods of Change,” but change towards what?  What are we being pointed towards?  I call them, “The Three Bullies,” but bullies have a selfish, cowardly agenda.  “The Three Killers” may be better—if a little exaggerated and dramatic—but more in line with what actually happens.  Each of these planets causes us to die to some aspect of ourselves so that we can make way for something else.  And what is at stake?  The concept of “I.”  The Ego.

We are forced to let go.  Uranus will poke us with an electric cattle prod or a Taser,  Neptune will swirl us around in a dizzying whirlpool until we can’t hold on any longer, and Pluto will just hit us over the head with a plank, but we will let go.  Why?  Why all of this divine brutality?

I think Uranus and Neptune are much better buddies, and Pluto is outside the ranks in some way.  Uranus and Neptune were discovered fairly closely together in astronomical terms, Uranus in 1781 and Neptune in 1846.  Many of the people who became prominent in between those years had both Uranus and Neptune prominent.  The higher octave of Mercury and the higher octave of Venus (both, perhaps, as messengers of the Sun?  More on this later.)  Then came Pluto in 1930, and with him depth psychology, the faceless mechanization of the modern world, quantum physics and Twinkies. ( Well, forget that last one unless you think that the mechanization of food is one of the great horrors of the 20th century.)  And of course, Pluto heralded the rise of Hitler.  Enough said.  Pluto, the higher octave of Mars, the use of the will—what better a theme for a planet discovered in the 20th century.  Mars on the far-Sun side of the Earth.  The first cold planet.  Mars ruling iron.  

If the theme of Uranus is reworking our concepts (and our manner of connecting) to be more universal, and Neptune is working on our values, our definitions of love and attraction (and the way we connect on a heart level), then Pluto is working on our use of the will.  Who among us can say that, on the level of Mind, Heart and Spirit/Intention, we are functioning well, if not perfectly?  Are they working together in our lives?  Are they synchronizing?

All of the Outer Planets are asking us to connect in a new way.  They are trying to jolt us out of the prison of the ego and teach us that we are not alone—that we are only living in a perception of ‘alone-ness.’  If we allow them, they are trying to teach us that the universe is a responsive, living thing in which our contribution is necessary.  If we work on ourselves, we can change the world.  

We are working the chart in two ways, two directions.  On the one hand, we are moving from Aries to Pisces, from the ‘I’ of individuation through to the universal consciousness of Pisces.  But also, at the same time, we are moving from the universal state of pure consciousness through to the individual ‘I.’  The universe and its wisdom is filtering through us at the same time the “I” as an entity is working towards the universal truth.  This may seem like chaos or conflict but perhaps it isn’t at all.  Perhaps there is a magic in it, a breathing inward and outward of spirit through the filter of now.  I’d never really taken in why the Nodes move in the opposite direction from the planets.  Of course, technically it’s easy to understand.  But as a metaphor I felt it was puzzling.  Until now.

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