Synastry Q & A: Send in Your Questions

Synastry Q & A: Send in Your Questions

Dawn Bodrogi March 11, 2010

I’d like to remind everyone that I answer questions on synastry in the Synastry Q and ASynastry Q & A section. I encourage everyone to participate–it’s difficult for me to know what you’d like to know. The questions can either be general or specific to a chart or charts, though you’ll understand that we can’t do a full analysis here. Please form your questions so that they will be instructive for everyone.

You can send your questions to me at, or you can leave them in the comments on this page.

Also, I’ve updated my ‘Readings’ and ‘Classes and Tutoring’ pages. Please take a look if you have the time.



30 thoughts on “Synastry Q & A: Send in Your Questions

  1. Hi there – I just recently discovered your blog and I am only a novice in astrology. Your articles have completely raised the bar on my understanding of this art and your insight and experience are just amazing!

    My question is this: I recently had a synastry reading done and it turns out the fellow’s moon AND sun are in my 12th house. My astrologer said this means run in the opposite direction ASAP, that it is a sure indication that the fellow will cause me immense pain and will betray me in the worst way possible. All this based on the 12th house issue.

    What are your thoughts on this positioning? Is what she said true?

  2. Hi Susie–Welcome to the site. I hate when I hear stories like this. No astrologer should tell you to leave a relationship; our job is to outline the problems and leave you to make your own decision. People have a lot of crazy ideas about the 12th house. The twelfth is the repository of all our experience. Sometimes, it contains issues of which we are unconscious, and if another’s planets fall there, that person will bring those issues to light. A lot of times, this is a good thing. Sometimes, with 12th house planets there, we feel as if they know our secrets, and a very intense intimacy is possible. Much like the 8th house contacts, they will stir things up in our psyche. A lot of times they inspire us, or bring out our hidden talents.

    Please read the article on this site “The Twelfth House and the Double Inconjunct.” I think it will give you a better explanation the role the 12th house plays in relationships.

  3. Hi Dawn,

    I have many, many questions but I will limit myself to just one. The fellow that I am interested in (who is also interested in me) and I have 15 quindecile’s in our synastry. Yes I said 15. Does this mean that the fascination goes both ways? Several of those echo our own natal quindecile’s .

    1. I have to be honest with you. The quindecile is a relatively new re-discovery by Noel Tyl of an aspect that a German astrologer ( can’t remember his name now) elaborated on in the turn of the 20th century. As far as I know, only Tyl and a couple of his students have elaborated on it, and none of them have applied it to synastry. A quindecile, which indicates a kind of obsession, can only have a 2 degree orb. (Are you sure you have 15 between you?) At any rate, no one really knows how this aspect plays out between charts. We hardly know how it plays out in natal terms.

      Usually, obscure aspects like this one can be seen in much clearer and less oblique form elsewhere in the chart. What are the other signatures for obsession between you? It would be irresponsible of me to elaborate on the quindecile without more practical research, but I have plenty of experience citing mutual obsession in charts. Perhaps one of your other questions will serve the same purpose.

  4. I was curious about rare aspects in synastry, and if they make any difference? My boyfriend and I have tight septiles between our sun/moon:
    Sun Gemini/Sun Leo- 0 degree orb septile
    Moon Scorpio/Sun Leo- 1 degree orb biseptile
    Moon Scorpio/Moon Aries- 1 degree orb triseptile
    What does this mean?

  5. Hi, Autumn–Welcome. I’ll write something about the more esoteric aspects later this week. In your case, because the Sun and Moon are involved, they have more of a tendency towards manifesting in terms that we can observe, though they will never be something that alters or changes a relationship. The esoteric aspects tend to make their presence known in more elusive ways.

  6. I have another…what of the black moon lillith in synastry? My boyfriends sun conjuncts mine in Gemini in the 9th house.

