The Soul in Motion — Progressions One

The Soul in Motion — Progressions One

Dawn Bodrogi April 4, 2020

A new, revised version of the Progressions One course will begin scheduling classes for the second half of September.  While you still will need a developed set of astrological skills to interpret progressions, I believe that the class is more friendly now for those who do not have extensive experience.  If your skill set is very good, we will take the classes to a deeper level.  If you are an intermediate student,  you will not be lost along the way.

Secondary progressions are essential to proper natal chart interpretation.  The natal chart is the map of our potential, but the progressed chart reveals who and what we are becoming and what we need to do to get there.  It explains where our soul is now in terms of our own development, and what particular challenges we must face on that road to self-realization and self-actualization.  The Progressed chart allows us to interpret a deeper level of the natal placements,  especially when we are considering  the meaning of transits.  For example, two people who have transiting Pluto conjunct the Descendant in the natal chart may be having difficulties with the use and abuse of power in their relationships–but the person who is experiencing a Progressed New Moon needs to learn something very different from the experience than the person who has Progressed angular Mars square Saturn.   A transit may mean a million different things to a million different people, and it is only when we add secondary progressions that we understand the ‘why’ of the lessons.  Transits will merely reveal the ‘what’ and the ‘how.’   And  transits to the progressed chart will reveal yet another layer of meaning.

The Progressed chart really reveals its value during internal crises or the dark night of the soul.  There are times in life where the change required is deep and profound, yet so is our resistance to it.  We suffer, without really knowing why.  The progressed chart always reveals the meaning of personal and psychological transitions in a way a transit alone cannot touch.  Without progressions, we are missing the real ‘meat’ of the chart–and can often miss the boat regarding our necessary direction.    Progressions will reveal what a client is ready, willing and able to hear, in a way that natal interpretation cannot begin to touch.  They reveal, very simply and powerfully, where we are at and what we need to do at any given time.

This course will delve into progressed interpretation in a way not done before.  I have used secondary progressions extensively over many years, and have discovered patterns in interpretation and techniques that are exclusive to this course.  Many people become confused in comparing the progressed chart to the natal.  This course rethinks the meaning of progressions and gets us beyond that confusion. Many astrologers today dismiss the progressed movement of the outer planets and the Nodes–I say do this at your peril, because, when the time is ripe (which the progressed chart reveals) those outer planet energies are the cause of the most surprising and dramatic changes in our lives.

Above all, this course teaches how to use secondary progressions as a  map of the soul in motion.  We’ve all heard, “As above, So Below.” Secondary progressions are the substance and the meaning that links the two.’   You will never see natal issues, questions and problems laid out so clearly as you do when secondary progressions are triggered, and you will find more answers there in the chart symbolism than you have ever before.

I have numbered the classes at seven, but they will be of varying lengths.  Most classes, especially the beginning ones, will run an hour to and hour and 15 minutes.  As we get on, depending on the student, they may run longer, and certainly one, lesson 5, is a double lesson.  There is a bit of ‘homework’ and reading but it isn’t enough to get in your way.  I will be providing charts for most of the classes.


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