    This is a very intense point for me because black moon lillith/chiron/sun-moon midpoint are all conjunct in Gemini in my natal chart! And not only that, it is part of a mutable grand cross with venus/jupiter/uranus!

    I know that chiron and sun-moon midpoints are important in synastry, but I have not heard much of how the black moon lillith contacts manifest?

    1. If your boyfriend’s Sun is on your black moon lilith, that means it’s also on your Sun/Moon midpoint and Chiron. You can’t separate a planet or point in a conjunction from the others there. The influences blend. The closest interaspect will be the dominant one.

      It’s important to remember that the Sun sheds light–it can do this by bringing both positive and not-so positive things from under the woodwork of your psyche. When someone’s Sun falls on anything in your chart, it illuminates the issues that you have with that planet or point. In the case of BML and Chiron, it can heal, but there will be pain involved–not only from the conjunction, but because his energy is pouring into your grand cross.

      BML is a complicated point in a chart. It’s the point of the Moon’s orbit where she is furthest away from the Sun, with all that symbolism entails. Because it involves soli-lunar interaction, it has a lot to do with relationships, and manifests differently in male and female charts. It has to do with where we feel most empty and unheard, yet can be full of creative power. I will have to explain it in more detail in order to do it justice, so I will write something on it soon.

  7. Hello, I really enjoy studying synastry….What happens in the situation of Saturn (Gemini) opposing Neptune (Sagittarius) aspects in double whammy in synastry? And they happen to be tight orbs? A lot of things I’ve read suggest unfortunate union or sorrow or etc. Obviously then in composite that would also be there. Would these aspects outweigh all the great stuff? Any tips in dealing with potential problems with this, Thank you!

    1. A lot depends on the relative weight of Saturn and Neptune in each of the charts. It can be problematic–Neptune can dissolve what Saturn builds, Saturn can put the kabosh on Neptune’s dreams–but it can also be very inspiring and constructive when they learn to work together. Why don’t you email the data to and we can do this as a Chart Workshop feature.

  8. “I’ve certainly seen enough evidence in synastries to know that, whether they are marriage indicators or not, Node/angle contacts are often present in the most profound relationships. It makes sense. When the Moon’s Nodes conjunct angles, psycho-spiritual development and integration is unavoidable”

    What if the North Node is making conjunction to Ascendant & Mercury and squre the midheaven? Who will feel the ‘impact’ more?

    Does trine and sextile from the Nodes to personal planet can be counted and give similar effect? Cos I have all the aspects above with my partner, plus his Node is trine with my Venus. And my North Node is conjunct his ascendant and square his MC.

    1. Node/angle contacts between charts are very complex, and really can’t be interpreted without taking the angle/node rulers into consideration. Angle/node contacts aren’t exactly something that’s ‘felt’–it’s more of a dynamic, with one person’s psycho/spiritual progress/path linking into another person’s. It’s more like a force field that binds, like magnetism.

      As far as aspects are concerned, the Nodes are much like progressions and directions in that only hard aspects, particularly conjunctions, squares, and sometimes inconjuncts, are actively felt between charts. The softer aspects buzz around in the background but don’t really play into the interaction. Both Nodes and angles are about development; soft aspects are like invisible helping hands, hard aspects make themselves known.

      I will be writing more about Nodes and angles as part of the series on the Nodes. Stay tuned.

  9. Hi Dawn…. I have a t-square in my chart.. Mars/cancer 10th house…. Mercury/aries 7th house… Saturn/capricorn 4th house…
    basically to THE degree at 6-7. I’m in a relationship for over a year now with a man who has Saturn/ libra @ 8 degrees… Right on the empty space of my t-square and conjunct my north node at 12 degrees Libra. His Saturn also trines my Venus @ 10 degrees gemini. Any advice on how to handle such a strong Saturn??……. Thanks. Rose

    1. The emphasis here is on your first house. When the first house encompasses the missing ‘limb’ of a T square, it means that you’re comfortable relating as and through ‘other’–family (4) partnership (7) and career/work (10)–but the missing bit is who you really are, without all those things to fall back on. Libra in the first makes it doubly difficult, because Libra is a relating energy and not prone to defining itself through itself. Your Aries SN in 7 emphasizes the ‘other’ orientation; and mainly through either your work (10th house Mars) or through a socially defined role. But who are you when that mask comes down?

      This relationship, for better or worse, should force you–well, gently force you–to define yourself in terms of your own authenticity. His Saturn in Libra will not allow you to look away or sweep things under the carpet. Saturn in Libra is serious about relating and means business, no matter what’s in the rest of the chart. It needs honest and straightforward negotiation in relationship. You can’t do that without defining yourself and your values, so that you learn to relate in a new way. That’s some of what your NN is asking you. When the Saturn in one chart conjuncts the NN in another, it doesn’t allow us to ignore what we need to become, the attitudes we need to adjust and the changes we know we need to make. The relationship will ask you to reexamine things you once took for granted, and you will have to decide whether or not change is right for you. Try to avoid becoming oppressed and look at things in a constructive way. Saturn always cooperates with constructive activity. Some days the opposition to Mercury will be the challenge, some days it will be the square to Mars or Saturn. Watch out for transits to these degrees. They will reveal a lot, even transits of the Moon.

  10. Thank you for your insight…. very helpful for me to learn to use Saturn constructively. I think I’m usually too much in my head.
    I’m watching out for the cardinal t-square which will conjunct and oppose my t-square in Capricorn, Aries and Libra. Fun!
    Also, I have another synastry question… His Mars/Scorpio is conjunct my Moon/Neptune conjunction in Scorpio…. do you have any advice on this aspect? Thanks. Rose

    1. I’ve written about Mars/Moon both here ( and in more detail in a two part article on the web site. Throwing Neptune into the mix, as always, muddles the fairly straightforward lunar/martial interaction.

      Men with Mars in Scorpio are not only very sexual, but they relate to the entire world in a sexual way–it’s all about penetration, whether it be mental, emotional, intellectual, psychological or physical. Your Moon is going to be very responsive to that emotionally–Moon/Mars conjunctions are very steamy. (Don’t forget that the Moon also rules the physical body, as the consciousness expresses itself through it). But Moon/Neptune is prone to illusions, and often it isn’t very good with boundaries–it doesn’t know where it ends and another begins. There is a danger of too much surrender with this aspect, particularly in Scorpio. It’s too willing to give itself over to intensity. Moon/Neptune can be very seductive as well, and there is power in that which you may or may not be aware of. There is a danger of using it to manipulate, either consciously or subconsciously. At its best, this interaspect will penetrate to the core of your illusions both about yourself and the world, and it will force to to face whatever false expectations you may have. This can be a very romantic and exciting aspect if handled well. You’re going to need your Saturn to balance this out., and his Saturn plugged into your T-square will help you.

  11. Thank you Dawn. Yes, I am very aware what a passionate aspect this is… and sometimes it feels too overwhelming. Being Scorpio Moon/Neptune I feel very vulnerable to his Mars energy. It’s reassuring to know I have a power of my own because when he’s around I’m constantly turned on… only a Scorpio moon could handle such intensity… at least I’m trying.
    Thank you again… Your site is very helpful and informative.
    Your perspective is enlightening.

  12. I was just noticing that my personal theme with this relationship is really about owning my own power. With North Node in Libra in the 1st house… it all makes sense.
    And with that strong Saturn tie between us, very karmic.
    Would you do Synastry Off the Cuff Readings as well?….

    1. I don’t do Off the Cuff readings for synastries, but I do something like it. Email me ( and we can discuss it.

  13. Dear Dawn,

    How about aspects between nodal rulers in one chart and planets or angles on the other chart?

    in nodal contacts, do trines and sextiles matter or only conjunctions are strong enough?

    what is your opinion on solistice points in synastry?

    Thanks in advance

  14. Hi arun,

    Thanks for posing these questions. I’m still recovering from the flu, but will get back to you on these as soon as my head is a little more clear.

  15. this thread still working? Can we ask anything..:-/

    I was reading up on Sidereal charts and I understood that the signs are not used in the same way as in Tropical interpretations and that Sidereal positions are based on the constellations.
    So in synastry does the Sidereal chart around the other person’s Tropical reveal anything?

  16. Dear Dawn,
    just in case you’re still answering synastry questions here I’ll have some on the importance of houses:
    a guy I’m very interested in, has his sun/venus/juno-conjunction (in leo) in my 12th house (all opposite my sun/juno(aquarius)/venus(pisces)-conjunction in 6th house), I don’t know his time of birth, but his mercury is by 3 degrees conjunct my asc (virgo) and his moon and pluto are (no matter his time of birth) definitely in my 1st house. I have pluto in 1st natal square my gemini moon in 10th. (due to similar age, our plutos conjunct, so if he has a natal moon/pluto conjunction (which it looks like) there may be a moon/pluto “double whammy” between us).
    I am very confused and feel a sense of good “soulmatish” familiarity and an immense pull I’ve never felt before and that I might share my deepest feelings with him … (I don’t know if you consider Vertex in synastry, but mine (in 6th) is conjunct closely (-1degree) on his natal north node/mars conjunction.
    In turn my north node (pisces 7th, natal quindecile my pluto) is quindecile his venus/juno (-1 degree) and his pluto (1,5 degree).
    So do you think my feelings result more from his “presence” in my 12th and 1st house or all of this together?
    Oh my, I hope this was not too much, but it’s a lot (more) that goes on here … anyway, I would be ever so grateful of your opinion … if only on the – in your opinion – most important aspects of this. Thank you 🙂

    1. Usually, when someone has a lot of planets in our 12th, we feel that they have something over us, they know something about us. It isn’t altogether an unpleasant feeling. But intense emotional ties don’t come from house positions alone. The individual planets are to blame, particularly the inner planets. These are the ‘tools’ of our emotional lives.

  17. Hi
    I just came across this synastry stuff a while ago and have a question.. When you look at the charts if you look at it in one way mans venus trines my mars, but when you look at it with my venus it is semi sextile to his mars. So what way are you supposed to interpit it? Does both ways have an effect on your attraction and romance life? Which one is more dominate?

    1. Just think of it as a double-whammy Mars/Venus connection, the trine stronger than the semi-sextile because it’s Ptolemaic. There will be occasional disagreements in this area because of the semi-sextile.

  18. My prospective new female dentist that needs to do quite a lot of complicated work has natal Saturn at 6 Libra almost exactly opposing my natal Sun at 5 Aries in the first house. I also have Saturn in Aries quite close by at 14 degrees.

    Should I steer clear?

  19. I am trying to understand the synastry placements with a person I met recently. I seem to have been taken by them immediately, the attraction feels intense and I like them A LOT. However I just don’t seem to know how to communicate with them or approach them. I hope to understand if this is something to do with the placements in the synastry. I would be so grateful if someone can help with these exact aspects in the synastry:

    Sun conjunct Moon (Virgo)- 2°08′ orb
    Mars conjunct Venus (Leo) – 0°17’ orb
    Ascendant conjunct Venus (Leo) – 2°42’ orb
    Pluto conjunct Moon (Scorpio) – 7°07’ orb
    Neptune conjunct Saturn (Capricorn) – 1°31’ orb

    Sun square Ascendant – 0.41 orb
    Pluto opposition Mars (Scorpio & Taurus) – 3°49’ orb
    Ascendant square Pluto (Leo & Scorpio) – 2°11’orb
    Mars square Moon (Leo & Scorpio) – 1°09’orb
    Mars square Pluto (Leo & Scorpio) – 0°13’ orb

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